Articles by Subject

Computer technology


2024 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

CQArchaeo: a Python package for Cosine Quantogram Analysis and Monte Carlo simulations

Giancarlo Lago, Lorenzo Cardarelli, Nicola Ialongo


Cosine Quantogram Analysis (CQA) is a statistical analysis employed in archaeology for the study of numerical datasets with hypothesized quantal distribution. To verify thesignificance of the results, the analysis is often combined with the execution of Monte Carlo simulations. In this article, we present a freely downloadable Python package (CQArchaeo) that integrates CQA and Monte Carlo simulations in the same environment, making the analysis customizable in the main parameters. We provide a guide that enables the use of this tool even for researchers with limited experience in Python programming and demonstrate the applicability, functioning, and main limitations of the analysis on some archaeological datasets.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2024, 35.1, 215-232; doi: 10.19282/ac.35.1.2024.15

2024 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Geostatistical mapping of pottery variation: the northern lands of western Asia during the Middle Bronze Age

Sergio G. Russo


This paper challenges conventional mapping methods of Bronze Age ceramic variation in western Asian archaeology, which often oversimplify the complexity of cultural phenomena. Drawing on geostatistical techniques, we propose a novel approach that considers both similarities and differences in ceramic traits. By incorporating Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) and kriging interpolation techniques, our methodology aims to provide a nuanced representation of pottery distribution, moving beyond static cultural-historical mapping. We argue that this approach offers a more comprehensive understanding of archaeological landscapes by acknowledging the diversity of pottery variation. Through a case study utilising legacy pottery data – which will be published in the future according to the FAIR principles – we demonstrate the practical application and potential insights of our methodology, which seeks to advance archaeological methods and contribute to a richer interpretation of the past.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2024, 35.2, 371-380; doi: 10.19282/ac.35.2.2024.39

2023 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

The spatial interactions between remains in large dwelling spaces

Enrico Lucci


Large dwelling spaces, characterised by a continuous human occupation and for different practices, represent crucial archaeological contexts in reconstructing the organization of production and consumption activities within prehistoric communities. However, the archaeological record related to such depositional contexts often appears spatially disordered and dominated by a chaotic distribution, the result of the interaction of human and natural agencies over time. On this matter, computer modelling offers a wide range of methods to disentangle the apparent spatial chaos and assess the dynamics behind the distribution of the remains, both those deriving from human activities carried out on the spot and those resulting from later disturbances. In this framework, one of the main issues is the reconstruction of the complex of materials and tools from some human activity. This paper explores the effectiveness of Gcross function analysis to investigate dynamics of interactions between different categories of remains in a large dwelling space, addressing the question of how each category of remains interacts in the space with the others. As a case study, the analysis focuses on a wide area within the Bronze Age fortified settlement of Coppa Nevigata (Southern Italy).

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2023, 34.2, 33-50; doi: 10.19282/ac.34.2.2023.02

2023 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

The Spoil project. Assessing the rate of excavators’ accidental ceramic discard at the archaeological site of Siponto

Roberto Ragno


This article aims to quantify the rate of accidental ceramic discard on the archaeological site of Siponto (Italy), where in 2022 the University of Bari and the University of Foggia conducted fieldwork and training for students at different education levels (BA to PhD). The goal was to identify and quantify factors leading to the accidental discard of ceramic sherds by excavators on the spoil heap. As a pilot project, a few variables have been considered to count the minimum number of individuals found after sieving soil composition and colour, weather conditions, time variables, sherds size, colour, and vessel part. Other categorical or presence/absence variables have also been considered. This enlightening investigation shows the bias in post-excavation quantification of ceramic finds. Results indicate that 30% of the fragments of pottery retrieved from the spoil heaps, used in this experiment, were diagnostic. The study also helps the educators on-site to identify the types of vessels that might be less clear for the students.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2023, 34.2, 69-86; doi: 10.19282/ac.34.2.2023.04

2023 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Integrating Point Pattern Analysis and Logistic Regression approaches for exploring the settlement pattern of the Versilia and Garfagnana mountains in Roman times

Salvatore Basile, Antonio Campus


Mountain archaeology has a long research tradition and in recent years the number of studies on this topic has increased considerably, shedding new light on the dynamics of mountain’s communities. Versilia and Garfagnana districts (Lucca, North-Western Tuscany) largely fall between the Apuan Alps and the Apennine ridge. Although these territories have never been systematically investigated, the collection of all available archaeological legacy data indicates a settlement pattern of undoubted interest for the Roman times. This paper aims at exploring the settlement pattern of these mountain territories, integrating Point Pattern Analysis and Logistic Regression to achieve a predictive map of archaeological presences and to analyse their interrelations with the environment. Analyses prove the spatial dependence of finds with geomorphological and pedological variables, but also with the distance to major watercourses and solar irradiation. Based on the considered variables, the predictive map confirms that the foothill and gentler slopes facing E-SE areas have suitable characteristics for permanent settlement. Moving towards the more inland and higher altitude territories, the non-event areas increase proportionally, especially along the ridges, and the steeper, north-facing areas. Thus, the results make it possible to integrate the archaeological framework, clarifying human-environment dynamics, and directing new studies.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2023, 34.2, 87-104; doi: 10.19282/ac.34.2.2023.05

2022 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Experimenting Generalized Procrustes Analysis on a corpus of scenes carved on Mesopotamian cylinder seals and encoded in a textual data set

Alessandro Di Ludovico, Sergio Camiz


In a recently published study, a textual dataset encoding a group of scenes depicted on Mesopotamian cylinder seals from the third millennium was submitted to Procrustes Analysis, considering Correspondence Analysis variations due to progressive reductions of the forms involved. The results seemed to indicate that a slight reduction in the number of forms used to describe the raw data would improve the Correspondence Analysis results. Indeed, the actual impact of each reduction on the outcome of the analyses could not be adequately identified if the forms were not considered as elements forming segments, i.e., sub-images of the scenes. In this paper, the results of the same methodology are presented, this time applied to repeated segments within the same dataset, i.e., sequences of textual forms that may describe sub-images of the described scenes. The comparison between the progressive reductions of repeated segments showed relevant differences between small (around 10% of the rarest segments) and large reductions. Indeed, the latter may undermine a consistent interpretation of the different finding sites, yet well represented keeping 90% of segments. Moreover, a reduction performed by hand and not on the frequency of occurrences provided better results.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2022, 33.2, 13-32; doi: 10.19282/ac.33.2.2022.02

2022 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Dimensionality reduction for data visualization and exploratory analysis of ceramic assemblages

Lorenzo Cardarelli, Annalisa Lapadula


Size reduction algorithms are essential in the study of multivariate datasets. Many variables make it difficult to visualize data. In Archaeology, this problem often concerns the study of some variables, which can be quantitative or qualitative. In this article, several methods for dimension reduction are applied to a pottery dataset from the protohistoric necropolis Osteria dell’Osa, located 20 km East of Rome. These methods offer the possibility of visualising and analysing large amount of data in a very short time. Our results show that non-linear and non-parametric algorithms such as t-SNE and UMAP are the best choice for visualising and exploring this type of data.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2022, 33.2, 33-52; doi: 10.19282/ac.33.2.2022.03

2022 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Cluster analysis, classificazione numerica e remote sensing. Metodi di analisi integrati applicati alla survey presso San Basilio di Ariano nel Polesine (RO)

Giulia Iadicicco, David Vicenzutto, Silvia Paltineri


This paper focuses on a multidisciplinary approach used mainly in the post-processing of the data collected in the intensive survey carried out in 2018 in San Basilio di Ariano nel Polesine (RO). At first, the interpretation of aerial photos and the DTM processing for the area of San Basilio have been used to identify features of the ancient landscape before the field survey, in order to better plan the investigations; the results of the analysis on remote sensing and DTM data have been also used during the post-processing phase. Then, the data collected in the field have been digitalized, organized and processed in a database and a GIS, using both cluster analysis and data classification. The research has allowed us not only to confirm and expand the context of the historical and environmental evolution of the area during pre-Roman and Roman period, but also to reflect on the methodology used for the data collection and processing within an intensive field survey. In particular, cluster analysis and numerical classification methods have been compared in order to better understand their potentialities and limits in the data analysis.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2022, 33.2, 53-76; doi: 10.19282/ac.33.2.2022.04

2021 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Morphometric analysis of Middle Stone Age tanged tools from South-Western Libya, central Sahara. A regional perspective

Emanuele Cancellieri


Morphometric characters of Middle Stone Age stone artefacts from SW Fezzan (Libya, Central Sahara) are investigated. The raw data set is composed of illustrations of tanged pieces from surface scatters and from one stratified and dated site. Both metric and shape analyses are used. The first is carried out on the basis of maximum artefact width and tang width from the whole data set; the second adopts Elliptical Fourier descriptors obtained from 2D contours of tanged points. The geospatial analysis of morphometric variability in a regional perspective shows some meaningful variations between artefacts coming from ‘highland’ and ‘lowland’ physiographic contexts. While the latter encompass most of the regional variability, the former seem to show a narrower range of variation, which could depend on a number of reasons including diverse chronology of occupation, different technological traditions or ecological constraints. The general data patterning is here interpreted in the light of the hypothesis that the water resources kept by the mountainous areas also under environmental stress possibly allowed them to act as a refugium during the most arid phases of the late Pleistocene. An intense occupation of the lowlands during similar chronological time frames and environmental conditions is less likely because of an inferable lower carrying capacity. The regional artefacts’ morphometric variability could thus mirror the population dynamics reconstructed so far for the study area: the record from the mountain ranges testifies for a residual occupation of humans skilled in arid survival, while the lowlands possibly hosted more varied population dynamics especially during cyclically earlier wetter conditions.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2021, 32.1, 7-24; doi: 10.19282/ac.32.1.2021.01

2021 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Understanding the effect of trampling in a spatial perspective: a case study from a long-lived-in dwelling space of the Bronze Age settlement of Coppa Nevigata (South-Eastern Italy)

Enrico Lucci


Long-lived-in dwelling spaces provide a huge number of valuable data by which to figure out human activities and patterns of space use by prehistoric communities. However, cultural dynamics can intervene during deposit formation processes and transform depositional sets of rubbish involving artefacts and ecofacts. Notably, trampling resulting from human activities represents the most intrusive agent that affects spaces continuously used over a certain timespan. Therefore, comprehending the effect of trampling represents a key-step to assess the distribution of items in the archaeological record and to establish a solid base on which to build valid models of the use of space. This paper proposes a methodological approach to figure out the diverse effects of trampling. The methodology has been tailored on a specific case study, a long-lived-in dwelling area of the Bronze Age settlement of Coppa Nevigata (South-Eastern Italy), dated to the 12th cent. BC. Here, cycles of use and of the discarding of pottery produced a massive number of shards, whose primary deposition has been probably subjected to alteration by trampling. On this premise, the impasto pottery record has been considered as viable proxy to investigate the effects of this cultural agent on the archaeological record. The analysis proceeds by three main steps: a data entry process structured to optimize the recording of shards dimension, fragmentation rate analysis of shards and spatial analysis of well-preserved vessels. This integrated approach allowed an assessment of the reliability of distribution and conservation of the archaeological record in the studied spaces, providing crucial information to better understand use of space patterns through a second analytical step: spatial analysis of artefacts and ecofacts. An aim of this paper is to provide an analytical process replicable for further Late Prehistoric contexts.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2021, 32.1, 25-42; doi: 10.19282/ac.32.1.2021.02

2021 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Architectural and sculptural decoration of Roman central Adriatic Italy: an archaeological and archaeometric approach to region-wide marble trade

Devi Taelman, Dimitri van Limbergen, Fabrizio Antonelli


During the Late Republic and Early Empire, central Adriatic Italy was one of the most urbanised regions in the Roman world and most cities were extensively equipped with monumental buildings, often lavishly decorated with imported marbles and sculptures. This contribution presents the results of an archaeological and archaeometric study of the architectural and sculptural marbles used in this central Adriatic area. The determination of the geographical origin of white and polychrome marbles was carried out through macroscopic examination and laboratory investigations (optical petrography, X-ray diffraction, oxygen and carbon stable isotopes). The analyses revealed the presence of a wide range of lithotypes from Italy, Greece (mainland and Aegean islands), Asia Minor, North Africa and Egypt, including varieties of white marble from Carrara, Proconnesos, Pentelikon, Thasos, Paros and Dokimeion.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2021, 32.2, 249-260; doi: 10.19282/ac.32.2.2021.23

2020 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Events of Russian history of the Late Middle Ages in the light of neutron activation analysis data

Tatiana D. Panova, Andrey Yu. Dmitriev, Olesia E. Chepurchenko, Veronica S. Smirnova, Yulia G. Filina, Svetlana O. Dmitrieva


The qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis of the unique remains of the Russian nobility of the Middle Ages was carried out in the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia). Neutron activation method was used for experiment. In the course of the research, bones, organics from the skull and hair of seven Russian historical figures who died in the 15th-early 17th centuries were studied. The mass fractions of several elements, including arsenic and mercury (part of the most common medieval poisons) were found in these samples. The comparison of the obtained results with data from similar Russian and European studies made it possible to make assumptions about the probability of the deliberate poisoning of some representatives of the higher Russian nobility. It also gave an opportunity to replenish the elemental composition database of the human remains of that period.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2020, 31.2, 281-290; doi: 10.19282/ac.31.2.2020.26

2020 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Image study of Mesopotamian cylinder seals through texts: the Procrustes transformation applied to Correspondence Analysis results

Alessandro Di Ludovico, Sergio Camiz


The use of Textual Correspondence Analysis to investigate a corpus of iconographic compositions carved on Mesopotamian cylinder seals proved to be very useful to understand the peculiarities of the specimens from the points of view of geographic origin, typology and inner chronology. The presence of a relatively high number of rare forms in the data set – besides the hapax – led to think, however, that the extraction of the factors – so the outcomes of the analyses – could have been influenced heavily by them. For this reason, looking for an optimal composition and for the most effective encoding of the data set, a reduction of its rarest forms was performed to find the threshold which could allow to reconcile the need for keeping the useful encoded information with the best possible reduction of elements producing high inertia. Adopting the methodology known as Procrustes, the data table was thus progressively reduced, and each time investigated: the results so obtained were then used to reach a global assessment about how much each reduced data set could correspond to the optimized one.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2020, 31.1, 7-32; doi: 10.19282/ac.31.1.2020.01

2020 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Capienza delle forme vascolari, da un metodo open source all’uso di modelli regressivi: il caso dell’insediamento protostorico del Monte Cimino

Lorenzo Cardarelli


The volume of ceramic vessels provides several information about their use. However, due to the fragmentation of pottery coming from settlement sites, data concerning the volume are rarely published. The first goal of this paper is presenting a new method to calculate the volume starting from the archaeological drawings. The dataset could be extended with a predictive regression analysis. The sample analyzed involves cups and bowls found on the top of Monte Cimino (Viterbo-Italy), a settlement and cult site dated to the Final Bronze Age (ca. 1150-950/925 BC).

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2020, 31.1, 33-54; doi: 10.19282/ac.31.1.2020.02

2020 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

A new computational method to quantify morphological standardization and variation within ceramic assemblages

Jenny Vo-Phamhi, Justin Leidwanger


Analysis of ceramic standardization and variation provides a powerful tool for evaluating the scale, organization, and technological practices behind pre-modern production and for gauging the coordination and complexity of past economic systems. The selection of formal attributes to allow effective measurement and comparison of complex shapes, though, presents a crucial challenge to systematic study. Alongside fabric composition and surface treatment, consistent linear dimensions offer helpful metrics for assessing standardized production. More difficult to measure, though, are the many finely graduated variations in shape that can reflect how these processes were implemented and the limits to large-scale serial productions like those of the ancient Mediterranean world. We offer here a new method and computational pipeline, developed using open-source libraries, to quantify morphological similarities and differences among ceramics. Grounded in point cloud comparison, our method enables comprehensive 3D characterization of geometries down to the pixel level and leverages state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and high-speed data structures for efficiency and scalability across large assemblages. Case studies of transport amphoras from two late antique shipwrecks off the coast of southwest Turkey demonstrate the robustness of the methodology and pipeline. Together, they provide an analytically rigorous and flexible approach to quantifying formal variation within a dataset. The first results suggest strategies for controlling the capacities of these transport jars within late ancient systems of production, but the method should also prove useful in formal analysis of artifacts of other forms and contexts.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2020, 31.1, 55-76; doi: 10.19282/ac.31.1.2020.03

2019 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Analisi territoriali in un'area della Sardegna centromeridionale: modelli ubicativi durante l'età del Bronzo

Riccardo Cicilloni, Federico Porcedda, Liliana Spanedda, Juan Antonio Cámara Serrano, Marco Cabras


The territory of Sarcidano is very important for the study of the settlements of the Nuragic population in the central-southern Sardinia (Italy), as the archaeological evidence of the late phases of Bronze Age and Early Iron Age shows. In particular, the great sanctuary of Santa Vittoria at Serri stands out on the homonymous plateau and exercises a control of the surrounding territory, corresponding in whole or part to the territories of the Serri, Escolca, Gergei, Isili, and Nurri municipalities. In this work, we experimented with an analytical procedure not yet widely used in the study of settlement processes in the Bronze and Iron Ages: that of Spatial Autocorrelation Techniques. The advantage of this approach lies in the fact that it not only shows spatial relationships, but does so on the basis of different values connected to the spatial data. Results showed that the Nuragic monuments were built near routes of passage so as to control the valleys below the basalt plains. This demonstrates the existence of a specific and organized approach for exploiting and monitoring the landscape, in which settlement choices depend on functionality criteria, with both nuraghi and villages having a key role on the strategic control of the territory.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2019, 30, 329-346; doi: 10.19282/ac.30.2019.19

2019 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Analisi archeometriche e statistiche per la caratterizzazione di produzioni di bucchero

Letizia Ceccarelli


The aim of this paper is to provide an update to the debate concerning the production technology of bucchero pottery, as well as presenting new data on the use of raw material for its manufacture and the temperatures of firing. This interdisciplinary research focused on a period of technological changes in bucchero production during the sixth century BC, by applying a quantitative analytical approach using X-Ray powder Diffraction (XRD), X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Thermogravimetric Analysis and Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTG), and multivariate statistical analyses. A series of samples from northern Etruria (mainly the area of Volsinii) were compared with products from Veii, Ardea, Segni and Pompeii. XRF and XRD analyses provided quantitative results, statistically analysed, concerning the use of raw material, both calcareous and non-calcareous, and the technology of firing where temperatures reached 950°C or above. TG analysis proved that the black surface of bucchero was due to reduced iron oxides and the presence of carbonaceous material on the surface. However, XRD results demonstrated that firing occurred at a high temperature and the ratio between aluminium and iron in the samples led to the formation of hercynite, an iron-aluminate spinel. The results of the study show that during the sixth century BC the changes in technology to obtain a quality bucchero production were related to a sufficiently long soaking period at a high temperature in a reduced atmosphere, regardless of the presence of calcite in the source material.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2019, 30, 387-404; doi: 10.19282/ac.30.2019.22

2019 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Una proposta di standard per l’archiviazione e la condivisione di dati stratigrafici

Silvana Costa


Archaeological stratigraphy-datasets are widely represented and visualised by the Harris Matrix. However, even digital Harris matrices retain most of the limitations their paper originals experienced and they are still in need of a standardised format for automatic recording. This paper presents an example, based on the well-known CSV open format, with a Data Package descriptor. The Harris Matrix Data Package standard is the result of two independent software implementations, one in Common Lisp by T.S. Dye and one in Python. The proposed format is not limited to describing the stratigraphy for the sole purpose of generating a diagram to look at, but it can be used to model stratigraphy as a Directed Acyclic Graph and to guide the interpretative process and integrate the results with established procedures for Bayesian modelling.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2019, 30, 459-462; doi: 10.19282/ac.30.2019.29

2018 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Indagine sul fenomeno della standardizzazione nelle produzioni ceramiche provinciali in epoca tardo romana. La forma Hayes 85

Miguel Busto-Zapico, Enrico Cirelli


The aim of this paper is to determine the degree of standardization within certain Late Roman pottery productions. This research tried to outline a methodology to determine the standardisation degree of these samples and to unravel the measurement systems used in the production process. The morphometric characterization of each fragment allowed us to create different groups with a cluster analysis. The principal component analysis providedinformation that led us to a deeper understanding of the obtained groups. The coefficient of variation allowed us to determine the standardisation degree of the productions. Once all these data are known, we can approach to the possible measurement units that ruled the analysed production systems. We selected a form well represented in the ceramic contexts identified in the excavations of the Late Antique port-canal of Classe, the Hayes 85 small bowl. This vessel was considered a rare form in Hayes’ monumental book. New discoveries of the last ten years revealed how much we still have to understand about the characteristics of Late Roman productions, trade and distribution. With this in mind, we used a statistical method to analyse the main changes in the profile of this type and its variants.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2018, 29, 161-184; doi: 10.19282/ac.29.2018.16.

2017 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

A statistical approximation of common Roman ceramics from the Isturgi deposits (Andújar, Andalusia)

M. Victoria Peinado Espinosa, José Antonio Esquivel, Pablo Ruíz Montes, Bashar Mustafa, Maria Isabel Fernández García


Common ceramics constitute a very abundant material in the archaeological record. This study focuses on analyzing and statistically interpreting, from the perspective of archaeological material culture, the features of Roman coarse-ware ceramics from the Isturgi deposits (Andújar, Andalusia). The main goal of this research was to study ceramics from an archaeological perspective with reference to quantitative and qualitative aspects. The fragments of pottery belong to three essential types - kitchenware, tableware, and pottery for storage and transportation - and have different characteristics. The data set consists of 3,626 fragments of ceramics of Roman origin, divided in three clearly differentiated groups: 1) common calcareous ceramics, b) oxidized kitchen ceramics, and 3) reduced kitchen ceramics, having a very different quantity of fragments (1,635; 1,714; and 277, respectively) distributed in 16 excavation zones. The analysis of the information has been carried out on the basis of univariate methods, analysis of correlation and regression, analysis of the variance (ANOVA) and multivariate factorial analysis (Factorial Analysis with Varimax Rotation mainly). In this form it is possible to characterize ceramics on the basis of whether they were fired in an oxidizing or a reducing atmosphere.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2017, 28.1, 61-72; doi: 10.19282/AC.28.1.2017.04

2017 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Formally defining the time-space-archaeological culture relation: problems and prospects

Sorin Hermon, Franco Niccolucci


Locating archaeological cultures in time and space is a major challenge of archaeolog-ical research. Despite more than a century of scientific research in archaeology, a satisfactory solution has yet to be proposed. Past attempts to look into the problem focused on sharpening the definition of types of material culture artefacts, a more accurate chronological dating of such objects, various probabilistic methods or GIS solution for defining the time-space borders of archaeological cultures. However, the proposed approaches did not fully consider how the nature of archaeological cultures and their consequent dating and geographic positioning play a crucial role in assigning spatio-temporal borders. We propose to shift the operating logical paradigm in archaeology, from a crisp, Aristotelian-based logic, to fuzzy logic, in our opinion more suitable for reasoning in archaeology. We also introduce the rough sets theory to deal with chronological and geographic positioning of archaeological cultures. Both concepts have, in our opinion, substantial advantages over the traditional algebra and logic rules (implicitly) applied so far.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2017, 28.1, 93-108; doi: 10.19282/AC.28.1.2017.06

2017 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Testing competing archaeological theories of Israel’s origins using computation techniques

Joseph Livni


Conflicting archaeological evidence has generated conflicting theories about Israel’s origins. This work assembles all the theories into four categories and tests each category using computational tools borrowed from bio-mathematics. The bio-mathematical tools are models of diffusion, contagion and epidemics adjusted by various researches to study cultural transmission, ethnic borders and justice administration. The mathematical tools help reconcile known conflicting archaeological evidence and examine two aspects of the evidence that have not been considered so far: the alignment of the borders between material cultures and the conflict between sedentary and egalitarian lifestyles. Theories of immigration of pastoralist nomads passed the test.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2017, 28.1, 109-128; doi: 10.19282/AC.28.1.2017.07

2017 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Evaluating Mesolithic settlement patterns in mountain environments (Dolomites, Eastern Italian Alps): the role of research biases and locational strategies

Davide Visentin, Francesco Carrer


The wealth of Mesolithic evidence in the Alpine environments makes it possible to attempt a reconstruction of highland settlement patterns based on the distribution of known sites. However, just how representative this site distribution is has not yet been fully tested and the impact of research biases on the spatial organisation of Mesolithic findspots is not clear. In order to tackle these issues the locational pattern of Mesolithic sites recorded in an upland area of the Venetian Dolomites (North-Eastern Italy) was analysed. Point pattern analysis was used to correlate site distribution with two sets of covariates mirroring research biases and prehistoric settlement preferences. Point-process models were created and compared using both standard Akaike and Bayesian Information Criteria. Results indicate that both factors equally influence the current site distribution. The low number of statistically significant variables - slope and land-use - suggests the existence of additional variables that were not considered. An additional model helped us explore the importance of alternative variables and provided new perspectives for future investigation of high-altitude Mesolithic landscapes, with particular attention to highland mobility.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2017, 28.1, 129-145; doi: 10.19282/AC.28.1.2017.08

2017 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Geostatistical and deterministic predictive methods for a 3D reconstruction of the ancient morphology and the anthropic remains of the early medieval port of Comacchio (Ferrara – Italy)

Alessandro Alessio Rucco, Marco Vianello, Danilo Vitelli


The paper presents a reconstruction of the ancient morphology of the early medieval port of Comacchio through Kriging and Radial Basis Functions algorithms, and 3D models of the archaeological remains. The predicted surfaces are in significant accord with past hypotheses, also providing a good amount of certainty from a scientific point of view, since they appear extremely consistent with the geological data collected through stratigraphic corings. As a whole, the predicted surfaces and the 3D reconstructions of the wooden remains of the port offer fresh perspectives on the interpretation of the site by showing the existence of different building phases and spatial organizations, thus providing new guidelines for future excavations.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2017, 28.1, 239-255; doi: 10.19282/AC.28.1.2017.14

2016 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Agglomerative clustering using cosine and Jaccard distances: a computational approach to Roman vessel taxonomy

Stephen A. Collins-Elliott


This paper addresses the issue of standardization in the cross-comparability of different vessel assemblages. It presents a computational method for building vessel categories from the bottom up, by comparing the specified attributes of a collection of vessel-types, and grouping like with like. Thus, it provides a platform for translating vessel data which may have been classified or divided by type using one taxonomy, bringing them into communication with those categorized by another. Two different methods of measuring the similarity among vessel-types (cosine similarity and the Jaccard index) are explored, toward providing a control on the resulting ‘synthetic’ categories. An exploratory dataset, collected from published data of archaeological projects in Italy focusing on ceramic vessels of the last two centuries BCE, was used to test the performance of this approach. Project data and results are open source and are available online at

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, 27, 7-25; doi: 10.19282/AC.27.2016.01

2016 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Analisi statistiche e geostatistiche con PyArchInit: prima sperimentazione

Enzo Cocca, Luca Mandolesi


The analysis of the spatial distribution of archaeological records combined with geostatistical techniques plays a primary role in the field of prehistoric archaeology because this methodological approach can be used to understand if a real or chance spatial correlation exists between archaeological records. This essay presents an approach to this issue which makes use of statistics, databases and GIS open source tools in a one-solution instrument based on QGIS desktop environment, in order to study an important archaeological site in Northern Italy (Fumane Cave, Verona). Since archaeology is an intrinsically spatial discipline, the team chose a spatial quantitative approach like the multivariate geostatistics (which is usually used for mining and environmental analysis), by managing the quantitative fieldwork information as regionalized variables. In this way, interesting spatial correlations were evaluated by imposing linear coregionalization models on experimental semivariograms and cross-semivariograms. Moreover, the team conducted this analysis by creating a tool that integrates several powerful R libraries such as Gstat for spatial distribution analysis of data, implemented in DBMS PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2016, Supplemento 8, 132-140

2015 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Quantitative methods in Italian archaeology: a review

Alessandro Guidi


The use of quantitative graphs began, in Italian archaeology, between the end of the Fifties and the beginnings of the Sixties in the last century, thanks to the work of Renato Peroni (Bronze and Iron Age) and Alberto Broglio (Palaeolithic). In 1976-1977 Amilcare Bietti and Alberto Cazzella published the first important article on the subject in the journal Dialoghi di Archeologia. The Eighties began with Amilcare Bietti publication of the first monograph on the use of mathematical and statistical methods in archaeology, that were to become very popular in many works inspired by processual archaeology. In 1987 the monograph Archeologia e Calcolatori, by Paola Moscati, was published; three years later the first issue of the homonymous Journal was edited. The last 'chapter' of this history is the introduction of new methods (functional analysis of objects and GIS) between the end of the Nineties and the beginnings of Twenty-first century. From that period onwards, the use of quantitative methods became daily routine practice in archaeology in our country.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2015, 26, 45-58; doi: 10.19282/ac.26.2015.17

2015 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

The quantification of spatio-temporal distributions of archaeological data: from counts to frequencies

Katia Francesca Achino, Giacomo Capuzzo


Traces of past social actions, detectable in the archaeological record, are the material evidence through which we can infer social and economic patterns of ancient societies. These categories can be investigated in both time and space using a probabilistic statistical approach. In an attempt to quantify the results of archaeological processes we distinguish the terms of count and frequency, which is not common in archaeology, focusing particularly on the latter. In this framework we are able to calculate the number of times a certain event took place in relation to the length of the time interval during which the event is repeated. In addition, the statistical tools allow us to understand if the observable material evidence is the result of a particular archaeological phenomenon (accumulation) that can fit a statistical distribution or process (Poisson process and multivariate normal distribution).

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2015, 26, 59-75; doi: 10.19282/ac.26.2015.18

2015 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Taxicab correspondence analysis of abundance data in archaeology: three case studies revisited

Solène Mallet Gauthier, Vartan Choulakian


This paper compares the method of Correspondence Analysis (CA) for finding patterns in archaeological sites by artifacts abundance data, with a robust variant, named Taxicab Correspondence Analysis (TCA). We show that this comparison is useful, especially for sparse tables with outliers. We identify three kinds of outliers. Three well-known datasets are reanalyzed.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2015, 26, 77-94; doi: 10.19282/ac.26.2015.19

2015 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Dall'Open Data alla predittività. Nuovi modi di far crescere l'archeologia italiana

Francesca Anichini, Nevio Dubbini, Fabio Fabiani, Gabriele Gattiglia, Maria Letizia Gualandi


Data and the possibility to circulate and spread them are the key infrastructure of archaeology. Part of the (interpretative) information underlying data is connected to the know-how of each single researcher. Data, instead, are firm points. In this paper, we describe how open data can be used for determining the archaeological potential. We used a sizable number of datasets, in order to consider the problem of estimation of archaeological potential in all of its aspects: archaeological, historical, and geomorphological data. As the identification of relations among finds is a key issue in archaeological interpretation process, we applied a modified version of the PageRank algorithm. The procedure included a categorization of archaeological data, the assignment of initial values of potential to the available data, the creation of geomorphological maps, the definition of functional areas (i.e. the levels of spatial and functional organization: urban, suburban and rural areas), and the application of the PageRank based algorithm. The model has been applied on the urban area of Pisa, and tested through the data of 14 new cores. The map of archaeological potential consists of the composition of the 7 layers, one for each archaeological period under consideration. The results, including the archaeological potential map, are to be considered as the first steps towards an automatic, formally definable, and repeatable approach to the computation of archaeological potential.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2015, Supplemento 7, 141-154

2014 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

A quantitative approach to Ur III Mesopotamian figurative languages: reflections, results, and new proposals

Alessandro Di Ludovico, Sergio Camiz


The statistical technique known as Textual Correspondence Analysis has been used here to study the late third millennium Mesopotamian figurative languages which were used to produce the so-called presentation scenes in Ur III glyptic. For this investigation the authors prepared a data set that collected the codings of a corpus of Ur III presentation scenes known from cylinder seals or ancient seal impressions on administrative documents. In this paper we first offer a summary and the discussion of the aims, strategies and first results of this investigation, then the iconography of presentation scenes is interpreted through the classification of the scenes on the basis of the analysis of the forms and of their external features. The paper concludes with a general summing-up of the results and their meaning.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2014, 25, 7-32; doi: 10.19282/ac.25.2014.01

2013 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

An R script to facilitate Correspondence Analysis. A guide to the use and the interpretation of results from an archaeological perspective

Gianmarco Alberti


Over the years Correspondence Analysis has become a valuable tool for archaeologists because it enables them to explore patterns of associations in large contingency tables. While commercial statistical programs provide the facility to perform Correspondence Analysis, a number of packages are available for the free R statistical environment. Nonetheless, its command-line structure may be intimidating for users and prevent them from considering the technique. This article describes an R script, written by the author, which aims to free the R user from manually entering long pieces of code. By discussing two worked examples, it shows how the script can provide the user with a body of graphical and textual outputs relevant to the interpretation of data structure. It is hoped that the script will allow the user to concentrate more on the analysis results rather than the syntax of the R environment.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2013, 24, 25-53; doi: 10.19282/ac.24.2013.02

2011 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

The evolution of architectural features at the protohistoric settlement of Acinipo (Ronda, Andalusia). From rounded houses to rectilinear structures and rounded again

José Antonio Esquivel, Pedro Aguayo, Francisco Javier Esquivel


Architectural design constitutes an important source of information for the study of prehistoric societies. In the protohistoric period, an architectural evolution took place in western Andalusia (Spain): the change from rounded to rectangular huts, and a new evolution to more complex houses formed by rectilinear thick walls and others less thick to shape small rooms. This paper analyses the metric and geometric features of the Acinipo protohistoric settlement (Ronda, Málaga, Andalusia) to determine the main architectural pattern in each construction phase. These analyses emphasize the evolution in the design from rounded huts to rectangular ones, but this type of construction returns to its origins with the more recent circular and elliptical huts. The comparison between these features reflects the similarities and differences arising over time in the settlement. Geometrically, regular shapes such as circles, ellipses and rectangles, as well as the orthogonality and parallelism concepts, were applied to the design and building of dwellings. Therefore, the individual huts were aligned to form a regular structure of the town, maintaining the surface area through time. The results provide evidence that geometry constitutes one of the most important multicultural symbols in the world of the architecture and its evolution shows the evolution of society.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2011, 22, 129-146; doi: 10.19282/ac.22.2011.06

2011 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Analisi di fabric in archeologia: proposta di un metodo per la raccolta, l’elaborazione e l’interpretazione dei dati

Denis Francisci


Fabric analysis in archaeology is the study of the spatial arrangement of a deposit through measurement of bearing and plunge angles of its singular components (natural and/or artificial) and through analysis of their mutual spatial relations and with the external environment. In recent years some archeologists (Lenoble, Bertran, McPherron, etc.) have developed a standard procedure for angular data collection and for statistical treatment of this information. The author proposes some conceptual and methodological innovations to improve this method: the application of fabric analysis to any historical and depositional context (in particular, anthropic contexts); the use of "ab plane" (instead of "a axis") for measurement of bearing and plunge of clasts; the development of spatial analyses associated with traditional statistical treatments; the management of data through geodatabase and GIS directly connected to the statistical software. In the future, this method will need other improvements in order to provide more information about origins, causes, and dynamics that produced a specific deposit from fabric analyses.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2011, 22, 217-242; doi: 10.19282/ac.22.2011.10

2010 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Statistical analysis of some loomweights from Pompeii: a postscript

Michael J. Baxter, Hilary E.M. Cool, Michael Andrew Anderson


In 2008 the authors undertook a detailed statistical analysis of the dimensions of a large sample of loomweights from Insula VI.1, Pompeii. A major finding was that the weights of the loomweights appeared to have a bimodal distribution. Further analysis using loomweights that have come to light since the original work strengthens this observation. An analysis of loomweight volume has been undertaken with a view to predicting weight from volume for incomplete loomweights where sufficient information is retained to allow a volume calculation. Recently published experimental work allows an interpretation of the bimodality of the weights in terms of the loom set-up and the cloth being woven, and this is explored in some detail, along with further, tentative, observations on the chronology of the weights.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2010, 21, 185-200; doi: 10.19282/ac.21.2010.09

2010 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Un'anfora frammentaria dalla Laguna di Venezia

Iwona Modrzewska, Giancarlo Taroni, Franco Pianetti


In this paper the authors have analyzed a fragmentary amphora found in the Venetian lagoon at Chiese Bruciate, which has analogies with another amphora from the lagoon which was found in the Rigà Canal. By comparing the amphorae on a typological basis it was found that they represent one of the least common shapes among the amphorae produced in the eastern Mediterranean which are known as the Late Roman type. Both of the amphorae discovered in the lagoon seem to have been imported from Asia Minor or the Aegean area of the Mediterranean during the Late Antique or Byzantine era. The amphora from Chiese Bruciate was attributed to the Late Roman 2 group and in particular to the Dyczek 25 type. As has been done in other study cases, along with the typological analysis a geometric shape study - i.e., a morphometric analysis of the amphorae made by comparing the different forms using geometric indexes calculated on the coordinates of the points measured on the outline of the vase - have also been conducted. Two known statistical indices were used: the coefficient r of Bravais Pearson and the similarity ratio k. For the analysis of the analogies between the shape of the amphora from Chiese Bruciate (SB) and the other amphorae open source R software was used.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2010, 21, 201-210; doi: 10.19282/ac.21.2010.10

2010 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Correspondence Analysis in R for archaeologists: an educational account

Michael J. Baxter, Hilary E.M. Cool


Correspondence Analysis (CA) is a popular tool for archaeological data analysis, appropriate for use with tables of non-negative number. The technique allows the visual display of the associations between the rows and between the columns of a data matrix, and the relationships between them. Archaeologists with this kind of data often have no problem in understanding the ideas behind CA, but with limited training in statistics may have problems in implementing it. Commercial, menu driven, statistical software packages of the type used for service teaching in universities are expensive and restrictive in the way results from a CA can be presented. Archaeologists outside the university sector may not have access to such software. This paper is a guide to how the open-source software R can be used to undertake CA. R is a sophisticated, ‘state-of-the-art’ package that is constantly updated. It is not menu driven and can seem forbidding to new users. The paper provides a detailed account, ranging from installation of the package through to real applications of CA, that has helped, and we hope will continue to help, encourage the use of CA among archaeologists who have previously been discouraged from engaging with it.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2010, 21, 211-228; doi: 10.19282/ac.21.2010.11

2010 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Fit for purpose? Archaeological data in the 21st century

Clive Orton


Archaeology continues to generate large amounts of data, in a growing range of formats and media. Old datasets have been or are being digitised, and there is increasing emphasis on the re-use of old datasets, and on preparing new datasets with re-use in mind. That being so, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the prevention and detection of errors in archaeological data, and in acquiring or developing robust methods of analysis. The sorts of errors that can be encountered in different types of data are approached and discussed through a series of case studies, dealing with counting errors, measurement errors, and classificatory errors. They are linked to another obstacle to the re-use of data: the lack of standardised terminology between different originators. Strategies for mitigating these problems (which cannot be totally overcome) are discussed.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2010, 21, 249-260; doi: 10.19282/ac.21.2010.14

2010 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Symmetry analysis of Neolithic painted pottery from the Republic of Macedonia

Goce Naumov


Neolithic pottery from the Balkans and Anatolia is well known for its remarkable and unique decoration. Very often the visual features of these objects are used for determining the relative chronology of excavated sites, without considering its potential for mathematical observation. The repertoire of patterns used for developing the compositional structures painted on the vessels provide abundant data for such analysis. Almost all of the fragments discovered so far as well as the completely preserved painted pots from these regions were decorated following several visual principles which made it possible to achieve a precise disposition of the patterns on the spherical surface of the vessel. This decorative approach was established on the basis of the standards of Neolithic geometry which employ both symmetry and the principles of visual entropy. For this reason, the painted vessels from Early and Middle Neolithic settlements discovered in the Republic of Macedonia provide a variety of information about the organization and structures incorporated on the decorated pottery. In the earlier phases these painted compositions were mostly based on The Four Rigid Motions of pattern disposition on a one dimensional format, while later, besides using this concept, the principle of asymmetry was implemented in order to compose a two-dimensional image . The aim of this paper is to identify all possible forms of plane symmetry, patterns and compositions applied in the decoration of Neolithic vessels from the Republic of Macedonia, as well to promote the use of geometric symmetry as a possibility for the reconstruction of decorated fragments.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2010, 21, 261-280; doi: 10.19282/ac.21.2010.15

2010 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Burial mounds: detecting ancient surfaces. The method of (semi)quantitative phytolith and biomorph analysis

Ákos Pető


The detection of ancient palaeo-surfaces and horizons is feasible with various pedological methods. The aim of the biomorph analysis is to provide data on the properties of ancient surfaces by locating the palaeo-horizons and describing their vegetational patterns. While conducting the kurgan research, we have often faced the problem of the precise description and localisation of palaeo-horizons within the stratigraphy of the formations. The biomorph analysis provides data in palaeoecological research through the examination of "phyto" and "zoo" microremains. The so-called "multiple biomorph analysis" works both with organic (spores, pollen, charcoal, detritus) and mineral (inorganic) (phytoliths, spicules of sponges, diatoms) biogenic microparticles that can be recovered from soil/sediment samples. One aim of the quantitative analysis of these particles is the identification of the biomorph content in the relevant fractions of the cultural layers and genetic soil horizons and the graphical display throughout the examined cross-section. The present paper is aimed at introducing the utilisation of the quantitative biomorph analysis in palaeoecology and environmental archaeology.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2010, 21, 315-324; doi: 10.19282/ac.21.2010.18

2010 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Case studies of archaeoastronomy in Romania

Iharka Szücs-Csillik, Alexandra Comşa, Zoia Maxim, István Szűcs


Archaeoastronomy is the discipline which studies celestial phenomena looking from the viewpoint of our ancestors (how they understood and used celestial phenomena and what role the sky played in their cultures). Archaeoastronomy uses different methods, derived from archaeology, anthropology, astronomy, statistics, and probability, in order to determine the thoughts of the ancient civilizations. Because these methods are heterogeneous and use data coming from different sources, the collecting and processing require considerable time. In this article two archaeoastronomical case studies in Romania are presented. First, we show a mathematical method used in order to study the astronomical orientation of the skeletons from the Neolithic necropolis of Cernica. We created a detailed data bank for the Cernica necropolis and, using our program written in MATLAB, we obtained interesting results, mostly from an astronomical point of view. Secondly, we provide an astronomical explanation about the ten radiuses on the top of the Andesite Stone from Sarmizegetusa Regia.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2010, 21, 325-337; doi: 10.19282/ac.21.2010.19

2008 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Une méthode d’analyse spatiale des rejets domestiques par les remontages céramiques. Étude d’un site néolithique jurassien: Chalain station 3

François Giligny


A spatial analysis of pottery dumps is proposed on a layer of the Neolithic site of Chalain “station 3” (Jura, France). The proposed method analyzes, through diagonalization, a table of presence/absence of square meters per vase, then, through data analysis techniques, a co-occurrence matrix of the number of re-assemblages of pottery sherds within the square meters. The results show that dump areas are well correlated to the ancient buildings.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2008, 19, 173-186; doi: 10.19282/ac.19.2008.14

2008 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Le Stratifiant, un outil de traitement des données stratigraphiques

Bruno Desachy


“Le Stratifiant” is a simple tool for stratigraphic data processing, which can create stratigraphic diagrams with various functions: inscription in the absolute time, according to the TPQ (terminus post quem) and TAQ (terminus ante quem) available, the processing of dubious relations and the phasing of data. Developed under the software Microsoft Excel, “Le Stratifiant” can communicate with excavation databases.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2008, 19, 187-194; doi: 10.19282/ac.19.2008.15

2008 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Notes on the statistical analysis of some loomweights from Pompeii

Michael J. Baxter, Hilary E.M. Cool


Recent work, in the field, on the dimensions and weights of loomweights from excavations in Insula VI.I, Pompeii suggested that there was structure in the form of evidence of bi-modality in the weights. The paper has two purposes. One is to illustrate a variety of statistical methods that were used to confirm the validity of our observations. The other is to discuss what the archaeological implications of this might be. A more general point is that if more attention is given to what are often regarded as “uninteresting” artefacts some interesting results may emerge - specifically, it can be asked whether loomweights have chronological significance for interpreting archaeological sites (at Pompeii at least).

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2008, 19, 239-256; doi: 10.19282/ac.19.2008.20

2008 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

I thymiateria di El Cabecico del Tesoro (Verdolay, Murcia): caratterizzazione morfometrica

Maria Jaxa-Chamiec, Giancarlo Taroni


The present work is a first attempt to apply some statistical methods to the study of the so-called Iberian thymiateria, coming from the archaeological site of El Cabecico del Tesoro (Verdolay, Murcia). These terracotta objects have been analyzed using four different methods of calculation, for the purpose of verifying the possible similarities and differences among them, considering the results of both statistical and traditional (iconographical) methods.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2008, 19, 257-270; doi: 10.19282/ac.19.2008.21

2007 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

A stochastic model to simulate and predict archaeological landscape taphonomy: monitoring cultural landscape values based on an Iranian survey project

Kamal Aldin Niknami


Archaeological scatters on the landscape present us with spatially patterned materials and features. Linking these spatial patterns to proximate aspects of scatter structure formation, and, ultimately, to understand the effect of land use systems in which landscape taphonomy occurred is one goal for landscape degradation analysis. While in the literature there has been a growing awareness of the pattern recognition problems posed by surface artifact distributions, due to the destruction or alteration of accompanying contextual information by landscape taphonomy processes, no substantive results have appeared in Iran. Analytical techniques for the description, classification and quantitative analysis of surface data remain poorly developed here and have often been incorrectly used and interpreted. The main concern of this paper is to investigate and interpret the effects of land use patterns on the distribution of surface artifacts. The discussion focuses on providing a quantitative model which constitutes an analytical framework integrating methods and theory. This project uses an example provided by the archaeological survey project undertaken at Garrangu River Basin from 1992 onwards in Northwestern Iran. As a case study, land use dynamics of an archaeological landscape were measured through the study period, and Markov Chain models were used to project observed changes of artifact distributional structures over a 50 year period.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2007, 18, 101-120; doi: 10.19282/ac.18.2007.06

2006 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Studio sull’iconografia di Aiace Telamonio con metodi di analisi esplorative dei dati

Sergio Camiz, Eleonora Ferrazza


This work focuses on the images representing the myth of Ajax, son of Telamon, as represented in a corpus of finds from Greece and pre-Roman Italy. The iconography of the classical myth is studied together with other characters, such as kind of object, production, painting technique, place of finding, age. The age was fixed in intervals of 50 years, because of the wide chronological range and the uncertainty of the age of some finds. The data table crossing the finds with the characters was first submitted to Multiple Correspondence Analysis, where a strong relation was revealed. This suggested that an attempt should be made to estimate the age on the basis of the other characters. Qualitative Discriminant Analysis, applied to the objects with certain age, gave good classification functions that were used to estimate the age of the finds with uncertain age. In conclusion, the examination of the graphs shows how different meanings and functions of a Greek myth are illustrated throughout Classical Antiquity.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2006, 17, 45-70; doi: 10.19282/ac.17.2006.03

2006 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Applicazioni della matematica fuzzy per la selezione dei progetti conservativi nei siti archeologici

Cirillo Atzeni, Ulrico Sanna, Nannina Spanu


The authors deal with the problem of a standardised but clear and easily understood framework for the strategic decisions involved in the selection among the diverse projects for the conservation and cultural and economic enhancement of archaeological sites. The aim of the paper is to explore the possibility of the use of fuzzy logic to create a hierarchy among the different projects. We propose the use of fuzzy numbers mathematics for the joint treatment of technical, landscape impact, economic and humanistic aspects in selecting the best conservation projects. The basic elements for the definition and the arithmetic of fuzzy numbers are given and a procedure based on the ordering is implemented. Finally, an application relating to an archaeological site on the Mediterranean Sea (Nora, Sardinia) is presented.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2006, 17, 83-94; doi: 10.19282/ac.17.2006.05

2006 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Analyse de Régression Simple pour l’étude des masses tumulaires des monuments mégalithiques

Elías López-Romero González de la Aleja


A methodology for the statistical estimation of the tumular dimension of simple megalithic monuments is developed through Simple Regression Analysis. Such a perspective may contribute to the global comprehension of badly preserved megalithic monuments and to establishing their role in the landscape; at the same time, and under certain circumstances, the statistical estimation can help in the planning of archaeological activities involving the monuments.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2006, 17, 95-106; doi: 10.19282/ac.17.2006.06

2006 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Perspective théorique de l’évaluation de la sensibilité des sites du paysage archéologique selon une double approche: statistique et prospection au sol. Un cas d’étude d’Iran

Kamal Aldin Niknami


The increase in human population, economic development projects and the rapid expansion of inhabited areas in Iran are in conflict with the need to protect natural and cultural landscapes. Unfortunately, the natural and cultural heritage sites are the victims of these demands and they are increasingly being threatened by the growing population and their economic demands and land use before an archaeological study can be conducted. It is important to know that formulation of research policy and implementation of sound conservation-oriented management tools based on the proper research strategies could contribute toward arresting the problems while securing the existence of invaluable natural and cultural sites. A cultural landscape is, by definition, the sum of various kinds of landforms. The probabilities are that the cultural elements of a landscape may change dramatically through time as the surrounding landscape and land use patterns change. Since cultural landscape structure and change are fundamental determinants of land use, the approaches used in landscape management which emphasize environmental and cultural landscape homogeneity, offer some useful application in a holistic analysis of landscapes. This approach explicitly links archaeological studies of landscape with various land use patterns that may have affected cultural heritage structures. This paper attempts to make a contribution toward application of the above concept to cultural landscape. In addition the paper discusses the potential of an assessment method using statistics based on findings from a case study in Iran.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2006, 17, 107-120; doi: 10.19282/ac.17.2006.07

2005 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Relazioni tra geomorfologia, processi post-deposizionali e visibilità del suolo nella lettura dei dati di prospezione archeologica

Oscar Belvedere, Aurelio Burgio, Rosa Maria Cucco, Daniela Lauro


This paper takes into examination two different districts of the vast area investigated by the archaeological survey of the hinterland of the ancient Greek colony of Himera: the coastal area between the northern Imera and Rocella rivers and the hilly watershed zone located between the northern Imera, southern Imera and Platani rivers. The study examines the relationships between geomorphology, post-depositional processes and visibility of the ground and their impact on the interpretation of data collected during the archaeological survey and, consequently, on the historical reconstruction of the population of the territory from Prehistory to the Middle Ages. Three aspects in particular have been taken into consideration: a) the impact of geomorphology on the recognition of archaeological traces; b) the relationship between geomorphology and visibility of archaeological finds; c) the role of the geomorphological and/or of the human factors in the selection of areas to be settled. Our conclusion is that the geomorphological context assumes a major role in the selection of areas of settlement, while the visibility of the ground seems to affect not only the number of archaeological finds, but also their legibility and interpretation.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2005, 16, 129-152; doi: 10.19282/ac.16.2005.07

2004 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

L'entropia dell'archeologia computazionale ovvero dall'ordine al disordine

Andrea D'Andrea


Starting from the remark that scientific progress and cultural background proceed in a dialectical way, this paper seeks to deepen the relationship between scientific thought, archaeology and information technology. The still rationalist approach of information technology presses archaeologists toward applications where the quantity of data to manage and manipulate is dominant. The importance of quantitative methods is not balanced by an adequate reflection about the connection between archaeological theory, information technology and mathematical formalism. In archaeological field rules, as in other scientific areas, an attitude within the common expectation of confidence towards information technology seems deterministic; in this view technology is neutral and independent in comparison to the changes of the society. This is the dominant framework of archaeological computing closed within autarchy, self-reference and productive myth. The paper examines the possibility to define a different way of formal description and then analysis of archaeological objects. These different approaches, borrowed from other disciplines, are not dependent only from the theoretical model that the archaeologist selects for the digital reproduction of reality. They are a reflexive attitude and research experience which enables archaeologists to articulate in a flexible way data description and formalization without falling into the trap of the true/false opposition and the presumed neutrality of quantitative methods in archaeology.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2004, 15, 219-238; doi: 10.19282/ac.15.2004.14

2004 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Statistical analysis using multistate qualitative variables applied to the human dental morphological traits in the Bronze Age (Granada, Spain, 1300-1500 B.C.)

José Antonio Esquivel, Ihab al Ooumaoui, Sylvia Alejandra Jiménez-Brobeil


The study of dental morphological traits in prehistoric populations is a new method of analysis and allows us to determine important characteristics of different human populations. In this paper we study the dental feature traits proposed by the ASU System (developed by Turner et al. in Arizona State University) by means of an alphanumeric and graphic database recording the dental morphological characteristics and the possible dental diseases (caries, dental wear, etc.). These traits are easily observed, and persist many years in dentally harsh life styles, evolving very slowly and without sex dimorphism. The multivariate data set obtained using the ASU System is defined by means of multistate qualitative variables, and the methodology of statistical analysis is the following: - The MMD test (Mean Measures of Divergence) was developed by Sjovold (1977) to observe the differences between two or more previously established and defined groups by means of multistate qualitative variables. It is also possible to test if existing differences among populations are ethnic, cultural, etc. - A Cluster Analysis algorithm developed by one of the authors (Esquivel1988) that enables us to build a grouping using qualitative multistate variables by means of specific developments in Information Theory established by Claude Shannon. Therefore, it is possible to determine the similarities of dental morphological traits between human groups, and compare these results with other previous information from archaeological data. This methodology has been applied to analyse human genetic diversity using exclusively dental morphological characteristics to determine the diffusion of the culture of the Argar, a prehistoric culture which existed in 1300-1500 BC The analysis has been applied to the teeth of 116 subjects belonging to the Argaric culture in the neighbouring settlements of Castellón Alto and Fuente Amarga (Granada, Spain), and the teeth of 58 subjects belonging to the non-Argaric settlement of La Navilla, also 1300-1500 BC, about 150 Kms. Distant. The results show a biological continuity, endogamy phenomena and genetic drifts. Finally, the study of the maxillar pathology like cavities and dental wear tells us about dental health, food and food preparation.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2004, 15, 239-255; doi: 10.19282/ac.15.2004.15

2004 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Point pattern analysis revisited

Clive Orton


Point pattern analysis has been one of archaeology's quantitative approaches since at least the 1970s, and has been applied at a range of scales, from the region to the site. Various techniques have been 'borrowed' from other disciplines, notably ecology, such as quadrat analysis, nearest-neighbour analysis and kernel density analysis. There have also been 'home-grown' techniques such as Local Density Analysis, Presab and Unconstrained Clustering, as well as the use of Cluster Analysis itself. This paper reviews these developments, assessing their strengths and weaknesses. A statistical advance was made in the 1970s with the development of the K function approach. This has become embodied in the ecological statistical software package ADE-4 as the Ripley and Intertype programs. These programs were found in a search for suitable affordable software for teaching spatial analysis at post-graduate level, and have been used in this role for three years, taking as a test-bed the Danish mesolithic site of Barmose I. The outcome of this work is presented as a case study and compared with earlier analyses of this dataset. The value of ADE-4 for archaeological spatial analysis is assessed.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2004, 15, 299-315; doi: 10.19282/ac.15.2004.19

2003 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

La logica fuzzy e le sue applicazioni alla ricerca archeologica

Sorin Hermon, Franco Niccolucci


This paper deals with the application of fuzzy logic to archaeological research. Fuzzy logic is based on a continuum of truth values ranging from 0 (False) to 1 (True) and thus may help whenever there exists some uncertainty on data assignment to predetermined categories. After examining the features and drawbacks of typological classification and the problem of gender and age assignment in cemetery excavations, the fundamentals of fuzzy logic are summarized. Four examples of archaeological applications are then presented. The first example deals with a necropolis in which tombs present a high degree of uncertainty as far as sex and age of the deceased are concerned. Therefore it is suggested to use a fuzzy database management system, i.e. a DBMS implementing fuzzy logic and function, for data storage and processing. Such a database software was previously developed for this application. In the following three examples, classification problems are considered and it is shown how the use of fuzzy logic may change their archaeological interpretation. The authors claim that a generalized use of fuzzy logic, as is widely applied in other sciences, may improve the quality of data processing and above all produce reliable and transparent results, or at least illustrate the degree of reliability the researcher grants to those data.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2003, 14, 97-110; doi: 10.19282/ac.14.2003.04

2003 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Une reconstitution des climats du dernier cycle climatique à partir des diagrammes polliniques. Comparaison avec les données océaniques et glaciaires

Bruno Bosselin


The multivariate treatment of long pollen sequences coming from peat bogs constitutes an easy and effective method of factorial regression for the semi-quantitative reconstruction of the Paleoclimates. The comparison of the results obtained for the upper Pleistocene with the isotopic profiles of sea- and ice-cores, then with the previous methods, confirms a structuralization of the last climatic cycle in four periods: the interglacial Riss/Wurm including the optimum Eemian, the lower pleniglacial, the Wurmian interpleniglacial and the upper pleniglacial, before the Holocene. A numbering system of these oscillations, correlated with the Dansgaard-Oeschger events recognized in the ice-cores of Greenland, is proposed. A final statistical treatment shows a cyclic evolution of the forest vegetation during the Eemian, an evolution which better translates the variations of the Paleoclimates (temperature and humidity) than the arboreal pollen rate (AP).

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2003, 14, 111-136; doi: 10.19282/ac.14.2003.05

2002 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Getting Bayesian ideas across to a wide audience

George Cowgill


A generally Bayesian attitude toward statistical inference seems to me so obviously superior to the 'classical' Neyman-Pearson approach that it is difficult to comprehend why not everyone agrees. I believe that most non-statisticians learn classical procedures ritualistically but then interpret their results in naively Bayesian ways. It would be better if they became more sophisticated and knowing Bayesians. A truly introductory text on the logic of Bayesian inference, with some simple but useful applications, would probably help. Bayesian inference with an uninformative prior may yield the same results as classical inference, but with coherent rather than muddled logic. An example of a very useful but mathematically simple archaeological application of an informative prior is using prior information to improve estimates of true proportions of artifact categories in populations represented by small collections. However, a complication arises when the observed proportion in a fairly large sample is well outside the range considered at all likely for the relevant population, based on prior information. In this case, straightforward use of a beta prior distribution can yield results that seem unreasonable. Possibly our prior information is better represented by a modified beta distribution with 'heavy' tails. Advice about this problem would be appreciated.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2002, 13, 191-196; doi: 10.19282/ac.13.2002.13

2002 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

A Bayesian approach to the estimation of the age of humans from tooth development and wear

Andrew R. Millard, Rebecca L. Gowland


Examination of dental development is considered to be an accurate method of ageing non-adults, but ageing adults from dental wear is much less accurate. Miles' method is generally accepted to be the best way we have to derive estimates of tooth-wear ages because it takes into account population variability in wear-rates. Here we develop a Bayesian approach to ageing from dental development and tooth-wear, using a latent trait model and logistic regression to estimate the ages of individuals whose tooth development and/or wear has been scored on ordinal scales. In addition to the original methods this: (a) accounts for uncertainties in tooth development; (b) incorporates in a natural fashion individuals with teeth missing post-mortem. Numerical integrations were performed using Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo techniques and WinBUGS software.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2002, 13, 197-210; doi: 10.19282/ac.13.2002.14

2002 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Bayesian approach applied to authenticity testing by luminescence

Antoine J.C. Zink


An important field of luminescence dating is the authenticity of ceramic art objects. The use of 'authenticity' instead of 'dating' is due to the ignorance of the ambient radiation, and hence the annual dose. The present paper shows a Bayesian approach able to quantify the degree of authenticity. This approach permits to introduce under mathematical models some assumptions (annual dose, fire, artificial irradiation) previously only presented as qualitative warnings in authenticity reports.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2002, 13, 211-216; doi: 10.19282/ac.13.2002.15

2002 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Estimating subjectivity of typologists and typological classification with fuzzy logic logic

Sorin Hermon, Franco Niccolucci


It is well known that interpretation always conveys a certain degree of subjectivity, which disappears as soon as interpreted data are stored in a computer database. This may lead to dangerous approximation and possibly to fallacious conclusions. To avoid this oversimplification, it has been suggested to use fuzzy databases, in which attributes may have a fuzzy nature and be indexed by a numerical coefficient, the fuzzy coefficient, which can be interpreted as the degree of confidence the researcher has in each possible assigned value. This technique has been successfully applied to gender and age assignment for the deceased in a cemetery investigation: in this case anthropological data offered statistical parameters that could be used to compute the fuzzy coefficient. Lithics classification is another field in which fuzzy databases have a potential usefulness, but in this case, no previous statistics may help in determining the fuzzy coefficient. We decided to perform an experiment during a standard typological classification of a flint tool assemblage from Israel. It concerned the classification of 50 tools, by different researchers. Each one was asked to note, besides the typology of each item, an evaluation of the 'degree of sureness', or the 'possibility' of an item to belong to a particular type, in other words his or her guessed estimate of the fuzzy coefficient. This paper reports the results of this experiment, in order to evaluate the difference between researchers when performing a classification of tools, to recognize problematic types or items (which mostly differed between the typological lists presented) and eventually to compute a fuzzy coefficient for each type assignment, balancing the different evaluations of experts.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2002, 13, 217-232; doi: 10.19282/ac.13.2002.16

2001 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Exploratory analyses of structured images: a test on different coding procedures and analysis methods

Sergio Camiz, Elena Rova


In order to test the ability of textual coding to depict the features of structured images, a corpus of images of Near-Eastern seals of the late IVth millennium BC was studied through different exploratory analysis techniques. Two different coding systems were considered: the classical presence/absence coding of iconographical elements present in the images and a new textual coding, based on a formalised text describing the image. These were submitted to Multiple and Textual Correspondence Analyses. The textual analyses were performed according to two different coding systems, and several choices of the items involved. The results of the different analyses are discussed and compared here. In particular, textual analysis proved effective in substituting the classical coding in the description of the iconographic elements appearing in the images. In addition, it allowed us to broaden the investigation to include aspects of the images (occurrence of fixed sub-patterns and composition) which are beyond the capacities of classical coding. The ability of textual coding to select particular elements, and/or element sequences, to be taken into account in the analyses, was also considered an interesting feature for fine-tuning the analyses to the particular characters of specific corpora. Thus, the use of a formalised text as an intermediate between images and analysis tools proved to be a method worth using, in spite of the special care needed, and some still unsolved difficulties.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2001, 12, 7-45; doi: 10.19282/ac.12.2001.01

2001 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Análisis de visibilidad y patrones de asentamiento protohistóricos. Los yacimientos del Bronce Final y período Orientalizante en el Sureste de la campiña sevillana

Daniel González Acuña


A new approach to the topic of Late Bronze-First Iron Age settlement patterns in the south-eastern countryside around Seville (Andalusia, Spain) is presented by the application of a new landscape analysis technique: visibility analysis. Some aspects of visibility analysis are discussed, as well as the resulting methodological proposals. Finally, this methodology is applied to the study area, generating historical interpretations about related questions (settlement patterns, means of communication).

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2001, 12, 123-142; doi: 10.19282/ac.12.2001.07

2001 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Modelli matematici per la ricostruzione dei paesaggi storici

Giancarlo Macchi Jánica


The purpose of this article is to illustrate the enormous opportunities that the archaeologist is offered in the study of historical landscapes by the process of reconstructing spatial models. This formal process is characterised by the progressive incorporation of social and ecological variables in the form of numerical cartographic surfaces within a given model. In fact, the distortion of social space requires such a quantity, variety and complexity of operations that they could not be realised and synthesised without the help of a computer. Once this process has been completed, it can be exploited in various fields, like the history of roadways and transportation networks, or for a better comprehension of the effects of certain settlement layers on other levels of social occupation of space.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2001, 12, 143-165; doi: 10.19282/ac.12.2001.08

2001 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

An application of Cumulative Viewshed Analysis to a medieval archaeological study: the beacon system of the Isle of Wight, United Kingdom

Stephen Kay, Timothy Sly


The application of Viewshed analysis techniques to the study of archaeological landscapes, through the medium of a GIS, is a field of research that has a long pedigree. However, it is noticable that studies have focused particularly on the prehistoric and Roman periods, with little application within the area of medieval studies. This paper aims to explore the potentials that different forms of spatial analysis offer, with particular emphasis on visibility in relation to medieval landscape research. A further dimension that is explored within this framework is the use of spatial analysis techniques as a tool for aiding the management of cultural heritage. The study forms part of an on-going research program on the Isle of Wight, being conducted by the Department of Archaeology, University of Southampton, with the aim of understanding the medieval settlement and agriculture on the island. Investigations have been conducted on a range of sites, varying from Deserted Medieval Villages to the Cistercian Abbey of Quarr. The initial results of this research indicated a strong pattern of movement of people to and from the island, a probable result of the strategic military importance the island had during the Middle Ages. Therefore, in collaboration with the Isle of Wight County Council Archaeological Unit, an investigation was launched into the effectiveness of the medieval beacon signalling system on the island, in order to appraise its success, the choice of positioning and the identification of sites. The results collected through the application of Cumulative Viewshed Analysis were then tested for their statistical significance in order to fullfill the CRM aspect of this research.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2001, 12, 167-179; doi: 10.19282/ac.12.2001.09

1999 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

L'analyse spatiale de l'habitat: un état de l'art

François Djindjian


The state of the art concerning intrasite spatial analysis is given here, with the potentialities and the limits of the methods. In the first part, the interpretability of the spatial structures is questioned, focusing on the influence of cleaning and deserting of sites, and also the existence of post-depositional process, which can more or less cancel the expected spatial structures. Subsequently, the different methods of intrasite spatial analysis are described, following a brief history of their introduction into archaeology: the research of clusters in a spatial distribution, the association between two spatial distributions, and finally, the multidimensional spatial analysis actually used. Two important complementary methods are also described: the reassembling of spatial analysis and the chronological spatial analysis.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1999, 10, 17-32; doi: 10.19282/ac.10.1999.02

1999 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Sabina Tiberina. Modellizzazione della distribuzione delle presenze archeologiche

Francesca Colosi, Giuseppe Espa, Salvatore Espa, Roberto Gabrielli, Ugo Ricci, Flaminia Verga


The paper summarises some preliminary results obtained by a research team of the Istituto per le Tecnologie Applicate ai Beni Culturali of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-ITABC) in the archaeological area of Sabina Tiberina (Rieti). The study makes use of statistical methods and information technology with the goal of implementing a GIS of the above mentioned territory. The area investigated, falling within the counties of Magliano Sabina and Stimigliano, presents a wide chronological stratification dating from prehistory to the Roman age. The anthropological pre-existence considered show differences depending on settlements themselves which are always numerous in the various ages; in fact the proximity of the river (the Tiber) is the reason for their existence, allowing a cultural transmission besides the natural function of trade route. This paper is divided into two parts. In the first, all data concerning surveys carried out with the goal of finding and classifying the settlements of Roman age are included. In the second, some descriptive-documentary aspects gained through developing the GIS, together with statistical processing aimed at the creation of maps of data and settlements, are commented upon.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1999, 10, 275-287; doi: 10.19282/ac.10.1999.19

1999 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Il quadro economico di Padova tra il I secolo a.C. e il I secolo d.C.: i dati dalle bonifiche con anfore

Silvia Cipriano, Stefania Mazzocchin


This research analyses deposits of Roman amphorae, in order to individuate the trade, exchange of goods and economic-productive aspects of Patavium and its surroundings. The discovery of more than two thousand containers gives a good numerical base and an interesting starting point for the study of food stuffs. Those amphorae are used to reclaim land since the second half of the first century BC to all the first century AD The combined analysis of typological facts, of excavation context and of the materials allows the division of the land reclamation into three phases: the first between the second half-end of the first century BC and the beginning of the first century AD; the second in the first half of first century AD; the third in the second half-end of the first century AD The market in the first two phases seems to be dominated by Italic products with a variation: in the second phase the oil quantity increases and reaches almost the half of the traded amount, whereas the quantity of wine is reduced, differing with the oriental contribution. The relations with far regions are consolidated with the trade of food stuff, such as garum. Third phase is characterised by supplies of local wine of different qualities, especially oriental, and by a huge use of oil.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1999, 10, 289-304; doi: 10.19282/ac.10.1999.20

1998 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Contenitori per garum e loro paste. Confronti fra Dr 7-12 dei ritrovamenti nel Veneto

Maria Carmen González Vilches, Manuel González Rodríguez, Iwona Modrzewska, Franco Pianetti


The aim of this article is the archaeological and analytical study of Iberian amphorae imported into Veneto (Italy) during the Roman period. The characteristic Baetican shapes Dr 8, Dr 11, Dr 12, fragmentary Dr 7-11 and Pompei VII are compared to the Dr 9-10 shapes of uncertain origin (Baetic or Gallic). The determination by X Ray Diffractometry (XRD) of chemicals Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Ti, Mn, Ca, Na and K and of minerals shows the similarity of the pastes of two groups of amphorae. Using appropriate statistical methods, these data are compared to those of Andalusian and Lionese manufactures.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1998, 9, 331-342; doi: 10.19282/ac.9.1998.16

1997 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Metodologie statistiche e procedure informatiche per l'analisi esplorativa di dati archeologici a connotazione spaziale

Giuseppe Espa, Salvatore Espa, Roberto Gabrielli, Ugo Ricci, Guido Righini


Recent studies have emphasised the usefulness of a jointed employment, in historical and archaeological research, of the most advanced computer technologies with statistical methods. In this work, as an application of a Geographical Information System (GIS), we present a Matlab language program for the statistical analysis of spatial data related to ancient human settlements. The explanation of the program is preceded by some notes about the GIS, the area from which data have been collected, and the statistical methods applied to analyse the data.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1997, 8, 27-36; doi: 10.19282/ac.8.1997.02

1997 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Statistical modelling of archaeological sites locations as non-stationary cox processes and its use in forecasting

Giuseppe Arbia, Giuseppe Espa


The aim of this paper is to introduce a class of testable statistical models aimed at modelling archaeological sites locations (ASL) or a continuous space and at producing probability maps of ASL. These models are based on collected statistical and auxiliary information (such as information about the slope or exposure of the land, the topography, the hydrology, the topology, etc.). More explicitly the model for the ASL is based on the assumption that the location of the existing archaeological sites is fixed and that the location of new archaeological sites not yet found is a realization of a non-stationary point process depending on the spatial interaction with other existing sites, on the distance from important location or communication networks, and on a set of auxiliary variables. It is also possible to introduce into the discussion information we have about the archaeological site dimensions. In fact, it is plausible that the interaction between existing archaeological sites and candidate locations for new archaeological sites is dependent on their dimension. These models can prove valuable in that they formalize some “common sense” knowledge and can help in producing automated probability maps on a continuous space to support excavation decisions.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1997, 8, 37-41; doi: 10.19282/ac.8.1997.03

1997 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Patrones de distribución y agrupaciones espaciales: reflexiones sobre el test del vecino más próximo en 3D

Germá Wünsch


Within the framework of the ANITES methodology, designed for the study of the spatial articulation of the archaeological record, we use a remodelled version of the nearest-neighbour in 3D, that computes the distances between three-dimensional points (x, y, z). In this paper we present some technical questions related to performances for the study of the distribution patterns and for the determination of the spatial category groups. We use a comparison between the results obtained in different data processing (El Cingle Vermell, El Roc del Migdia, Túnel VII and Punta Baja sites) to evaluate the relationships and incidence of the variables involved (values of the coefficient R, critical distance, number of effective and number of category groups). This technical evaluation shows that the test of the nearest-neighbour in 3D works for our expectation and is very useful when inserted in the framework of the ANITES methodology.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1997, 8, 43-53; doi: 10.19282/ac.8.1997.04

1997 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Spatial statistical analysis applied to magnetometric archaeological data

José Antonio Esquivel, Beatriz Benjumea, José Antonio Peña


Geophysical techniques applied to archaeological exploration involve specific problems of data interpretation, due to the spatial characteristics that they possess and to the particularities of material remains in archaeological sites. This work shows an application of statistical spatial analysis to the study of data in 2D coordinates together with the value of a variable z, that quantifies a spatial soil characteristic (in the magnetometric survey these values correspond to the magnetic intensity or gradient values). The analysis includes exploratory statistical non-spatial methods and other methods extracted from the statistical spatial analysis, and performs thematic maps by means of a new algorithm that finds the greater contrasts in the z values. This methodology and the algorithm have been applied to the microspatial study of magnetometric data in a Roman settlement in Las Gabias (Granada, Spain) and verified with the excavation carried out on this site.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1997, 8, 55-65; doi: 10.19282/ac.8.1997.05

1997 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Études des proximités dans l'espace funéraire: le cas de la nécropole occidentale de Mégara Hyblaea

Andrea Iacovella


The archaeological aim of this paper is to demarcate the groups of graves within the particularly random distribution of a Greek archaic cemetery: the west necropolis of Megara Hyblaea, excavated by Paolo Orsi in 1889. The methodological aim is to observe the behaviour of four different statistical analyses applied to the same data. The selected methods take the variable of space into account, meaning: the exact location where each data has been measured (a grave is a unit). Finally, concerning graves and their location, the following question is posed: is it possible to build one typology of archaeological characteristics through the description of the procedures with which the space has been occupied?

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1997, 8, 67-102; doi: 10.19282/ac.8.1997.06

1997 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Il complesso ceramico di Conelle di Arcevia: elaborazioni statistiche applicate a una tipologia intuitiva

Alberto Cazzella, Maurizio Moscoloni


The authors identify different kinds of variability in the production of artefacts: a series of socially accepted types within a certain class of products; individual variations due to a low degree of control in the manufacture; sporadic variations for the desire for variation; variations linked to phenomena of auto-identification of single or a few producers and users versus other ones; chronological variations. The authors attempt to make connections between the different kinds of associations of features highlighted by chi square analysis in the ceramic assemblage of Conelle and those kinds of variability.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1997, 8, 103-117; doi: 10.19282/ac.8.1997.07

1997 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Un usage des tests non-paramétriques en archéologie: l'étude d'un dépôt d'archives à Délos

Yves Auda, Marie-Françoise Boussac


Non-parametrical tests have been used to check the validity of some hypothesis made of archaeological material (sealings on papyri kept in a Delian archive destroyed by a fire in 69 BC). Although these tests deal only with a part of the corpus, the validity of the results should not be questioned.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1997, 8, 119-128; doi: 10.19282/ac.8.1997.08

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Analisi di siti archeologici inquadrati nel loro contesto territoriale: gli insediamenti protostorici del bacino del fiume Fiora

Neda Parmegiani, Maurizio Poscolieri


Relationships between communities who inhabited the Fiora river basin during the Bronze Age and surrounding landscape have been examined to give more insight into the choice of settlement location, on the basis of landscape analysis methods adopted in environmental studies. By processing Landsat TM and elevation (raster) data and water related (vector) data (all georeferenced to a UTM grid), respectively spectral (the six TM band values), morphometric (elevation, aspect and slope etc.) and hydrological (distance to water from a site etc.) parameters have been derived for about 50 settlements detected in the study area. These parameters have been statistically analysed by separately processing the spectral, morphometric and morpho-hydrological values using a hierarchical cluster analysis method. The spectral data classification has yielded, with two exceptions, two main groups, one characterised by intermediate reflectivity, medium-low vegetation percentage and variable moisture; the other, more defined, with mostly dark and very humid soils, includes also 32% of the Final Bronze settlements. The classification of the morphometric parameters has highlighted elevation as the discriminating variable, obtaining two main clusters: the first includes sites located above 400 m; the second splits into two subclusters, one with sites between 50 and 200 m, the other between 200 and 400 m. Among the subclasses, three exhibit sites belonging to the Final Bronze Age, one includes sites of the Early Bronze Age. Therefore, the classification of the morpho-hydrological parameters shows that both elevation and water distance appear discriminating. The highest values of these two variables characterise a single site, clearly separated after cluster analysis application, which again yielded three subgroups belonging to the Final Bronze Age.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 79-89; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.06

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Information science in archaeology: a short history and some recent trends

Albertus Voorrips


In the first section of this paper, some of the developments in the use of information science in archaeology are discussed, putting them in a more general framework of developments in archaeological theory. It shows the shift from “classical” statistical approaches, which concentrate on hypothesis testing, towards more heuristic, pattern searching methods of analysis. In the second section, some research is presented on the use of Bayesian statistics for solving archaeological problems. It illustrates, on the one hand, the case with which rather complicated quantitative analyses can be performed with the help of standard computing tools, and, on the other hand, the risks of carrying out such analyses without a clear, logically sound underpinning.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 303-312; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.25

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Thinking about the spatial articulation of the archaeological record: the role of statistical techniques

Germá Wünsch


The aim of this paper is to present a short reflection about the connection between the spatial articulation of the archaeological record and the role of statistical techniques. The basic idea is to process three spatial properties of the archaeological record: the distribution, the arrangement and the association. We include this idea inside the theoretical-methodological framework of the ANITES proposal. Briefly, we present the informative potential of these properties and the statistical techniques selected.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 327-335; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.27

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Studio dei processi formativi del deposito e ricognizione di configurazioni spaziali in insediamenti all'aperto: analisi statistiche delle evidenze archeologiche di Terragne (Manduria, Taranto)

Savino di Lernia


The analysis of site formation processes seems quite ignored in the archaeological literature of Southern Italy. In this paper, we discuss the case study of Terragne (Taranto, South-Eastern Italy), an open-air site characterised by two occupation layers (US 5-Late Mesolithic; US 3-Early and Middle Neolithic). Statistical analyses of different archaeological indicators were performed, in order to value the formation features of the deposit and to identify possible spatial configurations. Particular emphasis has been drawn to the identification of diagnostic tools, able to isolate specific formative phenomena (sin-depositional and post-depositional.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 337-355; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.28

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

La Sabina Tiberina. Analisi esplorativa per la zona archeologica dell'Ager Eretanus

Giuseppe Espa, Salvatore Espa, Roberto Gabrielli, Ugo Ricci


The aim of the work described here is to contribute to the knowledge about the ancient population located in the Ager Eretanus, through the application of a statistical methodology known as “point pattern analysis”. We first present a brief discussion of the management of an application-oriented GIS in the field of archaeological research. We then present the results of a “second order analysis” undertaken on the data at our disposal. Finally, we discuss two interesting methodological problems: the first concerns the evaluation of the influence exerted on the model by possible errors in the location of the points; the second regards the proposal of a graphical representation which proves very useful in showing the variable intensity of the distribution of archaeological site.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 357-363; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.29

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Forecasting statistical models of archaeological site location

Giuseppe Arbia, Giuseppe Espa


Forecasting statistical models are becoming increasingly important in archaeological research. One of the reasons of this popularity is that archaeological sites tend to present themselves in particular environments so that forecasting models can help in identifying areas where the probability is higher based on previously collected statistical information. In the present paper we consider a class of statistical models designed to produce maps of the probability for archaeological site location (ASL) which incorporate both deductive and inductive considerations. In the discussion we criticise the use of the logistic regression for the production of ASL probability maps, a popular approach known in archaeological literature as the “integrated strategy”. The application of the method is statistically incorrect since in archaeological studies the hypothesis of independence between sites, which is at the basis of the logistic regression model, is violated. To overcome such limitations we propose two alternative models. The first one is an autopredictive model in which the probability of ASL is modelled as a function of the observations coming from field surveys in neighbouring zones. This approach accounts for the problem of non-independency of observations, but neglects a priori auxiliary information on the archaeological area. The second approach is a more comprehensive one which overcomes the problems of logistic regressions while preserving the role of a priori information.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 365-372; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.30

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Observations sur la distribution des tombes dans une nécropole grecque d'époque archaïque: le cas de la nécropole Ouest de Mégara Hyblaea

Andrea Iacovella


The aim of the study is to observe the random distribution of graves, characteristic of Greek cemeteries in the archaic period. Of the three computing tools that were used, only the data analysis is explained here. The results were displayed in the topographical space, using the x,y coordinate of each grave. The definition of archaeological variables designated to data analysis has increased through the analysis of the vocabulary used by the archaeologist. Correspondence Analysis was used for the study of grave goods, and Multiple Correspondence Analyses for the study of burials characterised by the grave goods structure of the previous analysis. This report concerns one aspect of the results: the 178 child burials described by the archaeologist. The study shows four groups characterized by different archaeological patterns. Each group was inserted in the topography of cemetery. The internal outlines delimited by the groups are the components of the distribution model. The last result is extended to include other structures concerning the archaeology of death.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 373-384; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.31

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Beyond the histogram. Improved approaches to simple data display in archaeology using kernel density estimates

Michael J. Baxter, Christian C. Beardah


The histogram is one of the most widely used descriptive statistical techniques in archaeology, but suffers from a number of well known problems. These include the dependence of its appearance on the choice of origin and interval width. Kernel density estimates provide an alternative to the histogram and avoid some of its problems. They have been little used in archaeology, probably because suitable software has not been widely available. We illustrate some of the advantages of kernel density estimates through several simple examples. Computation was done using the MATLAB package and routines written by the second author that are freely available. One issue in the use of kernel density estimates concerns a choice analogous to that of the interval width for a histogram. Our routines implement several approaches that are discussed in an appendix.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 397-408; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.33

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Analisi statistiche e archeometria: uno studio sulle ceramiche del IV e III millennio a. C. provenienti da Arslantepe (Malatya, Turchia)

Marcella Frangipane, Alberto Maria Palmieri, Micaela Angle


This project was established through a collaboration between the Missione Archeologica Italiana in Turchia (Università di Roma “La Sapienza”) and the Istituto per le Tecnologie applicate ai Beni Culturali of the CNR. For this project we selected over 700 ceramic samples found at Arslantepe, coming from structures and layers of IV and III millennium BC The samples were chosen in order to obtain a complete picture of the typological classes coming from the different chronological phases. The use of the ceramic classes and their related structures were also investigated, using traditional archaeometric analyses. Taking into consideration such a large time scale, the aim was to study the socio-cultural and economic development and transformations showed by the technology of ceramic production. The management of such a large amount of data, and the high number of interrelationships, required the use of a computer-based system. Statistical analyses were conducted using the software SPSS, specialised for Social Sciences applications.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 447-468; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.37

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Studio delle paste ceramiche di anfore della laguna di Venezia mediante una procedura basata sulla elaborazione di immagini

Iwona Modrzewska, Luciano Azzarelli, Sirio Cerri, Massimo Chimenti, Maciej Pawlikowski, Franco Pianetti


This article discusses a research project about the imported and local amphorae found in the Veneto region. The study is specifically based on fragments of Spanish amphorae found in the Venetian lagoon. Several samples could be clearly identified as fragments of the forms coming from the Baetica region (e.g., Dr 8, Dr 38, Dr 7/11, Dr 20 and Dr 20-23); other samples of very limited number could also be reliably identified. In order to attempt a broad identification we have studied the composition of the pastes of a small number of fragments by means of mineralogical and petrographic analyses. Additionally image processing techniques were also used: in particular, a classification procedure has been designed that will perform morphologic, chromatic, radiometric and spectral analyses on the images of thin sections of the amphorae, taken by a polarising microscope. The procedure could be completed by analysing a larger number of samples, that will allow to establish the decision thresholds used in the classification process; the procedure will facilitate the fusion of data and information obtained with different destructive and non destructive tests of the samples, so that it could constitute a useful tool for the archaeological research.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 469-486; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.38

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Le anfore (IV-VI/VII sec.) rinvenute negli horrea di S. Gaetano di Vada (Rosignano, LI): ricerche archeometriche, morfologiche, quantitative

Antonella Del Rio, Marina Vallebona


This article is based on the morphologic, archaeometric and quantitative study of amphoras found in room 16 and 17 of the horrea of S. Gaetano of Vada (Li), which form part of the port structures of Vada Volaterrana. The material belonging to the second of the two phases of the building (half of IV-VI/VII cent. AD) have been studied; this has allowed us to delineate commercial flows that, coming from the whole Mediterranean basin, have been related to the Vada Volaterrana harbour on the Northern Etrurian coast. The locally fabricated amphoras represent a large proportion of the finds (14,7%): these were used for wine, and were stored here before being exported. The majority of the imported amphoras came from North-Africa (65,8%), but they were also imported from the Eastern end of the Mediterranean (18,1%). Few, on the contrary, were imported from the Italian peninsula (11,4%), and these above all from the Iberic peninsula (4,7%). Also of note is the lack of imported amphoras from Gallia during the second phase of existence of the building.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 487-496; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.39

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Il vasellame di uso comune (I-VII sec. d.C.) rinvenuto negli horrea di S. Gaetano di Vada (Rosignano,, LI): ricerche archeometriche, morfologiche ed analisi quantitative

Marinella Pasquinucci, Simonetta Menchelli


Morphologic and archeometric studies and quantitative analysis were carried out on the common ware pottery from the horrea located in the harbour quarter of Vada Volaterrana (S. Gaetano di Vada, Rosignano Marittimo, Livorno). It is attempted to define the functional, morphologic and technical characteristics of this ware, dated I-VIII cent. AD The relationship between common ware and the other kinds of ware (thin walled, Italian terra sigillata, African terra sigillata etc.) are studied. 64 different fabrics were identified; 65% of the common ware pottery was made on the Northern coast of Etruria; a considerable number of imports from Northern Africa and, in smaller quantities, from Central-Southern Italy and Eastern Mediterranean coasts were also identified. The pattern of trade and the local “Roman” production continued at least up until the end of the VI cent. AD The situation changed in the first half of the VII cent.: Mediterranean commercial trade ended and the local coarse ware pottery, very different from the traditional Roman pottery, became what is recognised as a protomedieval fabric.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 497-514; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.40

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

The vegetation from the Guadix-Baza (Granada, Spain) during the Copper and Bronze Ages based on anthracology

María Oliva Rodriguez-Ariza, Francisco Valle, José Antonio Esquivel


The data from an anthracological study of vegetal carbon from six archaeological sites in the Guadix-Bàza district (Betic province, Guadiciano-Bastetano), dating from 2500 to 1400 BC, have been submitted to Correspondence Analyses in order to define relationships between taxa, to associate taxa with the sites, and to identify patterns of species appearance. The vegetation identified by anthraco-analysis for the Copper Age is the kermesoak grove (Quercus coccifera association), probably includable in the present-day Rhamno lycioidis-Quercetum cocciferae association, with Aleppo-pine groves (Pinus halepensis community) occupying the most marginal zones. This pine grove gradually replaced the oak grove during the Bronze Age, for a variety of causes, principally anthropic, such as the cultivation of new lands, farming and the cutting of trees. Human knowledge of plants is reflected in the uses of certain species for specific functions: construction materials for huts, firewood for the hearth and for metal working, and raw materials for making utensils. The use of materials depended on species availability and the socio-economic organization of the human communities inhabiting the southeastern Iberian Peninsula during the Copper and Bronze Ages.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 537-558; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.43

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Underpinning the discipline. One hundred years (or more) of classification in archaeology

Clive Orton


Classification has been an important archaeological activity for at least a century. It should not be seen as an end in its own right, but as a tool that enables archaeologist to compare and communicate. It can also be seen as mathematical activity, the study of relationships between entities in a multi-dimensional space. Comparison of these approaches leads to a set of criteria for a “good” classification. A wide and growing range of techniques is available, but more fundamental issues such as the choice of variables and the level of analysis must also be considered. The history of classification in archaeology shows a period of optimism followed by one of disappointment; the recent development of techniques more suited to archaeological needs may enable a middle view to be taken. Finally, the role of classification is assessed in the light of current trends in archaeological theory.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 561-577; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.44

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Archeologia quantitativa: nascita, sviluppo e "crisi"

Paola Moscati


The author describes the different phases which have characterised “Quantitative Archaeology” from its origin in the Sixties to the present. An examination of the present situation emphasises the reduction in the number of projects in which statistical and mathematical techniques are applied in comparison with those devoted to data recording, computer graphics and image processing. A limitation in the fields of studies, generally restricted to the more traditional application sectors, such as archaeometric analyses and typological and morphological studies of artefacts, was also observed. This situation is related to two principal aspects. The first concerns the present tendency to assimilate theory and practice, which involves the connection between the opinion on Quantitative Archaeology and the debate on processual and post-processual – or anti-processual – archaeology. The second concerns the re-appraisal of the epistemological aspect of archaeology, which implies the necessity on the behalf of archaeologist to formalise their own reasoning: a step which is often considered absent in quantitative studies. As an example, the author presents a case study, which concerns the computer-based classification of Etruscan cinerary stone urns, produced in Volterra, in order to show how the formalisation process is implied in the application of the quantitative approach.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 579-590; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.45

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Contraste funcional de una clasificación morfométrica multivariante de piezas líticas con muesca

Jesús Ruiz Cobo


This work studies a sample of 58 notched pieces formed by all the examples found in surface sites from a small area of the Cantabrian coast (Northern Spain). These sites are the result of three kinds of activity: a) the exploitation of coastal resources; b) the manufacture of artifacts used in this exploitation; c) the working of flint nodules from local limestone. The results of data gathered were organised in a database and a classic statistical analysis was carried out using the package SPSS. After the application of different tests - correspondence, factor and cluster analysis - a classification in four groups based on morphological variables was chosen as the most significant. In the functional analysis a basic traceologic study has been combined with experimental practice in order to establish whether the four morphological classes show differences in the way they were used and in the patterns of the marks of use. The functional analysis has also enabled four groups to be distinguished and the contrast between both classifications displays a difference between the morphological classification based on the morphometric variables, and the functional classification. The factors involved in this contrast are examined in this study.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 603-610; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.47

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Il complesso ceramico eneolitico di Conelle di Arcevia (Ancona)

Alberto Cazzella, Maurizio Moscoloni


The ceramic assemblage described in this paper, coming from the Conelle di Arcevia Copper Age ditch, can be divided into four phases. This substantial assemblage (almost 10,000 diagnostic items) allowed us to undertake quantitative analysis. A first step in creating a database is to define the underlying criteria: it is a truism to say that the selected parameters condition the results of the analysis. It seemed to us impracticable to elaborate an automatic classification being able to take into consideration the recognition of the patterns socially accepted by a specific human group. At risk of a higher degree of subjectivity, we choose to create an intuitive typology concerning shapes, decorative techniques and motifs, handles and raw materials/surface treatments. We tried examining the behaviour of each feature and their association, aiming to understand the synchronic and diachronic levels of variability in the ceramic production; moreover our purpose was to discern the international/ stochastic value of each association of features by simple statistical techniques.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 611-622; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.48

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Analisi statistiche dei reperti ceramici: il caso di Sorgenti della Nova

Laura Domanico, Anna Passoni


This article presents the first results of a statistical analysis applied to the ceramic artifacts from the Late Bronze Age settlement of Sorgenti della Nova (Farnese, Viterbo). After organising the data in a logical structure of relationships, with the setting up of a classification code and automatic processing, various methods of descriptive and multivaried analysis were applied (Frequency Analysis, Crosstabulation, Cluster Analysis). The main objective was the reconstruction of as great a number of shapes from fragments as possible, consequently observing the distribution dynamics of these within the site. The analysis enabled us to increase the possibility of recognising the ceramic forms by roughly 25%. It allowed us also to observe how, even within a situation of substantial uniformity in the site, a distinct separation emerges in certain structures, including, among other factors, the material culture, such as for example, the oval huts with foundations on channels, the grotto-sanctuary 7 and the monumental structure in sector Vb.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 629-645; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.50

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Metodi di analisi per lo studio di un gruppo di sigilli cilindrici vicino-orientali e di altre immagini strutturate

Sergio Camiz, Elena Rova


In order to analyse a corpus of 963 Near-Eastern Uruk/Jemdet Nasr period sealings, three levels of image structure were identified, as being a) the presence of iconographic elements, b) the presence of subpattern, i.e. small images contributing as a whole to the total image, and c) the general image pattern, considered only under the syntactical point of view. This paper is based on second level analyses, performed through textual exploratory analysis of a formalized text describing the sealings images. Two different textual correspondence analyses were performed: the first on textual forms and the second on repeated segments, i.e. repeated sequences of forms considered as a whole. In the paper, the quality of results is discussed, in particular comparing them to classical techniques based on manual coding and to a previous coding. In this case, a better distinction of different sealings groups resulted from forms analysis, whereas the one on repeated segments, although repeating the forms analysis general pattern, seems less satisfactory. Both results suggest to modify the automatic procedures used so far, in order to limit attention to presence/absence of forms on one side and to select manually the repeated segments actually corresponding to a subpattern, rather than considering all of them.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 647-659; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.51

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

The entasis of greek doric columns and curve fitting. A case study on the peristyle column of the temple of the Athena Alea at Tegea

Jari Pakkanen


In this paper it is suggested that least squares approximation can be used to analyse and to produce computer images of the entasis of Greek Doric columns. The curve fitting method is then applied in a case study on the peristyle column of the temple of Athena Alea at Tegea. By analysing the shaft profile of the different drum combinations it is possible to give the most likely range for the column height.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 693-702; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.54

1996 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Dal dato epigrafico: consistenza e composizione dei nuclei familiari

Paola Donati Giacomini


The aim of this paper consists in analysing family-structure in a Roman community (Ariminum) using epigraphical data. Patriarchal extended family (typical of Mediterranean area) was absent in Roman age and besides we note the presence of nuclear family. Ariminenses had few children. It depends on several factors; for instance, on a high death-rate at birth, on a temporary situation of sterility in consequence of prolonged nursing, birth-control, food, living standards. Death-rate is high in the age-band 16-30 years, but only 10% of the documents contain biometric data, whose presence is closely related to the reader's emotions it could stir up.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 743-750; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.59

1995 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Metodi di codifica e analisi per lo studio di immagini strutturate: un'applicazione ai sigilli cilindrici del periodo di Uruk/Jemdet Nasr

Elena Rova


A corpus of 963 images belonging to Near-Eastern seals of the Uruk/Jamdet Nasr period (late fourth Millennium BC) was analysed and classified through multivariate analysis techniques, applied on both presence/absence of iconographical elements and a text describing each image. Methods and results are discussed and compared. The presence/absence analysis is the most effective in dividing the corpus into different groups of images (scenes with common animals, “special” animals such as hybrids, war, religious, complex handicraft and schematic handicraft scenes). The results of textual analysis are similar in many respects, though here common features between different groups of seals are underscored. Textual analysis also seems a promising approach for the study of syntactical patterning of the seal images. The study of repeated segments (i.e. fixed sequences of lexical forms occurring in different texts) proved the existence of fixed sun-patterns, consisting of two or more elements and attitudes, which occur in images belonging both to the same group of seals and to different ones. Fixed sun-patterns tend, however, to occur more frequently on images characterized by a simple and repetitive structure, whereas they are only rarely used in the most complex seals. Finally, results of both analyses effectively proved that the iconography of the seals is related to their origin and function. Religious scenes and representations of hybrids, snakes, birds and lions generally occur on seals or sealings found in temple contexts, often on sealings fastening movable containers or storeroom doors; war scenes are apparently found only in urban centres. Complex handicraft scenes tend to be found in storeroom or in domestic contexts, often on “clay balls” (sort of primitive administrative documents). Finally, schematic images generally occur in domestic, non-official context. Schematic seals were apparently rarely used for sealing; most of their images derive from original seals and not from impressions. On the other hand, religious scenes seem especially typical of southern Mesopotamia, complex handicraft scenes of Iran and Syria, whereas identical schematic seals are found in all geographical areas. Further developments of the methods tested on the seal corpus (firstly through a deeper interaction with repeated segments analysis; secondly through development of methods for the analysis of the general image composition and finally through an integrated approach considering all aspects together) may lead to interesting results for the study not only of the seals themselves, but in general of structured images of different kinds.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1995, 6, 7-34

1995 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Impiego integrato di metodi statistico-spaziali e tecniche informatiche nell'analisi di aree di interesse storico-archeologico

Giuseppe Espa, Salvatore Espa, Roberto Gabrielli, Augusto Pifferi, Ugo Ricci


Recently, an interesting debate has developed in the context of historic archaeological disciplines concerning the employment of typical technical scientific methodologies and instruments utilized in research. The aim of this article is to contribute to this debate by showing how it is possible to conjointly utilize information technology techniques and statistical methods in archaeological research for both descriptive and interpretative purposes. The objective was successfully achieved by integrating several common spatial-statistical methods (Ripley's K-function) with the potential offered by GIS. In fact, the collection of files and graphical data representation was followed up by statistical data processing which, with the identification of several important parameters, has enabled GIS files to be improved with further information for subsequent processing.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1995, 6, 35-60

1994 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Principal component analysis in archaeometry

Michael J. Baxter


Principal component analysis (PCA) is a widely used multivariate method in archaeology, and is particularly prevalent in archaeometric applications. The paper reviews the use of the methodology in archaeometry, including the choice of data transformation and standardisation. The related methods of factor analysis and correspondence analysis are also briefly considered. Two detailed examples illustrate some of the methods discussed, including uncommon approaches such as the use of ranked data.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1994, 5, 23-38

1994 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Una esperienza e una proposta per lo studio delle anfore: il caso della tomba di Giulietta (Verona)

Iwona Modrzewska, Massimo Oddone, Franco Pianetti


Results of the archaeometric study of Spanish amphoras in Veneto are presented. For this purpose 26 amphoras from the Tomba di Giulietta in Verona were chosen (types close to Dr 7 and Dr 8). The scope of the analytical study was to determine similarities between clays and thus between the amphoras themselves. To conduct petrographic analysis, groups were set-up of Spanish amphoras of both types without determining relationships between various forms and clay bodies. North Italic amphoras were also considered for comparison. The most useful methods of statistical analysis of data of diffractometric analysis are “ipercubo” and Discriminant Analysis. Fuzzy and mixture methods were also used. Applying these methods, samples were compared in order to form groups of similar samples. Instrumental neutron activation analysis was carried out to determine trace elements and the results were processed with Discriminant Analysis. These results enabled us to make clear distinctions between various groups. Studies of these amphora forms are now under way.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1994, 5, 39-51

1994 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

The Bayesian approach to archaeological data analysis: An application of change-point analysis to prehistoric domes

R.R. Laxton, William G. Cavanagh, Clifford David Litton, Caitlin E. Buck, R. D. Blair


In recent years, archaeologists have become increasingly aware of the added interpretability that can be gained if they adopt a model-based approach to their statistical analyses. In this paper we encourage the use of just such an approach for the investigation of dimensional data from the Sardinian corbelled structures known as Nuraghi. We highlight the fact that the experts who surveyed these domes have gained extra information (other than the basic structural measurements) which is not usually included in statistical investigations in any formal manner. Here we advocate the adoption of the Bayesian statistical framework within which the model, the data and the expert knowledge can be combined in a consistent manner and thus all permitted to influence our final inferences. By using examples we are able to demonstrate that, for at least some of the domes surveyed, the inclusion of the expert knowledge has a marked effect on the result obtained.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1994, 5, 53-68

1994 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Nécropoles de Sicile: étude de l'utilisation des espaces funéraires dans le temps (du IXe au Ie s. av. J.C.)

Andrea Iacovella, Yves Auda


The aim of the study is to observe space and time variations in the occupation of Sicilian funerary settlements from the 9th to the 1st century BC The data have been extracted from a complete examination of archaeological reports. They define geographical and archaeological characteristics of 240 settlements. From archaeological to statistical data there is an alteration of variable status which represents a new field for archaeologists. The matrix summarises the settlements’ occupation in 50 year periods by presence-absence; this gave rise to a Correspondence Analysis. The time of occupation has been preferred to a relative chronology based on cultural facies. One additional variable distinguishes the cemeteries where the graves with several burials dominate over those having individual burials. The results of the analysis prove that the space and time variations in the two types of funerary settlements described oddly follow the outline of historical events in relation to autochthonous and colonial spheres. In particular it shows the alterations of autochthonous funerary customs owing to more archaic cemeteries which were to be reused later on. In the historical sphere, the analysis leads us to question the acculturation phenomena. What was happening in Sicily towards the beginnings of 5th BC? Did autochthonous funerary customs disappear because of the adoption of Greek culture, or is it getting more difficult to establish a difference from the ancient colonial culture?

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1994, 5, 69-86

1994 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Il trattamento dei dati iconografici nell'ambito della ceramica attica e l'esempio del progetto Spina

Maria Pia Guermandi, Stefania Mignani, Angela Montanari


The article presents problems connected to the management of iconographic data using computer science tools. In particular, the authors discuss especially the computerised management of Athenian figure-decorated pottery which represents perhaps the most relevant set of iconographic patterns in classical antiquity. Up to now this pottery has been investigated by means of quantitative analyses to study in particular the mechanics of ancient trade in the Mediterranean basin because Athenian vases, from 6th to 4th century BC were widely exported all around this area. The computerisation of iconographic information, however, presents many difficulties: in fact archaeologists tend to express iconic information by means of linguistic sentences which are often inadequate; moreover there are still many problems about the correct interpretation of representations on attic pottery. On this subject, the authors illustrate a project on Athenian decorated pottery found at Spina, the Etruscan “emporion” of the Upper Adriatic, where the most impressive collection of Athenian decorated vases of the 5th century BC was discovered. A database has been created which collects data on 2132 clay decorated vases made in Athens: iconographic information is represented both with a description in natural language and by means of terms of a thesaurus conceived for this purpose. The database has also been explored through statistical analyses, such as Correspondence Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling, to find significative interrelationships between shapes and subjects, to identify associations between the different subjects represented on the same vase and to stress changes, as time passed, with regard to shapes and subjects.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1994, 5, 111-140

1993 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Nuove prospettive nelle analisi di correlazioni spaziali in preistoria

Amilcare Bietti


This paper provides a short summary of some recent results in intrasite spatial analysis in Prehistoric archaeology and, in particular, in Paleolithic archaeology where, as it is well known, intrasite spatial analyses have been applied for at least twenty years. Starting with some “classic” examples of 80’s (the Magdalenian site of Pincevent, the ethnoarchaeological analysis of the Mask site in Alaska), and a short illustration of the techniques applied (correspondence analysis, k-means cluster analysis, unconstrained clustering, factor analysis, etc.), some of the most recent applications are described: the Mesolithic Barmose I site in Denmark, studied by H. Blankholm, and the Middle Pleistocene site of Grotte Vaufrey in South West France (Dordogne), where the intrasite spatial analysis has been performed by J. Simek. We then discuss the relationship between the “quality” of the quantitative procedures used in the data analysis, which is in general of an outstanding level, and the “reliability” of the archaeological interpretation. A major conclusion is that the problems arising in the archaeological interpretation (a good example of which is Grotte Vaufrey) are much more connected with the choice of variables in the quantitative analysis, than with the different algorithms employed: we thus recommend to the archaeologists (and not to the computer scientists involved in the research) the basic selection and choice of the essential variables derived from the data.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1993, 4, 39-60

1993 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Sériations et traitements de données archéologiques avec le logiciel Microsoft Excel sur Macintosh (ou compatible IBM)

Pascal Ruby


The article describes the transformation of a number of procedures for archaeological data processing into Excel (Macintosh and MS Dos versions) macro-programming language. Automatic seriation is dealt with first. The general principles of the two best known algorithms - the reciprocal averaging method and P. Ihm’s correspondence analysis - are discussed. The Excel programme text is then presented and commented. After detailed analysis of the comparative merits of the two algorithms, a number of general remarks of a methodological nature are made about problems posed by seriation and particularly by automatic seriation techniques. The article then turns to the construction of incidence (presence/absence) tables and co-occurrence matrices. Here again, general principles are discussed before presentation of the programme text and comments on the macro. The last macro presented carries out replacements of cell contents. The conclusion contains some general methodological remarks about Excel and the writing of macro-programmes in Excel’s macro-programming language.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1993, 4, 81-111

1993 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Caratterizzazione di gruppi di reperti fittili della laguna di Venezia mediante analisi discriminante applicata ai dati chimici

Silvia Cavazzoni, Lorenzo Lazzarini, Giancarlo Taroni


Multivariate discriminant analyses were applied to the chemical composition data of four groups of fictile archaeological findings from the lagoon of Venice. Three groups are constituted of ceramic fragments of different manufacture, local and imported Byzantine originating from different epochs, from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. The fourth group is formed of special Middle Age bricks (“altinelle”). Our aim was to first find the chemical characteristic of each group and, on this basis, to classify other unidentified findings. After having verified the structure of the four groups by means of PCA analysis, three discriminant canonical variates were determined: the relative weights of the original variables represent their discriminant power. The groups were also analysed in pairs and their relative discriminating variables were found. Discriminant function on the basis of the three new variates were calculated for each of the four groups and used for their verification. Finally a quadratic PCA analysis was applied to the first two variates of each group allowing, by means of recognition of their geometric form, to also identify non-linear relationships.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1993, 4, 113-125

1993 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Anfore spagnole nel Veneto. Progetto di ricerca e primi prodotti

Iwona Modrzewska, Massimo Oddone, Franco Pianetti, Giancarlo Taroni


During the last few years we have witnessed the development of research on trade amphorae, in particular with the help of archaeometric techniques and quantitative processing of analytical data. In this context we can quote the research project carried out by the authors, which focuses on the amphorae of Spanish origin found in Venetia. The study is articulated in two main parts: the first one concerns morphometric analysis of the amphorae by means of their photogrammetric restitution and the comparison between the diverse forms using geometric indexes calculated on the coordinates of the points measured on outline of the vase. The second one concerns the characterisation of the amphorae by means of the chemical-mineralogical analysis of the paste, with the aim of reconstructing their exact provenance. The historical-archaeological purpose of the project, the first results of which concern the amphorae from the Tomba di Giulietta in Verona, is the assessment of trade exchanges between Venetia and Betica.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1993, 4, 127-135

1993 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Le rotte commerciali dei vasi attici dal VI al IV sec. a.C. Analisi quantitativa e qualitativa

Filippo Giudice


Quantitative studies of Attic figured pottery have interested many scholars as the existing vases represent only a modest percentage of the whole Athenian production, and their number is liable to change after any new excavation. Traditional systems of analysis confuse the pattern of ancient trade: near to the peaks of single cities, we have a total absence of data from areas that we would believe to be centres of a lively trade. The research conducted by the Institute of Archaeology of Catania University attempts to highlight the “commercial context” of the distribution of Attic pottery; data processing is based on a file divided in 13 areas and 47 sub-areas. The file follows the possible routes from East to West. The appendix describes the file of the Painter of Paris Gigantomachy, based on the vases assigned to him by J.D. Beazley. The painter’s production is analysed through three points of view: number and provenience of vases; provenience of shapes; provenience of subjects.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1993, 4, 181-196

1992 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

An example of supervised classification in paleolithic archaeology

Amilcare Bietti, Ambra Burani, Daniela Zampetti


As an example of pattern recognition problems in prehistory, the authors present two different kinds of classification (unsupervised and supervised) applied to a sample of common Upper Paleolithic tools: the end-scrapers of Grotta Polesini, coming from layer 1 and layer C12. The results, obtained through the use of statistical techniques, led to a general conclusion: in building a typology more attention should be given to functional considerations and to a deep understanding of behavioural patterns on a more local scale. The traditional prehistoric typological lists are therefore criticised, as they are often too general and too much oriented towards large scale comparisons in space and time.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1992, 3, 7-17

1992 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Analisi quantitativa di forme di alcune lucerne tardoromane

Iwona Modrzewska, Giancarlo Taroni


This paper considers certain geometrical aspects of three Late Roman oil lamps. Comparison is performed by choosing amongst the geometric indexes in order to single out and estimate similarities and peculiarities of their shape. The preferred indexes chosen were symmetry and a particular size ratio. A difficulty arose from the fact that, since one does not know the numerical variability of the indexes depending on even small deformations, poor information can be obtained. Therefore, using bootstrap resampling the sample distribution is estimated for the two indexes. Through its application, one can build new methods of comparison in order to evaluate similarities and differences otherwise impossible to evidence using conventional methods.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1992, 3, 19-36

1992 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Le sperimentazioni sulla ceramica dell'Istituto di Archeologia dell'Università di Bologna

Maria Pia Guermandi, Lucia Quartili, Sara Santoro Bianchi, Roberto Mingucci


The authors present the research activity carried out at the Istituto di Archeologia of Bologna University. The projects concern in particular ceramic artefacts, from attic black-figured pottery to coarse ware. The procedures followed for the storage, retrieval and data analysis use DBMS, IRS, CAD and statistical packages. A database system was created in order to examine the diffusion of Athenian pottery during the first half of the VI century and to consider possible “export models”, archaic trade overseas of attic black-figured pottery and the role of fine Athenian vases in their own production context. In the coarse ware research project, statistical procedures and quantitative analyses were carried out in order to create a problem-oriented classification in which the pottery was used as an anthropological indicator. Finally, some computer graphics applications were undertaken with some fragmentary coarse ware vessels, and a comparison made with the traditional graphical representations.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1992, 3, 157-198

1991 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Contribución de análisis estadisticos para la diferenciación de grupos "culturales" durante la Edad del Bronce en el Sur del Sistema Ibérico (Teruel, España)

Jesús V. Picazo Millán


The determination of cultural groups is revealed as one of the basic principles in undertaking the study of social formations in the Bronze Age complex panorama in the Iberian Peninsula. In this paper an analysis model is proposed for its identification in a southern area of the Iberian mountain range by means of statistical multivariate analysis (Cluster Analysis and Principal Components Analysis) and study on the pottery, particularly the decoration. In this way, we have succeeded in identifying two groups with distinct personalities, coincidental with many other microregions whose diversification emerges in the Middle Bronze Age (c. 1600-1300 BC), showing a process of territorial fragmentation after the apparent uniformity dominant during the Early Bronze Age.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1991, 2, 79-108

1991 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Analisi comparata delle attestazioni della ceramica africana nel V sec. d.C.: un'indagine preliminare

Sergio Fontana


In this paper a comparison between data on African Red Slip from several Italian and African sites is attempted. The aim of this preliminary survey is the detection of variations in the distribution and use of this ceramic production in the 5th century AD. At the same time the patterns of trade, and the differences between the diffusion in African sites, the overseas distribution and the local markets, are examined. Those differences can be detected by means of comparative analysis between contexts coming from different kinds of settlements: major centres, ports or more or less isolated sites. The presence of the various productions and forms of ARS have been compared with multivariate statistical analyses.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1991, 2, 109-121

1990 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

L'analisi quantitativa nell'archeologia di epoca storica

Paola Moscati


The application of quantitative analysis techniques, widespread in prehistory, still appears little used in the study of historical archaeology. For the most part their application concerns the field of morphometry and typometry of archaeological objects, and especially of ceramic artefacts. A survey of the projects carried out, with emphasis on the analysis of Etruscan artefacts (e.g. stone urns and bronze mirrors), outlines the methodological tendencies and the most used methods and verifies the results obtained through the application of mathematical and statistical analyses.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1990, 1, 39-80

1990 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Statistical analysis of ceramic assemblages

Clive Orton, Paul A. Tyers


As well as solving two long-standing theoretical problems, this work shows great potential for the interpretation of ceramic assemblages, and has implications for the way in which pottery is catalogued. Different sorts of interpretation (functional, chronological, distributional) are possible at different levels of grouping (context, phase and site assemblages).

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1990, 1, 81-110

1990 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Note sulla distribuzione delle ceramiche di importazione greca nel Salento in età arcaica. Aspetti metodologici

Grazia Semeraro


Methodological and statistical aspects of the distribution of Greek imported ware in the archaic period (600-480 a.C.) in Salento are presented here. They form part of a wider research on trade. In order to value the fieldwork intensity and assess the survival conditions of archaeological data, the contexts to which the finds can be provenienced have been analysed. Frequencies of type concerning recovery of artefacts (occasional recovery, systematic excavation, survey, underwater and unclassified), frequencies of contextual types (settlements, cultual places, isolated graves, necropolis, unclassified and anchorage) and frequencies of the exploration degree in the archaeological sites have been studied. Crosstabulations between these classification factors and the quantities of material found in each context have been conducted. These analyses permit us to identify similar contexts from the point of view of archaeological research and to value more fully the phenomenon of interaction and exchange in the Salentine peninsula in the archaic period. Regression analyses were also conducted to study the distribution of Greek colonial ware.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1990, 1, 111-163

1990 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Antichi insediamenti antropici nella laguna di Venezia: analisi multivariata di tipo 'Fuzzy c-means clustering'

Ernesto Canal, Silvia Cavazzoni


A particular type of multivariate analysis called “fuzzy c-means clustering” was applied to ancient bricks of 44 archaeological sites in the Lagoon of Venice, the remains of historical settlements of the last two thousand years. Each brick is characterized by its three geometrical dimensions, probably related to the local units of measure of the various epochs. The analysis was made with binary data (presence/absence) for the 20 principal types of bricks. The aim was to establish temporal relations among the various sites, some of which have definite temporal reference, allowing both to extend the references to the unknown sites and to evaluate, measuring the depth of the archaeological sites, the trend of the geological subsidence in the Venetian area. The results, compared also with those of a Correspondence Analysis, are, within some limitations, in agreement with the available dating from archivistic sources.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1990, 1, 165-177