Articles by Antonella Negri
Il ruolo dell’ICCD nella diffusione dei modelli descrittivi del patrimonio archeologico
Laura Moro, Maria Letizia Mancinelli, Antonella Negri
For networking, i.e. for the circulation and exchange of data on the cultural heritage, it is necessary to share rules and descriptive systems, placing them within a common perspective; it is necessary, in fact, to find a meeting point between the needs of those who produce the data and those who use them. Within the framework of standards for cataloguing defined by the Italian Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation (ICCD), the tools for the description and documentation of the archaeological heritage constitute a very structured corpus, a coherent system which helps computerized management that allows the integration of different cognitive components. As far as networking is concerned, the Institute has actively participated in the realization of both the project VIR - Vincoli in rete, to implement a platform for interoperability between the major databases of MiBACT (SIGECweb, Carta del Rischio and Beni Tutelati), and the European project ARIADNE, an infrastructure for sharing resources concerning archaeology, for scientific and study purposes. In addition, the ICCD set up a web site for the public use of the Catalogo generale dei beni culturali and a dedicated web area, namely Open ICCD, for the dissemination in open format of different types of cataloguing data.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2017, Supplemento 9, 35-46; doi: 10.19282/ACS.9.2017.05
Verso gli Open Data: l’ICCD e gli standard nazionali. Alcune riflessioni per un quadro metodologico condiviso
Maria Letizia Mancinelli, Antonella Negri
As established by the Italian cultural heritage laws, as part of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism (MiBACT), the Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation (ICCD) coordinates procedures and tools for cataloguing and documenting cultural heritage. The ICCD has consistently focused its operational policies on dialogue with other institutions involved in the management of cultural heritage (other offices of MiBACT, Italian Regions, the Italian Episcopal Conference, Universities and Research institutions and, more recently, foundations and private associations). The need to identify rules and methods governing the sharing of knowledge in the world of cataloguing has become a priority in the era of the computer revolution. In the 1990s the first definitions of standard models for the acquisition of data and protocols for the exchange of information were established. Those tools have gradually evolved into the current system of regulations. The attention to open data/linked open data is, for the ICCD, the natural outcome of an institutional process always aimed at comparing and sharing knowledge. With the development of SIGEC (General Catalogue Information System), which allows the management of the entire production process of cataloguing, the ICCD facilitates interoperability with external systems and the information process for the public use of data. The paper focuses on the strategies and tools developed by the ICCD on the basis of its experience, to allow the widest sharing of knowledge.
Nuove tecnologie per la conoscenza e la comunicazione di Lucca romana
Lorenza Camin, Marcello Carrozzino, Rosario Leonardi, Antonella Negri
This article describes the results of a project related to IT applied to the city of Lucca in the Roman era (Tecnologie informatiche per la conoscenza e la comunicazione di Lucca romana), which was conducted as part of a Ph.D. program in Technologies and Management of Cultural Heritage at the Institute for Advanced Studies IMT Lucca. The work done can be divided into three separate stages, each of which is distinguished by the utilization of specific surveying tools. The first to be set up was GIS LUCA (Looking at an Urban Context Archive), where all the existing documentation on Roman Lucca was archived (maps, iconography, surveys, images, descriptive data). The information processed in LUCA provided data for the creation of the three-dimensional model of Roman Lucca, whereby the walls, main monuments and arteries, which still identify the town as Roman today, are represented in a schematic yet scientifically correct way. Additional experimentation was conducted as part of the research. Using an innovative three-dimensional relief technique, the ZScan, which enables cloud points to be taken from a photographic scan, three-dimensional models of the pillars of the eastern gate were elaborated, as well as three arches of the Roman amphitheatre that have been particularly well preserved. Lastly, the website was created to publish the results that were obtained. The site proposes numerous knowledge paths around the ancient town by means of a range of highly innovative access methods, that provide a global yet synthetic description of Roman Lucca, which is a result of the research and experimentation conducted as part of the project.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2010, 21, 49-73; doi: 10.19282/ac.21.2010.03
Ambienti collaborativi 3D. Il caso di Virtual Rome
Sofia Pescarin, Augusto Palombini, Luigi Calori, Antonella Negri
Virtual Rome Project ( has developed a VR Web-GIS application, with front-end and back-end on line solutions, for the interpretation, reconstruction and 3D exploration of archaeological and potential historical landscapes of Rome. The paper discusses the collaborative environment developed by the project for the back-end.
Ploes: percorsi tra archeologia, storia e tecnologie informatiche
Lorenza Camin, Antonietta Marini, Antonella Negri
The systematic study of imports from the Orient uncovered in funerary contexts, as part of a research project the purpose of which is the reconstruction of the trade and cultural relations between the Aegean and the oriental basin of the Mediterranean in the Early Iron Age, has been supported by the relational database Ploes carried out in a MsAccess 2000 environment. Ploes represents an example of the possible meeting point between computer science and historical-archaeological research and testifies to the contribution that the computer science technologies can also offer to studies of the traditional school. The digital archives, that have replaced the conventional catalogue, have allowed the management of great amounts of data (1000 imported objects distributed in 300 tomb contexts) in a way that is functional for the purposes of research thanks to the possibility of creating a multiplicity of paths for reading the material. The Ploes database has allowed the storage of data related to individual objects and their discovery contexts in a single archive, thus making it possible to adopt a contextual approach to the analysis of the archaeological documentation. The structure of the digital archives reflects the defined methodological plan at the level of theoretical formulation of the study project: Ploes represents therefore not simply a container of information but an indispensable research instrument.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2006, 17, 157-175; doi: 10.19282/ac.17.2006.10
Il GIS del sito romano di Podere Cosciano: un esempio di gestione integrata dei dati di scavo
Lorenza Camin, Antonella Negri
Between 1999 and 2001, as part of the project Archaeology of Volterra and its territory, excavation took place at a rural site of the Roman period, situated near the old village of Montegemoli (Pomarance, Pisa). For the systematic management of all the mainly paper documentation gathered during the various excavations (US records, records of finds, plans of strata, reliefs and sections, matrix, photographs, IGM cartography), an information system within the scope of GIS technology was planned and set up. The results achieved are presented in this work, with particular reference to the methodology followed. Moreover, attention is drawn to the advantages obtained by using GIS technology, which has enabled complex phenomena and spatial-temporal relations to be represented and analysed at a multiplicity of levels, as well as acting as a support for objective interpretative evaluations.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2005, 16, 153-166; doi: 10.19282/ac.16.2005.08
ARKIS-NET: un web-GIS per il progetto di conservazione assistito
Paolo Salonia, Antonella Negri
The ARKIS-NET project is focused on an innovative vision of the conservation of cultural heritage, in which the role of the access to different knowledge levels to dynamically use information is fundamental. ARKIS-NET is an evolution of ARKIS (Architecture Recovery Knowledge Information System), an Information System developed in recent years and dedicated to the management, analysis and representation of heterogeneous data, from the artefact scale to the territorial one, used as support to conservation, safeguard and fruition of cultural heritage. ARKIS-NET provides the foundation for disseminating high-end heterogeneous data, organised and represented in GIS form, and mapping services via the Internet. An user-friendly interface allows remote users to make analyses and query on data, integrating them with local data.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2005, 16, 167-176; doi: 10.19282/ac.16.2005.09
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