Articles by Augusto Palombini

2024 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Metaverse and ‘the Italian job’: closed and open models of virtual worlds in Cultural Heritage domain

Augusto Palombini


After the initial enthusiasm for a hypothetical explosion of the metaverse phenomenon, which then waned, a careful analysis can reveal a possible dual model in the planning of this technology. On one hand, a closed, basically monopolistic, approach aimed at market concentration, and on the other a fragmented approach, starting from the bottom, consisting of small interoperating entities. This second model, in recent years, characterized in Italy a series of metaverse initiatives linked to the enhancement of Cultural Heritage and seems to be the most promising at the moment, provided that the longstanding issue of reproduction rights of the Heritage itself is addressed and resolved, preferably with an open approach: a crucial issue in the new digital scenarios.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2024, 35.2, 129-135; doi: 10.19282/ac.35.2.2024.14

2019 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Il museo virtuale della Valle del Calore

Augusto Palombini, Bruno Fanini


The Virtual Museum of the Upper Calore Valley is a website which allows visitors to travel in time and space through and have access to various information on monuments, towns, culture, history, wine and food of the Hirpinian territory. By accessing six fictional videos on characters drawn from local history, users can also experience a historical overview, from the Longobard invasion up to the Unification of Italy, through the troubled periods of the Kingdom of Naples. The project works by open source software for video editing, GIS elaboration, and image processing. The browsing platform is based on the earliest release of the Aton framework created by CNR ITABC for browsing large-scale geographical and architectural data, with advanced features for graphic rendering, stereoscopic view, online representation of complex geometry and resolution through powerful paging algorithms. Aton is compatible with every modern HTML5 multimedia standard and is a powerful tool for historical storytelling.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2019, 30, 487-490; doi: 10.19282/ac.30.2019.36

2018 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Riproducibilità a vario titolo del patrimonio: situazione e prospettive

Augusto Palombini


The paper approaches the rights of reproducing Cultural Heritage items, in every possible aspects and for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. The legal situation is currently vague and not defined, as it is in other parts of Europe and the world. Two valid arguments are confronting each other: on the one hand, the public demand for data openness, on the other, the public institutions’ desire to earn money, at least enough to justify conservation expenses. After a discussion on the current situation, where digital revolution and 3D technology changed even the common understanding of ‘reproduction’ processes, a possible solution is presented, in order to satisfy both needs.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2018, 29, 87-92; doi: 10.19282/ac.29.2018.10

2016 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Making movies: nuove frontiere per la comunicazione audiovisiva del passato

Emanuel Demetrescu, Augusto Palombini, Eva Pietroni, Massimiliano Forlani, Claudio Rufa


The paper presents some of the work performed by the VH Lab of CNR-ITABC team in the last ten years, by analyzing the state of the art of video making for Cultural Heritage. Today it is possible to obtain high quality movies on low budgets. Moreover, scholars have the advantage, in comparison to the movie industry, of the easy availability of a large number of highly skilled specialists with specific expertise and know-how. New tools and methods now available are shaping innovative creative languages and will lead to new types of jobs and working opportunities.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 203-210

2013 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

La crisi del settimo anno: sette rassegne di progetti open source per l’archeologia italiana

Silvana Costa, Augusto Palombini


For the 7th edition of ArcheoFOSS, the authors (who have attended every edition of the event since its founding) have classified all the papers presented during the different workshops and attempted to analyse their most significant characteristics. We highlighted which projects had a real impact on Italian archaeology, which ones fell by the wayside, and did not leave any trace and what was the ultimate fate of these applications. This is a unique occasion to study how archaeology evolved in Italy in the last decade, from the Open Source point of view, and how ArcheoFOSS proposals influenced the job market and the relationships among institutions. We tested whether the Open Source and Open Data culture really influenced archaeological work and made it better, where and why it happened and which ones are the most reliable perspectives in this sense, after seven years of attempts.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2013, Supplemento 4, 27-34

2013 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Verso una metodologia condivisa per l’analisi del paesaggio antico: il progetto Valle del Tevere

Antonia Arnoldus-Huyzendveld, Augusto Palombini, Eva Pietroni, Ulrico Sanna, Sara Zanni, Fabio Remondino


The Tiber Valley Project aims to create a series of digital applications for 3D reconstructing, visualization and real time browsing of the ancient and current Tiber Valley landscape (particularly for the Villa dei Volusii and Lucus Feroniae areas), in four different historical phases. In this perspective, the first problem to face is the need for a valid methodology for ancient landscape ecosystem reconstruction, before dealing with monuments and building. On the basis of an intense multi-disciplinary discussion and the previous VH Lab experience in this field, in this article we are presenting a scheme for a standardized reconstruction procedure, where the landscape is built using all available sources and elevation data obtained by a photogrammetry process on historical pictures. Ecosystem areas are then calculated through GIS elaboration in GRASS-GIS environment, through a procedure which may be shared for any situation of historical landscape reconstruction, allowing the matching and the mathematical processing of geographical data aimed to the definition of different ecological areas (both in terms of natural vegetation and cultivated lands). Maps are then created to be imported in procedural landscape generation engines: the last part of the paper focuses on the lack of effective open source software in this field, and a possible proposal implementation in this sense.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2013, Supplemento 4, 104-111

2009 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Ambienti collaborativi 3D. Il caso di Virtual Rome

Sofia Pescarin, Augusto Palombini, Luigi Calori, Antonella Negri


Virtual Rome Project ( has developed a VR Web-GIS application, with front-end and back-end on line solutions, for the interpretation, reconstruction and 3D exploration of archaeological and potential historical landscapes of Rome. The paper discusses the collaborative environment developed by the project for the back-end.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2009, Supplemento 2, 121-130

2009 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

blueOcean: un framework per la realizzazione di CMS semantici

Augusto Palombini, Fabrizio Giudici


The so-called Web 2.0 offers good methods for sharing knowledge, but it does not provide adequate tools for performing automated, complex searches on the Internet with the quality needed for scientific research. blueOcean is a software product for managing knowledge with the technologies of “semantic web” and offers an effective solution to the problem.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2009, Supplemento 2, 245-249

2009 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX


Augusto Palombini


Final remarks to the Supplement 2, 2009.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2009, Supplemento 2, 325-327