Caravale A. 2016, I bronzi del Museo Claudio Faina di Orvieto: una banca dati, in P. Basso, A. Caravale, P. Grossi (eds.), ARCHEOFOSS. Free, Libre and Open Source Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IX Workshop (Verona, 19-20 giugno 2014), «Archeologia e Calcolatori», Supplemento 8, 229-235
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I bronzi del Museo Claudio Faina di Orvieto: una banca dati
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 229-235
A recent project related to the research line dedicated to Archaeology and Information Society of ISMA-CNR is the website Sethlans. Bronzi del Museo Faina ( This website, planned using the CMS open source Museo and Web (OTEBAC), is dedicated to the bronzes in the Claudio Faina Museum in Orvieto. The numerous bronze objects are catalogued in a database, complete with colour and black and white images and virtual links to other databases available in Internet. The paper also briefly describes other ISMA projects, like the one dedicated to the Virtual museum of archaeological computing.
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Database Classification of archaeological finds
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CNR - Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale
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