Articles by Guglielmo Strapazzon

2016 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Dai sistemi proprietari non comunicanti a un sistema integrato di gestione dei dati di scavo e delle indagini geofisiche: il caso del sito della Casa delle Bestie Ferite (Aquileia)

Lucia Michielin, Guglielmo Strapazzon


This paper illustrates a GIS system for the management of the excavation and geophysical data of the Aquileia Bestie Ferite Domus research project. Since 2012 all the project data have been collected in different systems set up with closed software without a means of dialogue between the two systems. An AutoCAD file collected the SU (Stratigraphic Units) survey while all the alphanumeric data were organized within a FileMaker Database (AdaM: Archaeological DAta Management). In recent years a GIS platform (Esri ArcGIS) has been added, containing the output of the georadar surveys. The first step dealt with the selection of the cartographic reference system (Gauss-Boaga). On the basis of the Gauss-Boaga reference system, the transformation from CAD to shape files was conducted. Simultaneously, the cartographic and the geophysical data were implemented within this system. The project is still in progress and the next steps will deal with the linking of the database and with the updating of the new excavation campaign data. The final goal is the implementation of a QGIS based platform for the filing of archaeological data.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 106-114