Volumes / Supplements / 8 / Mancinelli, Negri

Verso gli Open Data: l’ICCD e gli standard nazionali. Alcune riflessioni per un quadro metodologico condiviso

Maria Letizia Mancinelli, Antonella Negri

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 25-34


As established by the Italian cultural heritage laws, as part of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism (MiBACT), the Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation (ICCD) coordinates procedures and tools for cataloguing and documenting cultural heritage. The ICCD has consistently focused its operational policies on dialogue with other institutions involved in the management of cultural heritage (other offices of MiBACT, Italian Regions, the Italian Episcopal Conference, Universities and Research institutions and, more recently, foundations and private associations). The need to identify rules and methods governing the sharing of knowledge in the world of cataloguing has become a priority in the era of the computer revolution. In the 1990s the first definitions of standard models for the acquisition of data and protocols for the exchange of information were established. Those tools have gradually evolved into the current system of regulations. The attention to open data/linked open data is, for the ICCD, the natural outcome of an institutional process always aimed at comparing and sharing knowledge. With the development of SIGEC (General Catalogue Information System), which allows the management of the entire production process of cataloguing, the ICCD facilitates interoperability with external systems and the information process for the public use of data. The paper focuses on the strategies and tools developed by the ICCD on the basis of its experience, to allow the widest sharing of knowledge.


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