Articles by Julian Bogdani

2024 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX


Julian Bogdani, Rodolfo Brancato, Valeria Vitale


Introduction to "Linking Pasts and Sharing Knowledge. Mapping Archaeological Heritage, Legacy Data Integration and Web Technologies for Modelling Historical Landscapes"

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2024, 35.2, 275-276; doi: 10.19282/ac.35.2.2024.29

2024 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Old data, old methodology and new research. A case study of legacy data integration from the Cestrine Region, Epirus

Julian Bogdani, Domizia D’Erasmo


In the context of the joint archaeological project in Çuka e Ajtoit (Albania) by Sapienza University of Rome and the Albanian Institute for Archaeology, new archaeological field research is being conducted in the Southern fringes of the Albanian territory. The area of interest extends from the site of Butrint (UNESCO Heritage site) to the Albano-Greek border, and corresponds to ancient Cestrine, renowned in the literary sources for its pastoral resources and Trojan connections. The study integrates the freshly acquired information collected during the field campaigns, characterized by a high degree of technological innovation, with old research data poorly published up to present. This paper concerns the photogrammetric processing of historical aerial imagery acquired for mapping purposes by the Italian Military Geographical Institute (IGMI) in the 1930s, during the war context of the invasion of Albania by Fascist Italy. The process resulted in the creation of a DTM and an orthomosaic by using SfM algorithms and GNSS topographical surveys, representing the shape of the landscape of the late 1930s, i.e., before the realization of extensive land reclamation programs by the socialist regime that have determined the radical changes of the current landscape.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2024, 35.2, 323-332; doi: 10.19282/ac.35.2.2024.34

2023 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX


Julian Bogdani, Stefano Costa


Introduction to ArcheoFOSS 2022. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Open Software, Hardware, Processes, Data and Formats in Archaeological Research (Rome, 22-23 September 2022)

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2023, 34.1, 11-14; doi: 10.19282/ac.34.1.2023.01

2023 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Backward engineering historical maps: the update of the open hydrography dataset of Napoleonic cartography

Julian Bogdani, Domizia D’Erasmo


Since 2019, the LAD team has been working on the digitisation of the Carte topographique de l’Égypte through a GIS platform. The data contained in this historical cartography, published in the early years 1800s, play a key role in research on the ancient Egyptian landscape, yet they show a still image from the late 1700s. Taking a step towards a Linked Open Data (LOD), this paper illustrates the work of updating the already published dataset of the hydrography of Napoleonic cartography by the LAD team, to which new information useful for the study of the Ancient Egyptian landscape will also be added.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2023, 34.1, 201-210; doi: 10.19282/ac.34.1.2023.22

2022 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Archaeological documentation as a service. Archaeological Information Systems in the cloud era: the BraDypUS case-study

Julian Bogdani


The paper discusses new trends in the archaeological documentation practice, heavily conditioned by the capillary diffusion of web-based technologies and cloud-based services. In this context, a close examination of BraDypUS, a libre and open source project both available for download, self-hosting and as a cloud service, is presented. The online availability of archaeological data sets and the possibility of building new original research on them, by adapting original schemas and formats to new requirements, is considered a very promising initial step towards a more collaborative research. Reducing IT barriers and setting the stage for web-based data management and publication to small-scale (single-researcher and/or highly specialized) projects, will lead to a new era for archaeological data analysis and dissemination.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2022, 33.2, 115-134; doi: 10.19282/ac.33.2.2022.07

2019 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

PAThs: sulla creazione di un geo-database aperto dedicato all’Egitto tardoantico e medievale

Julian Bogdani


PAThs - Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature (P.I. Paola Buzi) is an ERC Advance project based at the Sapienza University of Rome. It focuses on compiling a catalogue of literary manuscripts in Coptic language, organized by their archaeological and geographical contexts. The Atlas is an open access publishing platform, built on the top of open source technologies and backed up by a web database based on Bradypus system, a MIT licensed RDBMS highly specialized in the management of archaeological and other cultural heritage data. The Atlas and the web database are being constructed to become a linking hub for automated access to the data by third party software and other applications. Specific interconnecting output formats (mainly RDF) are being developed to link this platform to other collaborative systems (such as those developed by Pelagios Commons) utilizing geographical representation, i.e. places, as a common reference point.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2019, 30, 471-474; doi: 10.19282/ac.30.2019.32

2016 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Un archivio digitale multidisciplinare per la gestione e la conservazione di un patrimonio culturale a rischio: il progetto Ghazni (Afghanistan)

Julian Bogdani


The Italian Archaeological Mission at Ghazni, Afghanistan (1957-1979) brought to light significant information from the Buddhist (2nd-9th/10th cent.) to the Islamic period (10th-19th cent.). The dramatic events of the last 50 years in Afghanistan and the recent Italian economic difficulties have caused serious harm to this unique archaeological record. This gave rise to an operation of rescue and safeguarding led by the University of Naples L’Orientale and financed by the Gerda Henkel Foundation, with the aim of recovering the knowledge acquired from the excavations at Ghazni and the subsequent research. A collaborative web-based database, able to manage all the information on the most important findings, is the core of this project. The web database is based on BraDypUS, an archiving platform released under an Open Source license. The scientific database has been paired up with a web portal, built using an innovative and open sourced CMS, responsible for the dissemination of this knowledge to a non-specialist public.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 236-245

2012 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Documentare l’archeologia da Burnum (Sebenico, Croazia) a Suasa (Ancona): una tradizione rinnovata

Enrico Giorgi, Federica Boschi, Michele Silani, Julian Bogdani


Recently, the team of researchers who collaborate with the journal ‘Groma’ was involved in two major archaeological projects relating to abandoned Roman towns in the Adriatic area: Burnum (Šibenik, Croatia) and Suasa (Ancona, Italy). The Burnum Project is primarily a remote sensing research project that aims at promoting the archaeological heritage of the site. The main results have already been presented during the first edition of the Workshop (2011). The Roman town of Suasa is located in the middle valley of the Cesano River, in the northern Marche region. The Department of Archaeology of Bologna University has spent over twenty years conducting archaeological excavations and multidisciplinary studies in the site. The present paper focuses on the new season of research, which involves new tools and methods for the analysis and documentation of the site and its territory. In particular, in recent years there has been an increased use of remote sensing techniques and the systematic management of the new data excavations through an innovative webGIS system. The integration of historical and modern aerial photographs, finalized aerial photogrammetry, new aerial and geophysical survey, made it possible to identify several buildings in the urban area and to locate the most important elements of the ancient topography in the suburban area. The large amount of archaeological data acquired from the excavations and from remote sensing techniques was managed by webGIS technology, which made it possible to conduct different levels of analysis.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2012, 23, 261-282; doi: 10.19282/ac.23.2012.16