Cecchetti A., Lamonaca F. 2016, Condividere la conoscenza di un progetto: la knowledge base del SITAR, in P. Basso, A. Caravale, P. Grossi (eds.), ARCHEOFOSS. Free, Libre and Open Source Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IX Workshop (Verona, 19-20 giugno 2014), «Archeologia e Calcolatori», Supplemento 8, 188-194
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Condividere la conoscenza di un progetto: la knowledge base del SITAR
Arjuna Cecchetti, Federica Lamonaca
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 188-194
On the occasion of the 2013 edition of ArcheoFOSS, the SITAR Project presented the first steps towards the setup of a Knowledge Base dedicated to the Archaeological Information System of Rome. After one year, it is interesting to present a summary of the progress of this platform. The SITAR Knowledge Base was created to promote collaboration among different partners and to facilitate the dialogue and the interaction of the users with the Information System. The project itself intends to be a meeting-point between the Institution, that has the objective to preserve, organize and represent archaeological data, and all the parties that need to use and reuse them. The dialogue is well-supported also by a wiki environment, a SITAR-glossary with official definitions of the specific terms of the project and with an open wiki for the contributions of specialized users. This paper intends to explore the perspectives of the SITAR Knowledge Base, as a system for open content management and as a dissemination instrument for archaeological and technical knowledge, creating constant two-way traffic for the construction of new archaeological knowledge while, at the same time, disclosing to the public the dataset represented through the webGIS encountering the communities that live in the city in a perspective of Public Archaeology.
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GIS and cartography Cultural Resource Management
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CNR - Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale
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