Articles by Paola Moscati
Landscaping and integrating Digital Archaeology and Digital Epigraphy resources: new challenges and future opportunities. Introduction to the Special section
Alessandra Caravale, Paola Moscati, Irene Rossi
Introduction to Special section The H2IOSC project and its impact on digital antiquity within the E-RIHS infrastructure
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2024, 35.1, 515-520; doi: 10.19282/ac.35.1.2024.30
Concluding remarks: looking back and moving forward to the openness and interaction of knowledge
Concluding remarks
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2024, 35.2, 455-460; doi: 10.19282/ac.35.2.2024.47
Advancements of the H2IOSC Project: enhancement of digital resources in the Cultural Heritage field targeting archaeology and epigraphy. Introduction to the Special section
Alessandra Caravale, Paola Moscati, Irene Rossi
Introduction to section
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2024, 35.2, 463-470; doi: 10.19282/ac.35.2.2024.48
Funerary archaeology and digital technologies: history and development of a successful cross-disciplinary approach
The paper explores the successful merging of expertise in ‘funerary archaeology’ and ‘digital archaeology’ research domains. The Author first conducts a terminological analysis to establish a framework for both subjects based on their unique theoretical and methodological backgrounds and then highlights common methodological issues from the 1960s up to today. The result is a complex scenario in which the main applications include spatial analysis techniques and the GIS-based approach for the study of the relationship between cemeteries, settlements and territory; computer graphics and Virtual Reality techniques for the reconstruction of specific funerary structures and burial typologies; multivariate statistical analyses for the automatic classification of grave goods and their chronological ordering; modelling and simulation techniques to mimic features and behaviours of past ritual practices.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2024, 35.1, 15-30; doi: 10.19282/ac.35.1.2024.02
Developing a digital archaeology classification system using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques
Alessandra Caravale, Nicolau Duran-Silva, Berta Grimau, Paola Moscati, Bernardo Rondelli
The Authors propose a knowledge map to analyse and access scientific contents related to Digital Archeology by leveraging various Machine Learning (ML) techniques. The case study concerns the articles published in our international journal «Archeologia e Calcolatori» in the decade from 2011 to 2020 and, as a benchmark, the publications in the ‘Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology’ (CAA) conference proceedings and journal. The titles and abstracts of the publications featured in these two data sets were analysed using a supervised classification approach into the subfields of computer science, based on the ACM’s taxonomy, and by applying topic modelling techniques to discover emergent topics, Named Entity Recognition to identify specific archaeologically relevant entities, and geotagging techniques to link articles with the geographical locations they discuss. The results achieved, although preliminary, provide some methodological suggestions: i) the opportunity to build custom analyses by taking advantage of the increasing availability of open data and metadata; ii) the scope of the contribution of archaeology, and in particular of computational archaeology, to the Heritage Science interdisciplinary domain; the heuristic and predictive role of different ML techniques to gain a multi-faceted access to data analysis and interpretation.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2023, 34.2, 9-32; doi: 10.19282/ac.34.2.2023.01
Tra terminologia e lessicologia: un "ponte" informatico" nel percorso scientifico di Giovanni Adamo
Valeria Della Valle, Paola Moscati
One year after his untimely passing, the Authors remember Giovanni Adamo and his original and impactful scholarly contribution to the field of terminology and lexicology, in the context of the close relationship with Humanities computing.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2022, 33.2, 7-12; doi: 10.19282/ac.33.2.2022.01
Alessandra Caravale, Paola Moscati
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2020, 31.2, 119-120; doi: 10.19282/ac.31.2.2020.11
Logic and computing: a historical background
The history of archaeological computing has long been characterised by the distinction between the application of mathematical and statistical techniques, as part of the so-called movement of quantitative archaeology, and the use of databases and information systems for descriptive and documentary purposes. The intensity of the debate on the relationship between logic and computing, as well as between theory and applications, began to wave in the 1990s. Over time, data integration and new ICT tools have allowed archaeologists to address simultaneously all the issues raised by the archaeological research. This paper focuses on the evolution of methods and techniques in this specific research area, thanks to the analysis of literary sources, the Bibliography of Archaeological Computing, accessible via the Virtual Museum of Archaeological Computing website, and the scientific articles published in the open access international journal Archeologia e Calcolatori.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2020, 31.2, 121-132; doi: 10.19282/ac.31.2.2020.12
Editorial to the 30th anniversary issue of Archeologia e Calcolatori.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2019, 30, 9-10; doi: 10.19282/ac.30.2019.01
Note e recensioni
Paola Moscati, Irene Rossi, Alessandra Caravale
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2019, 30, 523-528; doi: 10.19282/ac.30.2019.45
The urban planning of Doclea: remote sensing and topographical survey
Francesca Colosi, Pasquale Merola, Paola Moscati
The paper presents the study of Doclea by remote sensing (satellite, aerial photos, drone) and the first results of the topographic survey conducted within the urban walls. The analysis of the images has highlighted buried structures that follow the same alignment as the walls visible above ground. The same anomalies are detected on the geophysical maps. The territorial survey, conducted with the aid of a differential GPS to position the emerging structures, has allowed one to identify numerous ancient structures, sometimes preserved to some height, which have the same orientation of the buildings of the forum and a stone paved road corresponding to a cardo of the city. Analysing the archaeological findings, the geophysical results and the measurements of the principal monuments and the roads, a hypothetical reconstruction of the Doclea urban plan is presented, which, naturally, can only be verified with further research and with excavation on the spot.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2019, Supplemento 11, 59-75; doi: 10.19282/ACS.11.2019.06
Informatica archeologica e archeologia digitale. Le risposte dalla rete
The article illustrates the most recent achievements of archaeological computing, through a systematic survey that starts with the very name of the discipline, as used at national and international levels. The aim is to examine if the distinction made between 'archaeological computing' and 'digital archaeology' can really be helpful in framing the discipline in its theoretical and methodological evolution. From the synthesis made, the dominance of technological aspects on the theoretical and methodological approach clearly emerges. For some time now, technology has governed the three main areas of archaeological practice: field work, laboratory analysis and cultural heritage management and promotion. Two other important aspects are today rapidly gaining ground: 'Communicating archaeological research' and 'European digital infrastructures for archaeology'. Finally, particularly significant is the sector of Digital Heritage or Heritage Science, which today seems to be the focus of all digital archaeology involvements.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2019, 30, 21-38; doi: 10.19282/ac.30.2019.03
La diffusione della cultura scientifica: documentazione e disseminazione nei progetti di ricerca dell’ISMA
The article illustrates the main research lines promoted at a national level by Law n. 113/1991, as amended by Law 6/2000, for the dissemination of the scientific culture and the active support and participation of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. As part of this initiative, the main CNR-ISMA projects approved and funded by Ministry of Education, University and Research are then described, including, in particular, the two projects ‘20 years of Archeologia e Calcolatori’ and ‘The Virtual Museum of Archaeological Computing’. They both are intended to offer open access resources for documenting and disseminating archaeological research data.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2018, 29, 93-100; doi: 10.19282/ac.29.2018.11
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2017, 28.1, 313-316; doi: 10.19282/AC.28.1.2017.19
Archaeological computing and ancient cities: insights from the repository of «Archeologia e Calcolatori»
Opening speech in the Session ‘Ancient Cities: Past and Current Perspectives’.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2017, 28.2, 47-66; doi: 10.19282/AC.28.2.2017.03
Open Data, Open Knowledge, Open Science: quali prospettive?
In this report, the Author focuses on the SITAR Conference session devoted to good practices for developing open data, open knowledge, and open science in archaeology. A concise account of the most accredited national and international policies and actions to promote the open science movement introduces some comments on future research and publishing perspectives.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2017, Supplemento 9, 137-140; doi: 10.19282/ACS.9.2017.12
Condivisione nella cultura e cooperazione nella ricerca: iniziative scientifiche nel campo dell’Open Access e degli Open Archives
In line with the policy promoted by the Italian National Research Council (CNR) since the 1960s for the convergence of the two cultures, we provide an illustration of the long and fruitful path followed by today’s Institute for Ancient Mediterranean Studies. In the early 1980s, the launch of an innovative research programme gave rise to the first experiments in computer applications in archaeology. This approach, in which data formalisation was already a core issue, subsequently led to the establishment of the scholarly journal Archeologia e Calcolatori and, more recently, to the commitment to open access philosophy. The main goal was to open up new research directions, resulting from the convergence and integration of tools and objectives shared by different disciplines. Today, the whole process substantially benefits from the choice of making data openly available to the research community.
Parcours culturels pour une histoire de l’informatique appliquée à l’archéologie
The Author illustrates an international research project on the history of archaeological computing which was promoted by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and the Italian CNR. As part of this project, a website dedicated to the virtual museum of archaeological computing is currently under construction, with the purpose of retracing the roots and reconstructing the development of this recent and evolving discipline. Along with a more traditional navigation method into the subject matter, which is presented in chronological order, some cultural itineraries have been planned: scholars will be invited to share stories, illustrate the establishment of institutions or laboratories dedicated to computer applications in archaeology and propose innovative research paths.
Preface to Supplement 4, 2013
Jean-Claude Gardin (Parigi 1925-2013). Dalla meccanografica all'informatica archeologica
The article attempts to retrace some of the early years of the scientific activity of Jean-Claude Gardin, throughout a particularly fertile period of about five years that certainly affected all of his subsequent scientific endeavours. Starting in the mid 1950s, Gardin carefully followed the international evolution of documentation systems and tirelessly promoted the innovative methods of investigation that will eventually make him one of the undisputed pioneers of archaeological computing. At the same time, he founded and led highly specialised laboratories that have acted as a breeding ground for the formalisation of archaeological research associated with the process of data representation and classification, as well as the construction of scientific knowledge.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2013, 24, 7-24; doi: 10.19282/ac.24.2013.01
Recensioni - Archeologia e Calcolatori XX
Paola Moscati, Andrea Polcaro, Vito Francesco Polcaro, Alessandra Caravale
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2009, 20, 421-427; doi: 10.19282/ac.20.2009.29
"Archeologia e Calcolatori": le ragioni di una scelta
As Editor of the international Journal "Archeologia e Calcolatori", the author retraces the history of this editorial enterprise, which was established in 1989 by Mauro Cristofani and Riccardo Francovich. The Journal, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year, is devoted to archaeological computing, a research sector characterised by the combining of information technologies with traditional archaeological methods. The path followed in the formulation of the editorial plan and its scientific coordination is reconstructed through various main stages: the reasons for the choice of the Journal’s title, its field of application and chronological range; the description of the contemporary international panorama, still characterised by isolated initiatives; the members of the international Scientific Committee, all representatives of the major Italian and foreign institutions; the scientific contents, with particular emphasis on the publication of special thematic issues and international conference proceedings; the archaeological computing bibliography, an information tool as well as a practical approach to systematising this young discipline. The present-day editorial policy of "Archeologia e Calcolatori" is dedicated to increasing the visibility and on-line diffusion of the Journal, and in this way furthering its original purpose: acquiring sources of information, as well as providing them.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2009, 20, 145-154; doi: 10.19282/ac.20.2009.13
Webmapping in the Etruscan landscape
The Etruscan town of Cerveteri and its territory have been investigated since the 1980s by the Istituto di Studi sulle Civiltà Italiche e del Mediterraneo Antico of the Italian CNR, becoming a field of experimentation for computer applications to archaeological surveys and excavations. In recent years, a new multimedia project, aimed at creating an interactive itinerary, has been planned in order to develop the Caeretan information system and experiment with the potentials of new webmapping and webGIS tools. This article gives a general overview of the Italian panorama in this sector of applications and describes the main steps of the itinerary (from the Villa Giulia Etruscan National Museum in Rome to the town of Cerveteri, following the Roman consular road the Aurelia) as well as the procedures to be followed for its accomplishment.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2008, 19, 17-30; doi: 10.19282/ac.19.2008.02
Editorial to the Supplement 1, 2007.
Dinamiche di scambio nel Mediterraneo antico: il caso di Cerveteri
Francesco Roncalli, Paola Moscati, Nicoletta Scala
The ISCIMA-CNR has participated in the FIRB 2001 Project with research on “Trade dynamics in the ancient Mediterranean: the role of Etruria”. This title raises a number of diverse issues: continuity and discontinuity in trading circuits in the Mediterranean Basin; structure of production and movement of goods; study of the relationship between urban and rural areas involved in their production and consumption; role of the Etruscan ports in the dynamic of trade. In order to conduct a diachronic analysis on this subject, the Etruscan metropolis of Cerveteri has been proposed as a sample area. Since the 1980s, in fact, Cerveteri has been investigated by the CNR Institute through systematic surveys and excavations, resulting in a better understanding of the urban area and the surrounding territory. In particular, within the FIRB Project, the results of the research activity come from the analysis of settlement models, the production of ceramic typological lists, the application of innovative ICT methods to field archaeology, together with archaeoastronomical and spatial analysis techniques, the use of archaeometric research tools to analyse ceramic and metallic objects. The article also describes in detail an integrated approach to define the typology and study the spatial distribution of specific classes of ceramics (in particular the archaic pottery), which have been found during excavations in the central part of the urban plateau, in an area occupied by an open-air elliptical building.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2007, 18, 355-371; doi: 10.19282/ac.18.2007.19
Virtuality and museums. Some suggestions from the Italian National Research Council
The “virtual experience”, with all its implications of knowledge enhancement and sharing, has involved numerous CNR researchers, through an interdisciplinary approach, which has characterised and given consistency to the applications, also from a theoretical and methodological point of view. In this special issue, in addition to the projects which are specifically dedicated to archaeology (virtual museums and 3D visualisation of ancient landscapes, towns, grave goods and objects), the contributions describe sophisticated computer tools designed and implemented in CNR laboratories and show how ICT can support the realisation of virtual museums, solving problems related to usability, accessibility and enjoyment aspects.
The princely cart from Eretum
Adriana Emiliozzi, Paola Moscati, Paola Santoro
The authors present a detailed description of the project of the virtual reunification and recontextualisation of the grave goods found in a tomb of the Sabine necropolis of Colle del Forno, which held a princely burial: archaeological research, technical analyses, restoration, 3D reconstruction of the cart found inside the tomb and of its bronze decoration, and virtual reconstitution of the grave goods – constituted both by local products and objects imported from the Orient, as well as by two wheeled vehicles: a cart and a chariot) – in the framework of their original archaeological and cultural context. Besides a DVD, which shows a video at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in the room containing the exhibition of the cart and other objects from the tomb, a web site has been created ( the web visitors can reconstruct the history of the discovery, walk through this 7th-6th century BC tomb, see the structural and functional mechanisms of the cart in action, and enjoy this Italic masterpiece.
La gestione della conoscenza in archeologia: modelli, linguaggi e strumenti di modellazione concettuale dall'XML al semantic Web
Oreste Signore, Oleg Missikoff, Paola Moscati
Despite the fact that an increasing number of researchers in the cultural heritage sector is recognising the advantages that could derive from the use of knowledge management methodologies and tools, a lack of awareness of the basic principles of this discipline is still rather evident. Key concepts like “knowledge representation”, metadata, conceptual modeling, syntactic or semantic interoperability, ontologies, can prove difficult to understand (and even more difficult to apply) for researchers with a background in the humanities. This contribution, therefore, aims at clarifying the theoretical reference framework through the concrete analysis of archaeological materials. In fact, while it seems easier to borrow definitions and theoretical concepts or to artificially create even very complex conceptual models (e.g. the CIDOC CRM, which has recently been recognised as an ISO standard), it is a lot harder to implement such principles onto real world objects analysis. According to this assessment, and to the need of going from theoretical to practical aspects, the paper is structured in three parts: the first offers a theoretical base that makes available, even for non-experts, the tools for addressing more operational aspects; the second describes, through practical examples, both the knowledge representation model and the software tool used for analysing a class of materials, the Etruscan urns, as shown in the third part. The final objective is, therefore, to provide a point of reference for facilitating the approach towards KM (Knowledge Management) and help clarifying the key elements of a discipline that is obtaining a growing success but, so far, still showing a high level of entropy.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2005, 16, 291-319; doi: 10.19282/ac.16.2005.15
Languages, Communication, Information Technology: an introduction
Introduction to the Special Issue.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2004, 15, 11-22; doi: 10.19282/ac.15.2004.01
Dal mondo della statistica applicata
Review article.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2003, 14, 340-344; doi: 10.19282/ac.14.2003.16
Ricerche archeologiche sul campo e archivi digitali: il manoscritto di Ercole Nardi
Claudio Barchesi, Paola Moscati, Paola Santoro, Dario Scarpati
The article presents some aspects of the research project which has been carried out in the middle Tiber Valley (Sabina Tiberina), to analyse the distribution of archaeological sites in the territory, based on new field surveys and the study of archive documents ('Progetto Galantina'). The research takes advantage of the positive experiment conducted by the Istituto di Studi sulle Civiltà Italiche e del Mediterraneo Antico (ISCIMA) of the Italian CNR to set up and integrate within a Geographical Information System a new model of archiving, managing and querying archaeological information, focused on the analysis of excavation diaries and their SGML and XML encoding. The implemented system gives rise to a many-sided repeatable digital model, easily exportable in various situations. The integration between the DTD established to formally describe archaeological data and the elements of the TEI Lite and Dublin Core standards makes it possible to record and query data coming from both published excavation reports and archive documents dating from the nineteenth century, which deal with the description of archaeological itineraries around Rome. The example presented in this paper refers to the manuscript by Ercole Nardi 'Ruderi delle Ville Romano-Sabine nei dintorni di Poggio Mirteto' (1885) and is aimed at preserving archaeological information through digital supports, electronic exchange formats and especially reliability of the information integrity. Moreover, it makes an attempt to experiment and develop new forms of knowledge diffusion which are more suitable for interactive web consultation than passive reading.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2003, 14, 295-325; doi: 10.19282/ac.14.2003.13
From an Etruscan town to modern technologies: new advancements in the "Caere Project"
In 1997, within the framework of the research activity carried out by the Istituto per l'Archeologia Etrusco-Italica, a census of GIS applications in archaeology was promoted and then published in the ninth issue of the journal 'Archeologia e Calcolatori'. This international survey allowed us to collect significant methodological and technical information useful to outline the main guidelines of the 'Caere Project', aimed at the establishment of an Archaeological Information System for the analysis of the Etruscan town and its surrounding territory. A recent update of this survey confirmed the previsions published four years ago by the members of an international Scientific Committee coordinated by François Djindjian. Some methodological aspects of the 'Caere Project' are also discussed, with particular emphasis on the need of integrating many different computer techniques in order to gain a comprehensive, organic knowledge of the ancient landscape and town organisation. The results of the innovative use of markup languages and multimedia systems in the processing of archaeological excavation data are also presented. In fact, the methodological approach of the 'Caere Project' is based on the principle that information is not sufficient if not linked by new forms of knowledge representation, which can promote an interactive consultation more than just a passive reading.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2002, 13, 135-149; doi: 10.19282/ac.13.2002.08
Progetto Caere: questioni di metodo e sperimentazioni
The development of the “Caere Project”, conducted by the Istituto per l’Archeologia Etrusco-Italica of the Italian National Research Council as part of the “Cultural Heritage” Special Project, has made it possible to establish a unique and comprehensive model for the digitalization of excavation data within a GIS platform. This model has been developed to record, process and publish data coming from the excavations conducted by the Institute in the central area of the urban plateau of the ancient Etruscan town of Cerveteri. From the outset of the project, much attention has been placed upon the discussion of methodological and technical issues, in order to form a framework for data acquisition and processing. The methodologies adopted and processes adhered to are described, with particular reference to the problems of: data representation and encoding, standardisation of the descriptive language, application of Spatial Analysis techniques, creation of a multimedia software for data diffusion and publication.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2001, 12, 47-53; doi: 10.19282/ac.12.2001.02
Dal mondo della statistica applicata
Review article.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2000, 11, 396-400; doi: 10.19282/ac.11.2000.25
Il "Progetto Caere": un esempio di informatizzazione dei diari di scavo
Paola Moscati, Simona Mariotti, Berardino Limata
In 1996 the Istituto per l’Archeologica Etrusco-Italica of the Italian National Research Council proposed, within the Cultural Heritage Special Project, the research programme “Establishment of an Archaeological Information System model and its application to ancient Caere” (“The Caere Project”). Its purpose is to use an archaeological information system to study the ancient Etruscan town of Caere, where the Institute has been carrying out surveys and excavations since 1982, together with the Superintendence of Southern Etruria. The authors illustrate an aspect of the project, related to the computerisation of the “Vigna Parrocchiale” excavation data. In fact, an innovative procedure was followed, through the use of the Standard Generalized Markup Language in order to encode the yearly excavation diaries in hypertext format. In this way, an easily transferable HTML text illustrated with photographic and graphic information was established. This type of text, which will be immediately available on-line, has allowed us to test new kinds of queries and information retrieval, in order to diachronically investigate the successive stages of our excavation and to organise the documentation relative to different areas, until finally reaching the essential association and the subsequent analysis of finds, also through the use of a statistical approach.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1999, 10, 165-188; doi: 10.19282/ac.10.1999.13
"Archeologia e Calcolatori": dieci anni di contributi all'informatica archeologica
This article describes the research work which is now being carried out in order to classify bibliographic information, related to the field of computer applications in archaeology, that is published yearly at the end of «Archeologia e Calcolatori». During the examination, information was recorded in a database using Access software. For classification purposes, particular attention was devoted to the research topic dealt with in the publication, which was divided into two separate sections: “subject field classification” and “computer typology classification”. One example of the way in which it is possible to consult the database on-line is now available on the Internet site of this Journal. In conclusion, the author describes the results obtained from a statistical analysis of data from the 266 articles which have been published over the last ten years in «Archeologia e Calcolatori».
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1999, 10, 343-352; doi: 10.19282/ac.10.1999.23
Mauro Cristofani, computerised archaeology and the "Caere Project"
Introduction to the Special Issue.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1998, 9, 13-18; doi: 10.19282/ac.9.1998.02
GIS applications in Italian archaeology
The present article is an attempt to emphasise some methodological concerns and evolutionary trends that characterise the use of GIS in Italian archaeological research. The cognitive base to attain this synthesis was offered by the analysis of answers to the questionnaire on “GIS and Archaeology”, that was distributed in the framework of the “Caere Project”, promoted within the more general “Progetto Finalizzato Beni Culturali” of the Italian CNR. The description of the results obtained follows a general definition of GIS and their capabilities. Computerised archaeological projects in which GIS are used nearly cover the entire national territory, from the Valle d’Aosta to Puglia and to the two principal islands. We have also recorded Italian projects that study archaeological areas outside the national limits. In general, there is a rather limited use of GIS in the management of archaeological excavations; in fact, the use of CAD software is more diffused. One of the emerging issues in GIS applications in archaeology is the distinction between projects carried out by institutions dealing with the administration and safeguarding of the national cultural patrimony and those carried out by the academic and research institutes. Cultural Resource Management in Italy is generally connected to the activities carried out by central and regional offices under the direction of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and addressed to the problems of management, safeguarding, maintenance and exploitation of the national patrimony. As for GIS projects carried out in the framework of the research sector, one of the characteristics of Italian studies seems to be the presence of two areas of investigation: the first one pertains to regional studies while the second one is devoted to the study of ancient towns, either abandoned or obscured by modern evidence.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1998, 9, 191-236; doi: 10.19282/ac.9.1998.10
Archeologia quantitativa: nascita, sviluppo e "crisi"
The author describes the different phases which have characterised “Quantitative Archaeology” from its origin in the Sixties to the present. An examination of the present situation emphasises the reduction in the number of projects in which statistical and mathematical techniques are applied in comparison with those devoted to data recording, computer graphics and image processing. A limitation in the fields of studies, generally restricted to the more traditional application sectors, such as archaeometric analyses and typological and morphological studies of artefacts, was also observed. This situation is related to two principal aspects. The first concerns the present tendency to assimilate theory and practice, which involves the connection between the opinion on Quantitative Archaeology and the debate on processual and post-processual – or anti-processual – archaeology. The second concerns the re-appraisal of the epistemological aspect of archaeology, which implies the necessity on the behalf of archaeologist to formalise their own reasoning: a step which is often considered absent in quantitative studies. As an example, the author presents a case study, which concerns the computer-based classification of Etruscan cinerary stone urns, produced in Volterra, in order to show how the formalisation process is implied in the application of the quantitative approach.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1996, 7, 579-590; doi: 10.19282/ac.7.1996.45
"Archeologia e Calcolatori". A new italian journal in the field of archaeology and computer science
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1993, 4, 329-335
"Archeologia e Calcolatori". Incontro di studio sui metodi e le prospettive della ricerca
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1993, 4, 341-345
CAIE: progetto per un 'Corpus Automatizzato delle Iscrizioni Etrusche'
Maristella Pandolfini, Paola Moscati
The authors present the “CAIE” project, carried out at the Istituto per l'archeologia etrusco-italica of the Italian CNR. The aim of the project is the computerisation of the Thesaurus Linguae Etruscae, with the use of an Information Retrieval System, and the association between texts and archaeological and epigraphical information, such as place and way of finding, support object, technical characteristics, chronology and bibliographical references. The choice of the program FUL/TEXT, implemented for IBM PC, is related to the facility of organising the data both in fixed fields, useful for recording archaeological and epigraphical information, and in free format, useful for recording texts. A personalisation of the program was also implemented, above all for solving the problems presented by the Etruscan language. Data bank consultation is foreseen and will allow interrogations to be made also by unspecialised users.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1992, 3, 207-218
L'analisi quantitativa nell'archeologia di epoca storica
The application of quantitative analysis techniques, widespread in prehistory, still appears little used in the study of historical archaeology. For the most part their application concerns the field of morphometry and typometry of archaeological objects, and especially of ceramic artefacts. A survey of the projects carried out, with emphasis on the analysis of Etruscan artefacts (e.g. stone urns and bronze mirrors), outlines the methodological tendencies and the most used methods and verifies the results obtained through the application of mathematical and statistical analyses.
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