Volumes / Supplements / 8 / Serlorenzi et al.

Open Data in archeologia: una questione giuridica o culturale

Mirella Serlorenzi, Ilaria Jovine, Valeria Boi, Milena Stacca

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 51-58


Archaeological research responds to the ultimate purpose of increasing common knowledge, the conservation and dissemination of which are entrusted to the State on behalf of the citizens. Following this basic principle, which is not only legal but first and foremost cultural, the SITAR, a project designed and managed by the archaeological Superintendency of Rome, is dealing with the issue of making archaeological data accessible to the public. The office’s archives represent a major repository of archaeological field reports, often unpublished. To date, SITAR has made archaeological data freely accessible online, through the publication of summary sheets of information extracted from field reports, previously validated by State Officials. Up to now the documents have been accessible only to registered users, but they are not published online because of privacy protection and authorship rights. The debate about the rights of publication of those documents is still open, so this persistent legal uncertainty prevents this great fund of knowledge from taking advantage of the digital revolution.


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