Articles by Cettina Santagati
Use and reuse of spatial and quantitative data in archaeology: from 3D survey to serious game at Phaistos (Crete)
Francesca Buscemi, Pietro Maria Militello, Cettina Santagati, Marianna Figuera, Graziana D'Agostino, Damiano Antonino Angelo Aiello
The article presents the results of a wider research carried out by a multidisciplinary group (archaeologists and engineers) of the University and the CNR-ISPC of Catania in the South-Western Quarter of the Minoan Palace of Phaistos (Crete). The article focuses on two digital survey campaigns carried out respectively in 2014, laser scanning, and 2019, Structure from Motion. Starting from the point cloud by laser scanner, the most recent, low cost and user-friendly photogrammetric tools (GoPro camera and software Agisoft Metashape) have been used during the 2019 campaign in order to update and to improve the previous dataset, which was used as a grid for georeferencing and scaling the new virtual model. Special attention was addressed to the comparison of the two datasets and to the reuse of the first one for georeferencing and scaling the second one. Furthermore, the research has been focused on the opportunity to exploit the obtained virtual model both for scientific purposes and for the outreach. The lack of accessibility of the South-Western Quarter of Phaistos Palace to the visitors attributes a special interest to this output. The virtual environment thus realized constituted an ideal starting point for the development of an educational fruition project based on a Serious Game approach. The cooperation of archaeologists and engineers in the development of the Phaistos game ensures a gaming experience not only pleasant but also provided with a strong educational profile.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2020, 31.1, 189-212; doi: 10.19282/ac.31.1.2020.09
Il riuso dei dati in archeologia. II Barcamp
Valeria Boi, Luca Corsato, Anna Maria Marras, Maurizio Napolitano, Cettina Santagati
The 2014 edition of the Barcamp on the re-use of data in archaeology reflected discussions that took place during the ArcheoFOSS workshop in 2013. The discussion focused on the main themes related to the re-use of data, such as: online accessibility (open access), the use of open formats (open format) and, of course, the real data re-use (open data). In 2014 the discussion moved on to the production of data, on the dynamics of their re-use and on the role played by the different professionals involved. In order to provide a complete overview of this theme two of the main figures in the Italian open data scenario, Luca Corsato and Maurizio Napolitano, were invited to join the Barcamp. Their contribution addressed the various aspects related to data re-use more comprehensively. In this brief report the protagonists and the issues raised during the discussion are presented. The liveliness of the discussion underlines the need for these questions and the related issues to be addressed in institutional offices.
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