Articles by Cristiano Alfonso

2016 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

QuantumGIS per il monitoraggio e la conoscenza del patrimonio archeologico e ambientale dell’Area Marina Protetta di Porto Cesareo (Lecce, Italia)

Cristiano Alfonso, Giacomo Di Giacomo


Morphological changes in the coastline are related to numerous natural factors of erosion and accumulation, in addition to human actions. These changes have their effects on the entire coastal landscape and, over time, they have left their mark on the territory, enabling us, with the help of archaeological analysis, to hypothesize the scenario of previous landscapes. In this project, we tested a multidisciplinary study of these phenomena, through an innovative system for the interpretation of the modern landscape, based on the diachronic reading of previous landscapes. A level of knowledge of this type implies the integrated management of a large amount of heterogeneous data. Datasets available for this project include information acquired through the use of instruments to scan the seabed as well as data from aerial and satellite platforms both historical and recent, as well as Lidar data. QuantumGIS has proved the most effective tool to manage all the data through their indexing. Geographical data has been stored in a geospatial database based on PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension. All the data acquired were managed through QuantumGIS thanks also to the acquisition of new information. When the project is completed, it will be possible to reconstruct the evolutionary dynamics that led to the current situation and also to predict, with relative accuracy, future scenarios. In this paper we are presenting the preliminary results of this study, focusing on the methodologies used and the results obtained.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 80-87