Articles by Marco Ciurcina
Legge 4 agosto 2017, n. 124. Le modifiche al Codice dei Beni Culturali e del Paesaggio e le novità in materia di riproduzione
Marco Ciurcina, Piergiovanna Grossi
Articles 106 and following of the Italian Legislative Decree 42/2004 raise some critical issues for those who want to reproduce cultural heritage and disseminate these reproductions. In 2014 and 2016, changes were introduced to article 108 of that same Legislative Decree: these, under certain conditions, make it easier to carry out such activities when they are not done for profit. This paper explains in particular the changes recently introduced by the Italian Law 124/2017.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2019, 30, 447-450; doi: 10.19282/ac.30.2019.26
Riflessioni sul diritto d’accesso ai beni culturali
Different conflicting ideas and values cross the debate about freedom of access to cultural heritage. This is nothing new: a similar debate arose in the past decades with confrontation among free software and proprietary software. The future will depend on the evolution of this cultural conflict and the political choices that will follow.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2018, 29, 59-62; doi: 10.19282/ac.29.2018.07
Considerazioni sugli Open Data e i beni culturali e paesaggistici in Italia. Il decreto Artbonus: cosa cambia per la riproduzione dei beni culturali
Marco Ciurcina, Piergiovanna Grossi
Recent changes introduced by the Italian Artbonus Decree indicate that it is now possible to reproduce and communicate to the public photographs of cultural heritage objects under certain conditions (those indicated in section 108, paragraph 3-bis of the Code of cultural heritage and landscape). Systematic interpretation suggests that the rules in the Code of cultural heritage and landscape do not prevent the so called ‘freedom of panorama’, i.e. the possibility to take and publish external and panoramic views of monuments and sites considered as part of the cultural heritage.
Beni culturali: brevi note sui dati e sul loro uso pubblico alla luce delle recenti modifiche legislative
Marco Ciurcina, Piergiovanna Grossi
Recently Italian legislation has made some important steps towards openness in the Public Administration. The most important changes come from the recent laws that, among other important innovations, establish for the first time the openness by default of the PA web site contents. Moreover, transparency and openness of sites will become parameters to be considered when evaluating the performances of the employees responsible for them. Probably, the actual application of the laws will be anything but easy: preliminary work will be required, like filtering data that cannot be published to protect copyright or privacy rights of third parties. This paper focuses on data produced or managed by the agencies for Cultural Heritage with emphasis on archaeology: the main limits on opening data and contents will be discussed.
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