Frassine M., Naponiello G., De Francesco S., Asta A. 2016, RAPTOR 1.5. Aggiornamenti e sperimentazione, in P. Basso, A. Caravale, P. Grossi (eds.), ARCHEOFOSS. Free, Libre and Open Source Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IX Workshop (Verona, 19-20 giugno 2014), «Archeologia e Calcolatori», Supplemento 8, 61-71
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RAPTOR 1.5. Aggiornamenti e sperimentazione
Matteo Frassine, Giuseppe Naponiello, Stefania De Francesco, Alessandro Asta
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 61-71
RAPTOR (Ricerca Archivi e Pratiche per la Tutela Operativa Regionale) is a geo-database developed in order to supply officials of the Italian Superintendency for Archaeological Heritage with a user-friendly instrument to handle those daily administrative practices that have an impact on the territory. The system, two years after it was presented for the first time during the 2012 ArcheoFOSS, has been tested and developed in order to refine the computer-supported procedure that now enables us to manage the whole variety of work carried out in every kind of geographical context, including urban and marine sites. The mapping of the archaeological results is also envisaged. Part of the computer procedure consists of a quick recording system, which allows the official archaeologist to register the basic data including geographic features of an archaeological site or of areas with no archaeological evidence. At the same time, a more detailed analysis is also possible. Geometries can be linked to the site information sources and the whole available scientific record can be uploaded. In this way, it is also possible to manage the most complex sites. Archaeological firms can log on to the system to upload the excavation reports drawn up in line with the standards outlined by the Superintendencies.
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GIS and cartography Cultural Resource Management
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CNR - Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale
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