Di Giacomo G. 2016, Sperimentazione di un sistema GIS cloud open source per la condivisione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio archeologico, in P. Basso, A. Caravale, P. Grossi (eds.), ARCHEOFOSS. Free, Libre and Open Source Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IX Workshop (Verona, 19-20 giugno 2014), «Archeologia e Calcolatori», Supplemento 8, 181-187
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Sperimentazione di un sistema GIS cloud open source per la condivisione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio archeologico
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 181-187
The ability to index and quickly retrieve heterogeneous information from a shared space, makes the cloud an extremely effective tool for the remote sharing of archaeological data. It becomes even more useful when there is a cartographic engine in the dashboard that can handle the geographic information in the cloud. The Laboratory of Ancient Topography, Archaeology and Remote Sensing of IBAM-CNR, is experimenting a GIS cloud entirely made by integrating a variety of resources with open source licence. The cloud platform of the system is implemented with the software own cloud, which, through a MySQL database server, implements the access control. A hyperlink in own cloud redirects users to the mapserver, which at this stage of development is QGIS server; the data entry is done through QGIS Desktop and a QGIS project allows users to enter data into a PostgreSQL db. Through this configuration, data entered from any desktop device are available immediately in the cloud. Testing of the system has already begun on Lecce and Taormina, where the creation of archaeological digital maps are in progress. These research activities are parts of more complex projects that also involve other agencies: the Department of Cultural Heritage, University of Salento for the Archaeological Map of Lecce, and the Department of Classical Studies, University of Messina and the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage and Environment of the Province of Messina for the Archaeological Map of Taormina.
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GIS and cartography Cultural Resource Management
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CNR - Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale
Edizioni All'Insegna del Giglio
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