Volumes / Supplements / 8

Archeologia e Calcolatori 8 - 2016

35 articles

ARCHEOFOSS. Free, Libre and Open Source Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IX Workshop (Verona, 19-20 giugno 2014)


The Proceedings of the 9th Workshop "ARCHEOFOSS Free, Libre and Open Source Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica" are published in the 8th Supplement to «Archeologia e Calcolatori». The Workshop was held at the Polo Universitario Zanotto of the University of Verona in June 2014. The Department of Cultures and Civilizations and the Department of Computer Science, in cooperation with the ArcheoFOSS Scientific Committee, promoted the organisation of the Workshop. More than thirty selected articles, subdivided in three sections (Standards and cataloguing rules, GIS applications and case-studies, Data sharing and dissemination) reflect the various issues that have characterised this edition. In the course of two intense days of presentations and tutorials, special emphasis was laid on the use free and open source software in archaeology and on issues related to open data, data sharing, accessibility and preservation strategies, which are currently at the centre of national and international debates. The Workshop ended with a moment of reflection, resulting in the general opinion that times are rapidly changing and archaeologists are witnessing a revolution that will certainly have a profound and significant long-term impact in the years to come.

ARCHEOFOSS. Free, Libre and Open Source Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IX Workshop (Verona, 19-20 giugno 2014)

Edited by Patrizia Basso, Alessandra Caravale, Piergiovanna Grossi

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Patrizia Basso, Alessandra Caravale, Piergiovanna Grossi


Preface to the Workshop.

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Patrizia Basso, Piergiovanna Grossi


Introduction to the Workshop.

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Verso gli Open Data: l’ICCD e gli standard nazionali. Alcune riflessioni per un quadro metodologico condiviso

Maria Letizia Mancinelli, Antonella Negri


As established by the Italian cultural heritage laws, as part of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism (MiBACT), the Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation (ICCD) coordinates procedures and tools for cataloguing and documenting cultural heritage. The ICCD has consistently focused its operational policies on dialogue with other institutions involved in the management of cultural heritage (other offices of MiBACT, Italian Regions, the Italian Episcopal Conference, Universities and Research institutions and, more recently, foundations and private associations). The need to identify rules and methods governing the sharing of knowledge in the world of cataloguing has become a priority in the era of the computer revolution. In the 1990s the first definitions of standard models for the acquisition of data and protocols for the exchange of information were established. Those tools have gradually evolved into the current system of regulations. The attention to open data/linked open data is, for the ICCD, the natural outcome of an institutional process always aimed at comparing and sharing knowledge. With the development of SIGEC (General Catalogue Information System), which allows the management of the entire production process of cataloguing, the ICCD facilitates interoperability with external systems and the information process for the public use of data. The paper focuses on the strategies and tools developed by the ICCD on the basis of its experience, to allow the widest sharing of knowledge.

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Considerazioni sugli Open Data e i beni culturali e paesaggistici in Italia. Il decreto Artbonus: cosa cambia per la riproduzione dei beni culturali

Marco Ciurcina, Piergiovanna Grossi


Recent changes introduced by the Italian Artbonus Decree indicate that it is now possible to reproduce and communicate to the public photographs of cultural heritage objects under certain conditions (those indicated in section 108, paragraph 3-bis of the Code of cultural heritage and landscape). Systematic interpretation suggests that the rules in the Code of cultural heritage and landscape do not prevent the so called ‘freedom of panorama’, i.e. the possibility to take and publish external and panoramic views of monuments and sites considered as part of the cultural heritage.

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Banche dati e comunicazione tra crisi dell’archeologia e riforme del MiBACT

Gian Pietro Brogiolo


The most radical change in human history, which occurred rapidly within a few decades, is leading to a loss not only of historical memory, but also areas of expertise and thus socio-economic alternatives to the new globalized society. At the same time, the holistic approach to the study of historical evidence has finally dealt a blow to the system of protection that uses inadequate tools. As practiced by the specialized Superintendencies, it is no longer able to deal with the unending proliferation of material data which is now considered useful for the understanding of our past. This dual crisis challenges the redesign of the system of protection implemented by Dario Franceschini, current Minister of the MiBACT (Ministry for Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism), launched with the Prime Minister’s Decree of August 2014 and continued with the new proposal of January 2016. Redesign, however, will not improve the current situation, without a real polycentricy able to involve a plurality of actors and to propose new meanings of the past for the man of the twenty-first century.

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Open Data in archeologia: una questione giuridica o culturale

Mirella Serlorenzi, Ilaria Jovine, Valeria Boi, Milena Stacca


Archaeological research responds to the ultimate purpose of increasing common knowledge, the conservation and dissemination of which are entrusted to the State on behalf of the citizens. Following this basic principle, which is not only legal but first and foremost cultural, the SITAR, a project designed and managed by the archaeological Superintendency of Rome, is dealing with the issue of making archaeological data accessible to the public. The office’s archives represent a major repository of archaeological field reports, often unpublished. To date, SITAR has made archaeological data freely accessible online, through the publication of summary sheets of information extracted from field reports, previously validated by State Officials. Up to now the documents have been accessible only to registered users, but they are not published online because of privacy protection and authorship rights. The debate about the rights of publication of those documents is still open, so this persistent legal uncertainty prevents this great fund of knowledge from taking advantage of the digital revolution.

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RAPTOR 1.5. Aggiornamenti e sperimentazione

Matteo Frassine, Giuseppe Naponiello, Stefania De Francesco, Alessandro Asta


RAPTOR (Ricerca Archivi e Pratiche per la Tutela Operativa Regionale) is a geo-database developed in order to supply officials of the Italian Superintendency for Archaeological Heritage with a user-friendly instrument to handle those daily administrative practices that have an impact on the territory. The system, two years after it was presented for the first time during the 2012 ArcheoFOSS, has been tested and developed in order to refine the computer-supported procedure that now enables us to manage the whole variety of work carried out in every kind of geographical context, including urban and marine sites. The mapping of the archaeological results is also envisaged. Part of the computer procedure consists of a quick recording system, which allows the official archaeologist to register the basic data including geographic features of an archaeological site or of areas with no archaeological evidence. At the same time, a more detailed analysis is also possible. Geometries can be linked to the site information sources and the whole available scientific record can be uploaded. In this way, it is also possible to manage the most complex sites. Archaeological firms can log on to the system to upload the excavation reports drawn up in line with the standards outlined by the Superintendencies.

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Il progetto SITAVR (Sistema Informativo Territoriale Archeologico di Verona). Il racconto di un esempio di riuso e collaborazione virtuosa in ambito di Pubblica Amministrazione

Patrizia Basso, Piergiovanna Grossi, Brunella Bruno, Giuliana Cavalieri Manasse, Alberto Belussi, Sara Migliorini


In 2011 a joint venture between the Archaeological Superintendency of Veneto and the University of Verona initiated a project for the creation of a Geographical Information System to collect the huge amount of data related to the historical and archaeological heritage of the city. In order to avoid the development of this project from scratch, a very useful collaboration was initiated with the Special Archaeological Superintendency of Rome and, in particular, with the team in charge of creating a similar application (SITAR Project). During the project, the application schema was documented using GeoUML while the metadata for the dataset were described using ISO Standard 19115, that allows us to bring standardization and define interchangeable data formats for archaeological data among several European institutions. At the same time, all of the available data, already published or not, were being collected and validated under the supervision of the Superintendency. A lot of work still remains to be done on the two fronts. On the technical side, the existing user interface has to be improved and put on the web; on the contents side, geological data and data for the medieval period have to be added to the database, in order to allow studying the evolution over time of the area we are examining.

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QuantumGIS per il monitoraggio e la conoscenza del patrimonio archeologico e ambientale dell’Area Marina Protetta di Porto Cesareo (Lecce, Italia)

Cristiano Alfonso, Giacomo Di Giacomo


Morphological changes in the coastline are related to numerous natural factors of erosion and accumulation, in addition to human actions. These changes have their effects on the entire coastal landscape and, over time, they have left their mark on the territory, enabling us, with the help of archaeological analysis, to hypothesize the scenario of previous landscapes. In this project, we tested a multidisciplinary study of these phenomena, through an innovative system for the interpretation of the modern landscape, based on the diachronic reading of previous landscapes. A level of knowledge of this type implies the integrated management of a large amount of heterogeneous data. Datasets available for this project include information acquired through the use of instruments to scan the seabed as well as data from aerial and satellite platforms both historical and recent, as well as Lidar data. QuantumGIS has proved the most effective tool to manage all the data through their indexing. Geographical data has been stored in a geospatial database based on PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension. All the data acquired were managed through QuantumGIS thanks also to the acquisition of new information. When the project is completed, it will be possible to reconstruct the evolutionary dynamics that led to the current situation and also to predict, with relative accuracy, future scenarios. In this paper we are presenting the preliminary results of this study, focusing on the methodologies used and the results obtained.

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QuantumGIS per la gestione dei dati dalla survey 2013 a Helawa nella piana di Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq

Luca Peyronel, Daniele Bursich, Giacomo Di Giacomo


The 2013 season of fieldwork of the Italian Archaeological Expedition in the Helawa/Aliawa Area (MAIPE-Missione Archeologica Italiana nella Piana di Erbil, Kurdistan) was conducted by the University IULM of Milan, with the cooperation of IBAM-CNR of Lecce and the Sapienza University of Rome. The investigation focused on a small part of the South-Western Erbil plain and included two main mounds, Helawa (South) and Aliawa (North). A complete topographic plan was created starting from the measurements taken with differential GPS (for DEM and GIS elaboration). The collection of materials on the surface enabled us to make a preliminary assessment of the main periods of occupation at the site, spanning from the Late Neolithic (Halaf and Ubaid periods, 6th millennium BC) to the Middle Assyrian period (13th-12th century BC). The project of acquisition of topographic and archaeological records from the intensive survey conducted on the site involved the use of open source tools. All data were organized in a GIS system based on QuantumGIS and metadata are now stored in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS database, allowing for the subsequent phases of mapping elaboration. The topographic work produced a complete archaeological space-map, with distribution of materials on the surface, sections of the site, a digital elevation model and all the data collected during the survey entered in a webGIS. This paper illustrates the state-of-the-art of this GIS project, and introduces future developments like the web data-entry interface written in PHP, and the webGIS based on GeoServer and GeoExplorer.

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Il Sistema Informativo Archeologico di Roma antica e del suo territorio: una migrazione verso sistemi Open Source

Fabio Giorgio Cavallero, Gianluca De Rosa


The Sistema Informativo Archeologico di Roma Antica e del suo Territorio was created by the Sapienza University of Rome. The system was initially designed on a proprietary software platform. Its complexity stems from the fact that it included all the structures and the objects found in Rome within the Aurelian walls. A research team led by F.G. Cavallero assisted by G. De Rosa is dealing with the system migration to an open source software (QGIS and PostgreSQL/PostGIS). The difficulties encountered in this process and the strategies used to overcome them are the subject of this paper.

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Dai sistemi proprietari non comunicanti a un sistema integrato di gestione dei dati di scavo e delle indagini geofisiche: il caso del sito della Casa delle Bestie Ferite (Aquileia)

Lucia Michielin, Guglielmo Strapazzon


This paper illustrates a GIS system for the management of the excavation and geophysical data of the Aquileia Bestie Ferite Domus research project. Since 2012 all the project data have been collected in different systems set up with closed software without a means of dialogue between the two systems. An AutoCAD file collected the SU (Stratigraphic Units) survey while all the alphanumeric data were organized within a FileMaker Database (AdaM: Archaeological DAta Management). In recent years a GIS platform (Esri ArcGIS) has been added, containing the output of the georadar surveys. The first step dealt with the selection of the cartographic reference system (Gauss-Boaga). On the basis of the Gauss-Boaga reference system, the transformation from CAD to shape files was conducted. Simultaneously, the cartographic and the geophysical data were implemented within this system. The project is still in progress and the next steps will deal with the linking of the database and with the updating of the new excavation campaign data. The final goal is the implementation of a QGIS based platform for the filing of archaeological data.

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L'acquedotto romano di Alba Fucens (AQ). Un GIS per il processo di ricerca, tutela e valorizzazione del sito

Dario Rose, Emanuela Ceccaroni


The study case of the Roman aqueduct of Alba Fucens, Massa d’Albe (AQ), Abruzzo region confirms that GIS is an essential tool for archaeological research on the territory and for the planning of archaeological safeguarding activity. The colony of Alba Fucens, founded at the end of the 4th century BC, during the late-republican age, was provided with water by an aqueduct that, thanks to the channel and to an inverted siphon, was capable of bringing water from a distance of 10 km. All research records are organized within the GIS, which is a necessary tool for many reasons: the development of the study, the constant verification of the data, the publication of the research results, and also the archaeological safeguarding and monitoring activities. The GIS open source (gvSIG) is the ideal common platform for the institutions working on the cultural site (Superintendency for the Archaeological Heritage, University, Natural Regional Park), as it allows us to share the data and to perform particular thematic elaborations and planning activities. The possibility to share the difficulties with the community of reference (gvsig-italian at lists.osgeo.org) and to participate in their solutions, stimulates open software development and assures the longevity of GIS products, which is always subject to upgrades and research requirements. On the GIS platform other kinds of useful information are mapped, considering that the aqueduct runs in an urbanized area. Therefore, every single problem detected can be marked for security and maintenance intervention. The GIS platform can also be used for touristic control and vigilance purposes. The development of a walking tour along the course of the aqueduct, from the sources to the archaeological area of Alba Fucens, which is inside the Sirente-Velino Natural Regional Park, will allow visitors to discover it and to enjoy learning about the ancient Roman construction, thanks to a guide and to the educational contents using the webGIS interface.

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Fotointerpretazioni archeologiche su dati cartografici web-based in ambiente QGIS: alcune applicazioni nel territorio aquilano-vestino

Serafino Lorenzo Ferreri


This paper concerns the archaeological potential of the cartographic data available online, such as satellite imagery used by Bing Maps and Google Earth and orthophotos published on the National Geoportal or in that of the Regione Abruzzo. The characteristics of these data, together with their immediate availability and the ability to uploaded in QGIS, allow us to operate photo-interpretations by video, vectorizing archaeological traces and anomalies. This methodology was applied in the Vestino territory, in the province of L’Aquila, a particularly suitable area for archaeological research based on the use of remote images, as demonstrated by IBAM-CNR project, that led to the identification of many traces of burial areas, buildings, roads and farming systems. Through the procedure mentioned above, we added several new traces of archaeological sites. Only a very small portion of them - limited to burial sites - were excavated between 2012 and 2014 by the University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti.

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La digitalizzazione dei documenti, i database e il GIS nell'ambito della ricerca topografica: l'esempio dei possessi dell'abbazia di Farfa (RI) tra VIII e IX secolo

Alessio Innocenti


Through modern technologies we are able to use medieval documents for topographic studies in a more efficient way. It is easier to read and use a document once it has been digitized and recorded in a topographic database. The present study is based on a partially computerized archive of one of the most important medieval cartularies, the Regestum Farfense. The topographic database was linked to a GIS software, QGIS, in order to create a thematic cartography about the properties of the Farfa abbey. Both cartography and database were made with open source software (LibreOffice and QGIS). Thematic layers were created using data collected in the database, which contains some important fields, such as Chronology, Property Type (Fundus, Casales, Gualdus, Curtis, Ecclesia, Monasterium), Acquisition Type (Purchase, Donation, Exchange), Location (Known-Hypothetical, Exact-Areal), useful for cartographic purposes. Thanks to these computer applications, new insights into some important historical and archaeological questions emerge, like the role of the abbeys in Italy during the Lombard and Carolingian periods. In addition, it is vital for research activity to be able to read a document in a faster and easier way. In fact, documents often reveal new information when we manage them with new instruments.

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Analisi statistiche e geostatistiche con PyArchInit: prima sperimentazione

Enzo Cocca, Luca Mandolesi


The analysis of the spatial distribution of archaeological records combined with geostatistical techniques plays a primary role in the field of prehistoric archaeology because this methodological approach can be used to understand if a real or chance spatial correlation exists between archaeological records. This essay presents an approach to this issue which makes use of statistics, databases and GIS open source tools in a one-solution instrument based on QGIS desktop environment, in order to study an important archaeological site in Northern Italy (Fumane Cave, Verona). Since archaeology is an intrinsically spatial discipline, the team chose a spatial quantitative approach like the multivariate geostatistics (which is usually used for mining and environmental analysis), by managing the quantitative fieldwork information as regionalized variables. In this way, interesting spatial correlations were evaluated by imposing linear coregionalization models on experimental semivariograms and cross-semivariograms. Moreover, the team conducted this analysis by creating a tool that integrates several powerful R libraries such as Gstat for spatial distribution analysis of data, implemented in DBMS PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension.

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WebGIS interdisciplinari e questioni di metodo: il progetto Le fonti per la storia

Francesca Brunet, Alberto Cosner, Giuseppe Naponiello


The paper describes a project named Le fonti per la storia, a heterogeneous collection of historical sources organized in a unitary and homogeneous archive, which is the result of a five-year research project. The sources investigated - mainly archaeological, archival, architectural, art historical, bibliographic, oral, photographic and based on material culture - all are to be found in the Primiero (TN) territorial district. The project has developed a complex database system, organized by different levels of analysis and by fields of investigation that are closely interrelated. This system is totally based on open source data management programs and the whole project is Creative Commons-licensed.

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OpenCiTy Project. Open Data, GIS, webGIS per l'archeologia urbana e il patrimonio culturale di Catania

Daniele Malfitana, Giuseppe Cacciaguerra, Antonino Mazzaglia, Samuele Barone, Valerio Noti


The intent of the OpenCiTy Project is to create a platform able to produce, collect, manage and share heterogeneous information, in order to increase community awareness about the history of Catania. The first goal is to provide a powerful and versatile instrument linked to the research needs, the protection, enjoyment, appreciation and promotion of the Cultural Heritage. The core of the project consists of a relational database specifically structured and placed inside an Open Source GIS Platform, allowing a full management and analysis of the data on a geographic basis. The data in the platform will cover different areas of interest. The archaeological, monumental, environmental and cultural evidence of Catania are stored with a high level of detail in order to offer a better understanding of the complex urban stratification. The final output is represented by a webGIS platform showing the information on geographical base.

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Uno strumento webGIS per lo studio e l'analisi dei percorsi spazio-temporali del patrimonio culturale di Cipro

Valentina Vassallo, Niki Kyriacou, Sorin Hermon, Ioannis Eliades


The Byzantine Museum of the Archbishop Makarios III Foundation in Nicosia (Cyprus) hosts numerous artefacts, dating from the 6th to the 20th centuries A.D. Some were looted from the Turkish-occupied areas of the island and have recently been repatriated. A webGIS tool under development, stores information regarding these artefacts and their spatial and temporal characteristics. The user can navigate through the history of the artefacts and have different views of the area. The GIS structure is based on micro geographical scale and it will be expanded to macro. In the micro scale the artefacts originally located within the city walls of Nicosia have been mapped. The macro scale project will cover Cyprus and other countries, where the artworks were initially located and to which they ‘travelled’. The aim is to visualize the spatial and temporal movement of the artefacts and retrieve some statistical data regarding their original provenance and the places where they were located after being illegally exported. The users can visualize information through the artefacts metadata documentation.

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ArcheoFi (archeologia.comune.fi.it): un sistema informativo per la gestione e condivisione dei principali dati archeologici di Firenze

Gabriele Andreozzi, Giuseppina Carlotta Cianferoni, Carlo Francini, Annica Sahlin, Emiliano Scampoli


ArcheoFi is a tool for sharing archaeological information between the City of Florence, the Superintendence and private companies operating in the city. Its purpose is to help scholarly research and build a city planning project that takes into account the complex reality of the urban underground. ArcheoFi aims to provide a simple interface, easily accessible via the web, with the main archaeological data and maps of excavation from 1860 to the present. ArcheoFi has a public open access part and a private one, accessible thorough a login and password. The public part is a web site that allows search of archaeological data, viewing of photos and maps. The private part is reserved for authorized users and contains more specific information and the forms for data entry. ArcheoFi is made with open source client and server side software (php, js, java). The data is stored in a Postgres-PostGIS geo-database and is shared through WMS services that can be displayed in all desktop GIS.

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Sperimentazione di un sistema GIS cloud open source per la condivisione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio archeologico

Giacomo Di Giacomo


The ability to index and quickly retrieve heterogeneous information from a shared space, makes the cloud an extremely effective tool for the remote sharing of archaeological data. It becomes even more useful when there is a cartographic engine in the dashboard that can handle the geographic information in the cloud. The Laboratory of Ancient Topography, Archaeology and Remote Sensing of IBAM-CNR, is experimenting a GIS cloud entirely made by integrating a variety of resources with open source licence. The cloud platform of the system is implemented with the software own cloud, which, through a MySQL database server, implements the access control. A hyperlink in own cloud redirects users to the mapserver, which at this stage of development is QGIS server; the data entry is done through QGIS Desktop and a QGIS project allows users to enter data into a PostgreSQL db. Through this configuration, data entered from any desktop device are available immediately in the cloud. Testing of the system has already begun on Lecce and Taormina, where the creation of archaeological digital maps are in progress. These research activities are parts of more complex projects that also involve other agencies: the Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Salento for the Archaeological Map of Lecce, and the Department of Classical Studies, University of Messina and the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage and Environment of the Province of Messina for the Archaeological Map of Taormina.

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Condividere la conoscenza di un progetto: la knowledge base del SITAR

Arjuna Cecchetti, Federica Lamonaca


On the occasion of the 2013 edition of ArcheoFOSS, the SITAR Project presented the first steps towards the setup of a Knowledge Base dedicated to the Archaeological Information System of Rome. After one year, it is interesting to present a summary of the progress of this platform. The SITAR Knowledge Base was created to promote collaboration among different partners and to facilitate the dialogue and the interaction of the users with the Information System. The project itself intends to be a meeting-point between the Institution, that has the objective to preserve, organize and represent archaeological data, and all the parties that need to use and reuse them. The dialogue is well-supported also by a wiki environment, a SITAR-glossary with official definitions of the specific terms of the project and with an open wiki for the contributions of specialized users. This paper intends to explore the perspectives of the SITAR Knowledge Base, as a system for open content management and as a dissemination instrument for archaeological and technical knowledge, creating constant two-way traffic for the construction of new archaeological knowledge while, at the same time, disclosing to the public the dataset represented through the webGIS encountering the communities that live in the city in a perspective of Public Archaeology.

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Prospettive sull’utilizzo del Building Information Modelling (BIM) in archeologia

Alberto Licheri


The significant technological advances in restoration methods and the potential of three-dimensional graphical representation of monuments have brought huge benefits to the understanding and communication of the archaeological heritage. At the same time, they have formed, and continue to be, a critical issue that has forced the scientific community to question and discuss the methods and principles universally recognized and shared that are applied in virtual archaeological reconstruction. The impetus given by the evolution of the software representation of three-dimensional graphics, also open source, prompted a massive production of images of hypothetical virtual reconstructions which adhere more or less to the historical data. This modus operandi has come up against the fundamental principle of scientific transparency and critical interpretation of the work. To deal with this problem a possible evolution of computer-based visualization applied to archaeology is required to analyze and question the three-dimensional models produced, so that they can be modified on the basis of the new acquisitions and new interpretations. A model that seems appropriate and feasible for achieving this is the Building Information Modelling (BIM), or the model of data and information that constructs a building, based on the standard format open source IFC.

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Making movies: nuove frontiere per la comunicazione audiovisiva del passato

Emanuel Demetrescu, Augusto Palombini, Eva Pietroni, Massimiliano Forlani, Claudio Rufa


The paper presents some of the work performed by the VH Lab of CNR-ITABC team in the last ten years, by analyzing the state of the art of video making for Cultural Heritage. Today it is possible to obtain high quality movies on low budgets. Moreover, scholars have the advantage, in comparison to the movie industry, of the easy availability of a large number of highly skilled specialists with specific expertise and know-how. New tools and methods now available are shaping innovative creative languages and will lead to new types of jobs and working opportunities.

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Le API di Europeana come esempio di integrazione e rappresentazione delle risorse culturali

Matteo Lorenzini


During the last years, the production of digital datasets in the Cultural Heritage domain, has seen an exponential increase and the structured repositories have become the most used infrastructure for knowledge management and consultation with different kinds of systems and platforms ensuring a complete interoperability and reach ability of data. Furthermore, the dataset products represent a great resource from which it is possible to extract and deduce new knowledge. In cultural heritage, thanks to the technology related to semantic web, we are able to manage and enrich our data using formalisms and data standards: digital libraries and digital archives, SPARQL-endpoint are some examples. This work, starting from the analysis of Europeana’s data model, discusses the integration and use of semantic data in third parts using the API system as a framework.

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Archeologia in 140 caratteri: l’esperienza su Twitter di due musei archeologici nazionali

Marina Lo Blundo, Anna Maria Marras


The 2014 Barcamp conference, the first in Italy dedicated to this topic, was focused on the way two archaeological museums are using Twitter and the 140 word limit to share their collections and experiences. The social networks have become important communication tools for museums, however, having an account is not enoughto be social. It is necessary to have an organized structure, competent persons, and a communication strategy planned according to the knowledge of a specific audience and, of course, according to which social tools are used.

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Il riuso dei dati in archeologia. II Barcamp

Valeria Boi, Luca Corsato, Anna Maria Marras, Maurizio Napolitano, Cettina Santagati


The 2014 edition of the Barcamp on the re-use of data in archaeology reflected discussions that took place during the ArcheoFOSS workshop in 2013. The discussion focused on the main themes related to the re-use of data, such as: online accessibility (open access), the use of open formats (open format) and, of course, the real data re-use (open data). In 2014 the discussion moved on to the production of data, on the dynamics of their re-use and on the role played by the different professionals involved. In order to provide a complete overview of this theme two of the main figures in the Italian open data scenario, Luca Corsato and Maurizio Napolitano, were invited to join the Barcamp. Their contribution addressed the various aspects related to data re-use more comprehensively. In this brief report the protagonists and the issues raised during the discussion are presented. The liveliness of the discussion underlines the need for these questions and the related issues to be addressed in institutional offices.

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I bronzi del Museo Claudio Faina di Orvieto: una banca dati

Alessandra Caravale


A recent project related to the research line dedicated to Archaeology and Information Society of ISMA-CNR is the website Sethlans. Bronzi del Museo Faina (http://bronzifaina.isma.cnr.it/). This website, planned using the CMS open source Museo and Web (OTEBAC), is dedicated to the bronzes in the Claudio Faina Museum in Orvieto. The numerous bronze objects are catalogued in a database, complete with colour and black and white images and virtual links to other databases available in Internet. The paper also briefly describes other ISMA projects, like the one dedicated to the Virtual museum of archaeological computing.

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Un archivio digitale multidisciplinare per la gestione e la conservazione di un patrimonio culturale a rischio: il progetto Ghazni (Afghanistan)

Julian Bogdani


The Italian Archaeological Mission at Ghazni, Afghanistan (1957-1979) brought to light significant information from the Buddhist (2nd-9th/10th cent.) to the Islamic period (10th-19th cent.). The dramatic events of the last 50 years in Afghanistan and the recent Italian economic difficulties have caused serious harm to this unique archaeological record. This gave rise to an operation of rescue and safeguarding led by the University of Naples L’Orientale and financed by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, with the aim of recovering the knowledge acquired from the excavations at Ghazni and the subsequent research. A collaborative web-based database, able to manage all the information on the most important findings, is the core of this project. The web database is based on BraDypUS, an archiving platform released under an Open Source license. The scientific database has been paired up with a web portal, built using an innovative and open sourced CMS, responsible for the dissemination of this knowledge to a non-specialist public.

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La ricerca a portata di click. Database relazionali e siti web: contenitori e visualizzatori per i dati archeologici

Maria Stella Busana, Irene Carpanese, Nicola Orio


The aim of the Project Ca’ Tron. Navigating in the past between Treviso and the Venice Lagoon (annual research fellowship funded by European Social Funds) is to create a MySQL relational database and make it accessible through a dedicated website. The database includes data previously collected and processed, coming from the archaeological excavation of the Estate of Ca’ Tron, carried out by the Department of Cultural Heritage at the University of Padua (2000-2010). At the same time, a website was created; it was divided into eight main sections and linked to a database, in which users can find raw data and elaborated research results. The structure of the website is user friendly and the data are easy to understand. Moreover, data are linked to photos, drawings and 3D reconstructions, developed with Blender. The website is also useful for more expert users, who can analyze specific topics through links and web pages, manage the raw data (Stratigraphic Unit sheets or descriptions of archaeological finds) or deal with elaborated data. The project aims to open archaeological data, usually reserved to specialists, to a wider audience through an explicit and transparent process that can provide a clear interpretation of the contexts that were investigated.

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OpenArcheo2. An archaeological knowledge base

Vittorio Fronza


The paper deals with a brief description of OpenArcheo2, a wholly new archaeological information system currently being developed. The system subverts the usual perspective of solutions dedicated to the management/analysis of ‘raw’ archaeological data, focusing entirely on interpreted information. Representation of archaeological knowledge becomes, therefore, the primary objective of the system, as can be clearly seen from the conceptual model and the ontology concisely presented in this paper.

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Torre dei Sicconi: progetto di ricostruzione e valorizzazione di un antico sito castellare trentino

Nicoletta Pisu, Alessandro Bezzi, Luca Bezzi, Cicero Moraes


The old castle of Torre Sicconi was founded in 1201 by the Caldonazzo family on the hill (Monte Rive, TN) which rises above the village. In 1385 the fortress was badly damaged during the conflict against enemy troops from Vicenza and Verona. The castle was partially rebuilt in the same place, but during 16th century the political and social changes led to a progressive abandonment of the site. The ruins were definitively destroyed in 1915 by the Austro-Hungarian army. In 2005 the city council of Caldonazzo and the Archaeological Superintendency of Trento started a project to restore the site of Torre Sicconi. The project was divided into three phases: first, the castle was investigated by archaeologists who discovered many of the original buildings; then, the walls were consolidated and repaired and, in the meantime, the entire hill was converted from a wood to a botanical garden; lastly, all the data collected from the different research projects (historical, archaeological, architectural, survey, remote sensing, etc.) were used to rebuild the castle in a Virtual Reality World.

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FACCE. I molti volti della storia umana. Una mostra open source

Telmo Pievani, Moreno Tiziani, Alessandro Bezzi, Luca Bezzi, Cicero Moraes, Nicola Carrara


In 2012 a partnership between Arc-Team s.r.l., Antrocom onlus and the Museum of Anthropology (University of Padua) started the Taung project, whose aim was the facial reconstruction of the fossil known as Taung child, a specimen of Australopithecus africanus discovered by Raymond Dart in 1924. It was a perfect pilot project of open research, developed with open tools and focused on sharing knowledge and data. On the basis of this experience, three years later the same partnership organized the exhibition called FACCE. I molti volti della storia umana, which opened to the general public in Padua on the 14th of February 2015. The main topics of this exhibition were the human face and the reconstruction of 27 skulls, 22 of them related to human evolution and 5 related to famous people connected to Padua (St. Anthony of Padua, Luca Belludi, Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Battista Morgagni and the mummy of an Egyptian priest preserved in the museum’s collection). The common thread of this exhibition offers an opportunity to address well-known anthropology issues, highlighting how the boundaries of the study of this discipline have changed a lot over time, often coming to overturn today what was affirmed in the past. The main characteristic of this event is the fact that it can be considered an open source exhibition, maybe the first of its kind. All processes, from the scanning of skulls using Computer Vision techniques to the modelling of the faces and presentation of the results to the media, were performed using only Free and Open Source Software. Moreover, all the products (images, videos and augmented reality apps) will be released under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution, which is a kind of license approved for free cultural work.


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