Articles by Luca Mandolesi
Come nasce una base GIS per l’archeologia opensource, sviluppata da archeologi per gli archeologi: lo scavo di Poggio Gramignano, Lugnano in Teverina (TR)
Luca Mandolesi, Roberto Montagnetti, David Gerald Pickel
This contribution traces the history of pyArchInit, the first QGIS plugin created directly by archaeologists for the management of archaeological sites. The article describes the structure of the plugin, its features and the main innovations brought to the field of archaeological data management compared to the commonly used applications (CAD and Office package). Furthermore, practical examples of its use and potential will be provided through the description of the methodological procedure, based on pyArchInit, put into the field during the excavation of the archaeological site of Poggio Gramignano - Umbria - Italy. Such excavation is directed by Prof. David Soren of the University of Arizona and has revealed the remains of an important Roman villa reused in the Late Roman period as a cemetery for children.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2022, 33.1, 93-112; doi: 10.19282/ac.33.1.2022.06
Analisi statistiche e geostatistiche con PyArchInit: prima sperimentazione
The analysis of the spatial distribution of archaeological records combined with geostatistical techniques plays a primary role in the field of prehistoric archaeology because this methodological approach can be used to understand if a real or chance spatial correlation exists between archaeological records. This essay presents an approach to this issue which makes use of statistics, databases and GIS open source tools in a one-solution instrument based on QGIS desktop environment, in order to study an important archaeological site in Northern Italy (Fumane Cave, Verona). Since archaeology is an intrinsically spatial discipline, the team chose a spatial quantitative approach like the multivariate geostatistics (which is usually used for mining and environmental analysis), by managing the quantitative fieldwork information as regionalized variables. In this way, interesting spatial correlations were evaluated by imposing linear coregionalization models on experimental semivariograms and cross-semivariograms. Moreover, the team conducted this analysis by creating a tool that integrates several powerful R libraries such as Gstat for spatial distribution analysis of data, implemented in DBMS PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension.
PyArchInit: gli sviluppi dopo ArcheoFoss 2009
The Project pyArchInit-Python for archaeology began in 2005 with the aim of developing a python plug-in for the open source software Quantum GIS. pyArchInit comes mainly from the needs, increasingly present in the archaeology community, to computerize the archaeological records using software which handle alphanumeric, multimedia and topographical data in a single solution. This package aims to meet these requirements with a unique solution that over time guarantees stability, development, easy installation and updating. The final goal is the creation of a GIS platform with a high interoperability between different operating systems, in which alphanumerical tables, GIS geometries and multimedia data are within a single system. This allows us to maintain the integrity of the raw data as much as possible, providing the archaeologist with an approach which is both very fast and powerful and, in the meantime, offering a system open to changes and customizations by other developers. The database management system of archaeological data is automatically installed both in PostgreSQL and in Spatialite. Different user interfaces, created to support the entering of data, manage the database. It is structured in seven management user interfaces: Stratigraphic Units, Site, Chronology, Infrastructures, Taphonomy Record, Archaeological, Multimedia. The first part of the package includes the management of stratigraphic units (pyarchnit_US module) because of the need to manage on site the documentation of excavations in progress. With pyArchInit we will try to bridge the gap between skills and knowledge acquired on an academic level and daily life in archaeological fieldwork; moreover, it will help the interaction with engineers, urban planners, government, Cultural Office administrators and all the agencies that gravitate around the archaeological world.
pyArchInit - python, QGIS e PostgreSQL per la gestione dei dati di scavo
pyArchInit is a tool for managing archaeological dataset with a high portability on main platforms. The first step of the project has been the creation of a GIS platform with a DBMS to manage the Stratigraphic Units.
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