Volumes / Supplements / 8 / Vassallo et al.

Uno strumento webGIS per lo studio e l'analisi dei percorsi spazio-temporali del patrimonio culturale di Cipro

Valentina Vassallo, Niki Kyriacou, Sorin Hermon, Ioannis Eliades

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 162-169


The Byzantine Museum of the Archbishop Makarios III Foundation in Nicosia (Cyprus) hosts numerous artefacts, dating from the 6th to the 20th centuries A.D. Some were looted from the Turkish-occupied areas of the island and have recently been repatriated. A webGIS tool under development, stores information regarding these artefacts and their spatial and temporal characteristics. The user can navigate through the history of the artefacts and have different views of the area. The GIS structure is based on micro geographical scale and it will be expanded to macro. In the micro scale the artefacts originally located within the city walls of Nicosia have been mapped. The macro scale project will cover Cyprus and other countries, where the artworks were initially located and to which they ‘travelled’. The aim is to visualize the spatial and temporal movement of the artefacts and retrieve some statistical data regarding their original provenance and the places where they were located after being illegally exported. The users can visualize information through the artefacts metadata documentation.


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GIS and cartography Data dissemination and education

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CNR - Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale

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