Articles by Ilaria Jovine

2017 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

L’apertura dei dati per la conoscenza partecipata dell’archeologia di Roma: il data licensing del progetto SITAR

Mirella Serlorenzi, Ilaria Jovine, Andrea De Tommasi


Recently, some fundamental updates of the Italian legislative framework clarified the topics of public access to and dissemination of data held by public administrations. Specifically, three legislative decrees broadened the scope of the existing laws and regulations to 1) allow public and private users to access more easily public data, 2) stimulate public administrations to better improve their data delivery systems, and 3) activate both new freely and pay-per-download data provisioning procedures, for the benefit of both public and private users. In this evolving scenario, during the last ten years the SITAR Project demonstrated that for the Public Archaeology of Rome and its broad territory it is necessary to 1) achieve a total accessibility of scientific data, also through participative processes and tools allowing ubiquitous access to and real integration, and consequently, validation of information; 2) engage in this participation all users involved in data and knowledge (re-)production and sharing, from scientists and scholars, to public administrators and officers, up to professionals as well as members of the public and all other stakeholders. In this paper, the authors deal with the newly designed SITAR Project data licensing policy illustrating the legal bases on what the SITAR administrative procedures are being implemented and experimented about data openness and their public access and use. The authors also try to offer a contribution to the long cultural debate of these last decades about interrelationships between scientific research and administrative actions of public bodies, public access to data and legal reservations, creativity in archaeology and copyright-copyleft of scientific data produced by public administrations and/or professionals on behalf of the former.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2017, Supplemento 9, 67-92; doi: 10.19282/ACS.9.2017.09

2016 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Open Data in archeologia: una questione giuridica o culturale

Mirella Serlorenzi, Ilaria Jovine, Valeria Boi, Milena Stacca


Archaeological research responds to the ultimate purpose of increasing common knowledge, the conservation and dissemination of which are entrusted to the State on behalf of the citizens. Following this basic principle, which is not only legal but first and foremost cultural, the SITAR, a project designed and managed by the archaeological Superintendency of Rome, is dealing with the issue of making archaeological data accessible to the public. The office’s archives represent a major repository of archaeological field reports, often unpublished. To date, SITAR has made archaeological data freely accessible online, through the publication of summary sheets of information extracted from field reports, previously validated by State Officials. Up to now the documents have been accessible only to registered users, but they are not published online because of privacy protection and authorship rights. The debate about the rights of publication of those documents is still open, so this persistent legal uncertainty prevents this great fund of knowledge from taking advantage of the digital revolution.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 51-58

2015 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

SITAR e open data: alcune riflessioni sulla messa in rete della banca dati

Ilaria Jovine, Valeria Boi, Milena Stacca


At present, the law is improving in order to make possible to share the public sector information with civil society, creating an ever-increasing body of knowledge. Information is not only evidence of the work done by the administration, but also the chance for an economical rise. Moreover, data help to enhance the quantity and quality of available information, in virtue of derived data circulation. This is very important if it is applied to the informative heritage preserved in public archives, filled with unpublished scientific data. The Geographic Archaeological Information System of Rome (SITAR) is a project of the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e il Turismo, which aims to open archaeological heritage data of the Roman urban area to the general public ( SITAR webGIS portal allows the online consultation of archaeological data: for every record in the database the topographic location is provided, together with a descriptive sheet containing administrative information (type of survey, commissioning body, executing company) and scientific ones (type/function, chronology, description, etc.). The information provided correspond to a minimum level of knowledge, which is adequate to allow an aware re-use of data for research, conservation and urban planning aims. Appropriate licenses would be provided, in order to make it possible to cite the name of the scientific director and of the field archaeologist, author of the archaeological report, allowing the preservation of the information about the provenance of scientific data.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2015, Supplemento 7, 107-114

2013 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Archeologia e open data. Stato dell’arte e proposte sulla pubblicazione dei dati archeologici

Mirella Serlorenzi, Ilaria Jovine, Valeria Boi, Milena Stacca


This article is based on the SITAR project experience, which was conducted by the Special Superintendency for Archaeology in Rome. In compliance with recent legislative developments about the open data of the Public Sector, the overall goal of the SITAR project is to propose a way to publish the archaeological data on the web, combining the protection of intellectual property rights and the necessity of sharing of information. Some archaeological data, indeed, must be considered as public data and must be shared with licenses that allow their use for research and learning, as well as the development of preventive archaeology. This paper presents a summary of the topics related to the dissemination of archaeological data, with special attention to unpublished data and to the rights related to their publication, in relation with both the protection of intellectual property rights of field archaeologists and scientific directors and the use of proper licenses.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2013, Supplemento 4, 60-78