Articles by Serafino Lorenzo Ferreri
Una proposta di analisi GIS per la lettura degli assetti insediativi nell’Abruzzo interno tra l’età del Ferro e la romanizzazione
Valeria Acconcia, Serafino Lorenzo Ferreri
This paper presents a territorial analysis focused on a sample area in the inner region of Abruzzo, delimited by the Gran Sasso and the Sirente mountain ranges and characterised by strong geomorphological irregularities. Archaeological data from the Final Bronze Age/ Early Iron Age to the beginning of the Romanization process are analysed through a computer-based approach, using CAD, DBMS and GIS. Published data about this region are quite disjointed, both for methodological reasons and for various interferences in the archaeological record. These aspects influenced the landscape analyses proposed in previous studies and the hypothesis about the territorial exploitation patterns during the pre-Roman times. Research has been mainly concentrated on sites with better visibility, such as fortified hilltop sites and necropolises, frequently compared to the Roman settlement pattern, based on valley floor sites along the main pathways. Nevertheless, recent surveys suggest that these data should be reconsidered, taking into account both the presence of other kinds of sites (such as the Iron Age/Archaic period small rural sites localised in the valley floor) and continuity in the settlement pattern up to Roman times. The available archaeological data have been processed within a GIS, in order to investigate placement and visibility/intervisibility factors in hilltop fortified sites, starting from an expressly projected DEM. The territorial sample has been filtered using qualitative and quantitative parameters, proving that hilltop sites during the pre-Roman times were likely to control the natural catchment area. In Roman times, this pattern lost its mainly defensive character, with hilltop sites being abandoned, and was incorporated in the so-called ‘paganus-vicanicus’ system, connected to the administrative subdivision gravitating on urban centres (coloniae and then municipia) and on new monumental cult places.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, 27, 179-195; doi: 10.19282/AC.27.2016.09
Fotointerpretazioni archeologiche su dati cartografici web-based in ambiente QGIS: alcune applicazioni nel territorio aquilano-vestino
This paper concerns the archaeological potential of the cartographic data available online, such as satellite imagery used by Bing Maps and Google Earth and orthophotos published on the National Geoportal or in that of the Regione Abruzzo. The characteristics of these data, together with their immediate availability and the ability to uploaded in QGIS, allow us to operate photo-interpretations by video, vectorizing archaeological traces and anomalies. This methodology was applied in the Vestino territory, in the province of L’Aquila, a particularly suitable area for archaeological research based on the use of remote images, as demonstrated by IBAM-CNR project, that led to the identification of many traces of burial areas, buildings, roads and farming systems. Through the procedure mentioned above, we added several new traces of archaeological sites. Only a very small portion of them - limited to burial sites - were excavated between 2012 and 2014 by the University G. D’Annunzio of Chieti.
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