Articles by Maria Letizia Mancinelli
Il ruolo dell’ICCD nella diffusione dei modelli descrittivi del patrimonio archeologico
Laura Moro, Maria Letizia Mancinelli, Antonella Negri
For networking, i.e. for the circulation and exchange of data on the cultural heritage, it is necessary to share rules and descriptive systems, placing them within a common perspective; it is necessary, in fact, to find a meeting point between the needs of those who produce the data and those who use them. Within the framework of standards for cataloguing defined by the Italian Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation (ICCD), the tools for the description and documentation of the archaeological heritage constitute a very structured corpus, a coherent system which helps computerized management that allows the integration of different cognitive components. As far as networking is concerned, the Institute has actively participated in the realization of both the project VIR - Vincoli in rete, to implement a platform for interoperability between the major databases of MiBACT (SIGECweb, Carta del Rischio and Beni Tutelati), and the European project ARIADNE, an infrastructure for sharing resources concerning archaeology, for scientific and study purposes. In addition, the ICCD set up a web site for the public use of the Catalogo generale dei beni culturali and a dedicated web area, namely Open ICCD, for the dissemination in open format of different types of cataloguing data.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2017, Supplemento 9, 35-46; doi: 10.19282/ACS.9.2017.05
Verso gli Open Data: l’ICCD e gli standard nazionali. Alcune riflessioni per un quadro metodologico condiviso
Maria Letizia Mancinelli, Antonella Negri
As established by the Italian cultural heritage laws, as part of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism (MiBACT), the Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation (ICCD) coordinates procedures and tools for cataloguing and documenting cultural heritage. The ICCD has consistently focused its operational policies on dialogue with other institutions involved in the management of cultural heritage (other offices of MiBACT, Italian Regions, the Italian Episcopal Conference, Universities and Research institutions and, more recently, foundations and private associations). The need to identify rules and methods governing the sharing of knowledge in the world of cataloguing has become a priority in the era of the computer revolution. In the 1990s the first definitions of standard models for the acquisition of data and protocols for the exchange of information were established. Those tools have gradually evolved into the current system of regulations. The attention to open data/linked open data is, for the ICCD, the natural outcome of an institutional process always aimed at comparing and sharing knowledge. With the development of SIGEC (General Catalogue Information System), which allows the management of the entire production process of cataloguing, the ICCD facilitates interoperability with external systems and the information process for the public use of data. The paper focuses on the strategies and tools developed by the ICCD on the basis of its experience, to allow the widest sharing of knowledge.
Grande Progetto Pompei: la Direzione Generale per le Antichità e il piano della conoscenza
Maria Grazia Fichera, Luigi Malnati, Maria Letizia Mancinelli
In relation to the project approved by the European Commission, the Direzione Generale per le Antichità has been charged with the responsibility of implementing the Knowledge Plan in accordance with the Cabina di Regia of the Consiglio Superiore per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici guidelines. A working group, composed of archaeologists from MiBACT in cooperation with informatics experts, was therefore established with the objective of creating a logic system capable of gathering and managing all information pertaining to the Pompeii area. The research and analysis have culminated in the project currently presented, and is the realization of an informatics system that integrates technical-descriptive with geographical and cartographical data, permitting the analysis of all the archaeological and architectural components of the ancient City. The project has enabled an evaluation of the state of preservation and deterioration factors, with the object of implementing a programmed conservation with periodic inspections and interventions that are not solely based on emergency factors.
Sistema Informativo Generale del Catalogo: nuovi strumenti per la gestione integrata delle conoscenze sui beni archeologici
The Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation (ICCD), a body of the Ministry of Cultural Resources and Activities that handles the cataloguing and documentation of Italy's cultural heritage, recently concluded the project undertaken for the creation of the General Cataloguing Information System (SIGEC), an effort focused on making possible the integrated management of the different types of information - alpha-numeric, multimedia, geographic - available on the resources. An especially interesting aspect of the SIGEC, and one of its strengths, is the possibility of cross-referencing the informative data on the resources to their home territory, revealing the logical, historical and spatial relations between the environmental and anthropogenic elements, as well as the other entities of cultural interest, found in a given geographic setting. The result is an improved and better informed knowledge of the resources in question, which are placed in their proper context of time and space. While these considerations are valid for all types of cultural resources, they are especially pertinent to the archaeological heritage, which, as tangible evidence of past civilisations, takes on particular value and meaning at the precise moment in which it is placed in the historical and territorial context in which it originated and existed. The complexity and variety of the cultural resources have made it necessary to formulate specific technological and cataloguing tools with which, under the SIGEC, the geographic data generated by the customary GIS instruments is correlated with the descriptive information obtained on the resources, as well as with the sum total of the relevant documentation (graphic materials, images, multimedia pieces). In the specific case of archaeological resources, both the measures currently in force and those being updated or drawn up for the first time have been supplemented with the core information necessary for the application of the functions of the system. In addition, the cataloguing standards have been reformulated, creating a multifaceted structure in which the chart for the Archaeological Site (SI) serves as the historical-territorial reference framework for the other types of charts (SAS, Stratigraphic Survey; MA-CA, Archaeological Monument - Archaeological Complex; RA, Archaeological Artefact; NU, Numismatics; TMA, Table of Materials), making it possible to determine the space-time context of the resources described therein.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2004, 15, 115-128; doi: 10.19282/ac.15.2004.08
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