Articles by Giancarlo Taroni

2010 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Un'anfora frammentaria dalla Laguna di Venezia

Iwona Modrzewska, Giancarlo Taroni, Franco Pianetti


In this paper the authors have analyzed a fragmentary amphora found in the Venetian lagoon at Chiese Bruciate, which has analogies with another amphora from the lagoon which was found in the Rigà Canal. By comparing the amphorae on a typological basis it was found that they represent one of the least common shapes among the amphorae produced in the eastern Mediterranean which are known as the Late Roman type. Both of the amphorae discovered in the lagoon seem to have been imported from Asia Minor or the Aegean area of the Mediterranean during the Late Antique or Byzantine era. The amphora from Chiese Bruciate was attributed to the Late Roman 2 group and in particular to the Dyczek 25 type. As has been done in other study cases, along with the typological analysis a geometric shape study - i.e., a morphometric analysis of the amphorae made by comparing the different forms using geometric indexes calculated on the coordinates of the points measured on the outline of the vase - have also been conducted. Two known statistical indices were used: the coefficient r of Bravais Pearson and the similarity ratio k. For the analysis of the analogies between the shape of the amphora from Chiese Bruciate (SB) and the other amphorae open source R software was used.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2010, 21, 201-210; doi: 10.19282/ac.21.2010.10

2008 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

I thymiateria di El Cabecico del Tesoro (Verdolay, Murcia): caratterizzazione morfometrica

Maria Jaxa-Chamiec, Giancarlo Taroni


The present work is a first attempt to apply some statistical methods to the study of the so-called Iberian thymiateria, coming from the archaeological site of El Cabecico del Tesoro (Verdolay, Murcia). These terracotta objects have been analyzed using four different methods of calculation, for the purpose of verifying the possible similarities and differences among them, considering the results of both statistical and traditional (iconographical) methods.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2008, 19, 257-270; doi: 10.19282/ac.19.2008.21

1993 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Caratterizzazione di gruppi di reperti fittili della laguna di Venezia mediante analisi discriminante applicata ai dati chimici

Silvia Cavazzoni, Lorenzo Lazzarini, Giancarlo Taroni


Multivariate discriminant analyses were applied to the chemical composition data of four groups of fictile archaeological findings from the lagoon of Venice. Three groups are constituted of ceramic fragments of different manufacture, local and imported Byzantine originating from different epochs, from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. The fourth group is formed of special Middle Age bricks (“altinelle”). Our aim was to first find the chemical characteristic of each group and, on this basis, to classify other unidentified findings. After having verified the structure of the four groups by means of PCA analysis, three discriminant canonical variates were determined: the relative weights of the original variables represent their discriminant power. The groups were also analysed in pairs and their relative discriminating variables were found. Discriminant function on the basis of the three new variates were calculated for each of the four groups and used for their verification. Finally a quadratic PCA analysis was applied to the first two variates of each group allowing, by means of recognition of their geometric form, to also identify non-linear relationships.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1993, 4, 113-125

1993 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Anfore spagnole nel Veneto. Progetto di ricerca e primi prodotti

Iwona Modrzewska, Massimo Oddone, Franco Pianetti, Giancarlo Taroni


During the last few years we have witnessed the development of research on trade amphorae, in particular with the help of archaeometric techniques and quantitative processing of analytical data. In this context we can quote the research project carried out by the authors, which focuses on the amphorae of Spanish origin found in Venetia. The study is articulated in two main parts: the first one concerns morphometric analysis of the amphorae by means of their photogrammetric restitution and the comparison between the diverse forms using geometric indexes calculated on the coordinates of the points measured on outline of the vase. The second one concerns the characterisation of the amphorae by means of the chemical-mineralogical analysis of the paste, with the aim of reconstructing their exact provenance. The historical-archaeological purpose of the project, the first results of which concern the amphorae from the Tomba di Giulietta in Verona, is the assessment of trade exchanges between Venetia and Betica.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1993, 4, 127-135

1992 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Analisi quantitativa di forme di alcune lucerne tardoromane

Iwona Modrzewska, Giancarlo Taroni


This paper considers certain geometrical aspects of three Late Roman oil lamps. Comparison is performed by choosing amongst the geometric indexes in order to single out and estimate similarities and peculiarities of their shape. The preferred indexes chosen were symmetry and a particular size ratio. A difficulty arose from the fact that, since one does not know the numerical variability of the indexes depending on even small deformations, poor information can be obtained. Therefore, using bootstrap resampling the sample distribution is estimated for the two indexes. Through its application, one can build new methods of comparison in order to evaluate similarities and differences otherwise impossible to evidence using conventional methods.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 1992, 3, 19-36