Volumes / Supplements / 8 / Lo Blundo, Marras

Archeologia in 140 caratteri: l’esperienza su Twitter di due musei archeologici nazionali

Marina Lo Blundo, Anna Maria Marras

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 217-222


The 2014 Barcamp conference, the first in Italy dedicated to this topic, was focused on the way two archaeological museums are using Twitter and the 140 word limit to share their collections and experiences. The social networks have become important communication tools for museums, however, having an account is not enoughto be social. It is necessary to have an organized structure, competent persons, and a communication strategy planned according to the knowledge of a specific audience and, of course, according to which social tools are used.



Multimedia and web tools Data dissemination and education

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