Volumes / Supplements / 2

Archeologia e Calcolatori 2 - 2009

35 articles

Archeofoss. Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IV Workshop (Roma, 27-28 aprile 2009)


The second Supplement to Archeologia e Calcolatori is dedicated to the publication of the Proceedings of the 4th Workshop ARCHEOFOSS Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica, which was organised in April 2009 in Rome, at the Italian National Research Council, under the auspices of the Cultural Heritage Department. This is an annual meeting, unique both in the national and in the international panorama, which deals with a specific theme of current interest in the field of archaeological computing: promote the use of open source software and open standards in order to facilitate data sharing in archaeology. The volume is subdivided in four main thematic sections: Open Process, Open Data, Open Software and Open Learning, which constitute the basic concepts of the Open Archaeology movement.

ARCHEOFOSS Open Source, Free Software e Open Format nei processi di ricerca archeologica. Atti del IV Workshop (Roma, 27-28 aprile 2009)

Edited by Paolo Cignoni, Augusto Palombini, Sofia Pescarin

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Maria Mautone


Preface to the Supplement 2, 2009.

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Open Source in archeologia: ArcheoFOSS

Sofia Pescarin


Introduction to the Supplement 2, 2009.

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Il progetto IOSA cinque anni dopo: cambiamenti di prospettiva e indirizzi per il futuro

Silvana Costa, Giovanni Luca A. Pesce, Luca Bianconi


Our paper describes the IOSA project experiment with the development of free software and documentation. The aim is to show that a “share early” policy for both knowledge and tools is an effective way to enhance the overall quality of archaeological research.

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Interazioni e integrazione fra pianificazione e tutela dei beni archeologici: costruzione di una base di conoscenza con l’uso di GIS open source

Loredana Francesca Tedeschi, Serafino Scanu


Without accurate and high quality land mapping it is very difficult for the Public Administration to manage archaeological property in the way it should be. In this paper we describe some experiments conducted in the Sardinia Region where an increased use of open source software is strongly recommended in the rules which refer to the integration of land planning into town planning, in which an interaction with archaeological features is required.

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Proposte per un’archeologia open in rete

Marina Milella, Paolo Vigliarolo


Open content in archaeology requires careful consideration in our field of studies: knowledge conservation is linked to its spread, and for this purpose the web is one of the most useful and important tools. In this paper two open projects are suggested: DecArch, a wiki site dedicated to Roman architectural decoration, and ArcheoCommons, in which archaeologists can publish their research and mark it with one of the Creative Commons licenses.

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Open digital archives in archeologia. Good practice

Gabriele Gattiglia


Raw data, the archaeological source code, that is, all the excavation and fieldwork recorded, should be published on digital on-line archives stored in recognizable format documents. This paper contributes to the discussion with the description of a project dedicated to the creation of an urban GIS about medieval Pisa.

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Pubblico ma non pubblico: prospettive normative sulla proprietà intellettuale dei dati archeologici

Mario Trabucco


This paper is a reappraisal of the general principles of the laws on cultural heritage, with the possibilities offered by the laws on transparency and copyright, and it debates the idea of a State-exclusive on the publication of archaeological data and the granting new opportunities for freedom of research and scientific information in the interest of everyone.

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Condivisione e diffusione dei dati nel settore dei beni culturali. Le potenzialità dell’integrazione tra standard, formati aperti e licenze libere

Silvana Costa, Giovanni Luca A. Pesce


In this paper, we discuss the potentialities of the integration of open data formats (the so called “standards”), open source software and free licenses in the field of cultural heritage.

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Un ambiente di realtà virtuale per l’interpretazione archeologica attraverso sistemi multi-utente on-line

Eva Pietroni


The FIRB project, “Integrated Technologies of robotics and virtual environment in archaeology”, gives us the opportunity to experiment and create a multi-user domain on the web aimed at a multidisciplinary scientific community. The state of the art in this field is still in a pioneering stage because there are very few multi-user domains for sharing and exchanging cultural and scientific contents in the field of virtual heritage. The multiuser virtual environment is conceived as an open laboratory: a place where it is possible to compare the construction and validation of interpretative processes, to investigate new relations among data in space and time.

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Uno scavo di archeologia orientale FLOSS

Walter Kuntner, Sandra Heinsch


The Aramus Project provides a synergetic and free platform for the research and teaching of Near Eastern Archaeology. Integral part of the project is the data sharing of the original documentation as basis for the creation of tutorials on the application of FLOSS in archaeology.

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Archeo-restituzioni territoriali e urbane, valutazione del rischio archeologico e software open source

Emanuel Demetrescu, Sergio Fontana


This paper is based on from the experiment related to archaeological risk that the Parsifal Cooperativa di Archeologia conducted in the preliminary studies of the Roman Metro line C. The goal was the restitution of ancient landscapes and their surfaces that have crossed, filled, cut or otherwise altered the pre-existing, contorted natural orography of the city of Rome. Knowledge of urban stratification was acquired through multiple categories of information. In these studies, the representation of the terrain-models was obtained through open source software that made it possible to create a concrete display of 2D and 3D elements of the surfaces belonging to various periods (ancient, modern and contemporary landscapes).

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ArcheoTRAC: una web application open source per favorire la diffusione di un modello di gestione ordinaria di tutti i beni archeologici

Corrado Pedelì


The Superintendency for Cultural Heritage and Activities of the Autonomous Region of Aosta Valley (Italy), has recently created a new concept information system for the ordinary management of the archaeological and related documental patrimony. ArcheoTRAC is a multi-contextual and interdisciplinary methodological tool, envisioned by field experts to promote and simplify the daily management and recording activity. The system proposes a new and alternative approach which “excludes” cataloguing as a first step in the recording process. Its main aim is to identify every archaeological entity and track its life-cycle. ArcheoTRAC is an open source web application, UMTS/HSDPA and Wi-Fi, which can be supported by different combined technologies as bar code, RFId and control access. This paper discusses the management conceptual model and its innovative methodological approach, the use of which can be greatly expanded by resorting to the open source.

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Ambienti collaborativi 3D. Il caso di Virtual Rome

Sofia Pescarin, Augusto Palombini, Luigi Calori, Antonella Negri


Virtual Rome Project (www.virtualrome.it) has developed a VR Web-GIS application, with front-end and back-end on line solutions, for the interpretation, reconstruction and 3D exploration of archaeological and potential historical landscapes of Rome. The paper discusses the collaborative environment developed by the project for the back-end.

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Motori cartografici open source per la ricerca archeologica: applicazioni a Hierapolis di Frigia (Turchia)

Giacomo Di Giacomo, Giuseppe Scardozzi


In this paper we describe two Web-GIS open sources created by CNR IBAM, in cooperation with Italian Archaeological Mission at Hierapolis of Phrygia and the methods and techniques for the development of the two systems: the former for remote use of Cultural Heritage and the latter for cataloguing and analysing the Byzantine wall.

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Web Map Service nei processi di ricerca archeologica

Mauro Mazzei, Antonio Salvatori, Andrea Di Somma, Valentina Ferrari


The purpose of this report is to illustrate and propose the implementation of a service based on specific WMS, WFS, WCS which facilitates the collection and analysis of data interoperability aimed at acquiring further knowledge of the landscape and of the contexts in the process of archaeological research.

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Progetto Ca' Tron: dalle indagini sul campo alla ricostruzione del paesaggio

Ivana Cerato, Valentina Vassallo


The main object of the Ca' Tron project is the reconstruction of the archaeological landscape based on research results, using visual simulations as verification tools for the hypotheses. The interdisciplinary project offers a new approach aimed at illustrating the newly acquired knowledge, both in terms of scientific results and communication. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the solutions adopted for both data management (QuantumGIS) and in data publication and communication (VTP Enviro).

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GIS archeologico del Grand Villaya - nord Perù

Giorgio Meroni, M. Grazia Visconti


Following up the “Condor” scientific expedition in Peru, (http://condorexpedition.creeostudio.it/) headed by Ing. Giorgio Meroni and his staff in November 2008, a Geographic Information System has been built based on QuantumGIS for the cartography production and MapGuide Open Source and Google Earth for publishing on the web.

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Un’applicazione open source per lo studio integrato del territorio: il progetto PICA

Danilo Demarchi, Giorgio Di Gangi, Chiara Maria Lebole


P.I.C.A. (http://www.progettopica.org) is an integrated project based on a broader strategy for the use and appreciation of the transalpine area. Its aim is to preserve and put to best advantage the cultural heritage through informatics and web applications. The territories involved are the Italian areas of the Province of Cuneo (Marchesato of Saluzzo) and the French Departments of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Isère and Hautes-Alpes. These areas not only have in common a homogenous geographic environment, but also a shared cultural substrate, where the Alpine territory always represented a link between different traditions. In a multidisciplinary context this great, the use of open source solutions was the best way to reach project goals and put together this complex scenario using different technological solutions.

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Scanner 3D con hardware low cost e strumenti free/open source

Marco Callieri, Massimiliano Corsini, Guido Ranzuglia, Paolo Cignoni


3D scanning technologies offer a lot of interesting possibilities for uses related to Cultural Heritage. Unfortunately, most of the current 3D scanning solutions are very costly and require a significant investment, both in terms of software and hardware. In this paper we discuss how to perform 3D scanning for the acquisition of Cultural Heritage objects using only low cost hardware and open source or free software tools.

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Archeologia e Open Source, il prossimo passo: costruire e sviluppare progetti hardware

Alessandro Bezzi, Luca Bezzi, Rupert Gieti


After years spent in developing FLOSS we have reached a high quality level in computational archaeology, and therefore, in 2008 we focused our research on OS hardware projects to develop our data acquisition methodology. In this article we present our experiments in building a drone for aerial documentation..

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Framework OS per la comunicazione storica e archeologica

Mauro Felicori, Marco Gaiani, Antonella Guidazzoli, Maria Chiara Liguori


CINECA, for its applications dedicated to Cultural Heritage, has developed a visualization framework, Visman, which is used at present by three different projects: Certosa Virtual Museum; ARCUS and MUVI – Virtual Museum of Daily Life in Bologna.

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pyArchInit - python, QGIS e PostgreSQL per la gestione dei dati di scavo

Luca Mandolesi


pyArchInit is a tool for managing archaeological dataset with a high portability on main platforms. The first step of the project has been the creation of a GIS platform with a DBMS to manage the Stratigraphic Units.

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Staying still and moving on. Un GIS interattivo per il calcolo e la visualizzazione scientifica di rotte e percorsi nel Mediterraneo antico

Sabatino Laurenza, Simona Mancuso, Andrea Costantino


The system uses GIS technology and the Dijkstra algorithm in order to calculate ancient maritime routes. Applied to the routes used by ancient Greek colonies, it gave results which corresponded almost entirely to ancient written sources. This kind of system will open the road to new research and investigation methods, aimed at the study and understanding of the development of urban centers and trade systems in ancient times.

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Il sistema IIPImage: un nuovo concetto di esplorazione di immagini ad alta risoluzione

Denis Pitzalis, Ruven Pillay


Many pioneering imaging techniques have been used at the C2RMF in order to acquire artworks in digital form. These techniques are considered non-destructive and non-invasive analyses and they offer extensive and detailed information about works of art and include multispectral imaging, panoramic acquisition of objects, 3D laser scanning of painted surfaces, photogrammetry and 3D modeling. These techniques are widely used in the restoration and conservation world and are considered valuable tools that allow us to perform regular and accurate monitoring of works of art, in order to measure their state of conservation and compare them with previous analyses. Unfortunately, the level of accuracy in acquiring information produces huge quantities of data, which need to be visualized and disseminated in several different ways. The resulting images must also be accessible to various partners around the world via the Internet, but the data needs to be protected and, because of the vast quantity involved, requires careful handling and management. This paper describes several new developments that have been made at the C2RMF in order to make extremely high-resolution images available on-line using the IIP protocol. In this paper we are presenting a case study based on the use, the manipulation and the sharing of high-resolution colorimetric images among members of the museum research community. The resulting system is a lightweight client-server architecture that efficiently streams image data to the client, allowing the user to quickly view very large images even over a slow Internet connection. These developments have been released as open source software in the IIPImage project.

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blueOcean: un framework per la realizzazione di CMS semantici

Augusto Palombini, Fabrizio Giudici


The so-called Web 2.0 offers good methods for sharing knowledge, but it does not provide adequate tools for performing automated, complex searches on the Internet with the quality needed for scientific research. blueOcean is a software product for managing knowledge with the technologies of “semantic web” and offers an effective solution to the problem.

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Un sistema web-based per la gestione, la classificazione ed il recupero efficiente della documentazione di scavo

Giuliano De Felice, Maria Giuseppina Sibilano, Giuliano Volpe, Eugenio Di Sciascio, Roberto Mirizzi, Giacomo Piscitelli, Eufemia Tinelli, Michelantonio Trizio


The use of databases in archaeology is based mainly on the need for a kind of data storage that can both optimize techniques and times for the management of excavation documentation and allow integrated access to all the information collected. In this paper we have described the modelling and development of a web-based system allowing cataloguing, storage and retrieval of different information types. Specifically the system employs PostgreSQL 8.1 as open source Database Management System (DBMS) for repository deploying and managing and Web 2.0 technologies (AJAX, XHTML, etc.) for development of a graphical interface strongly oriented to improve effective user/system interaction.

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OS e tecnologie avanzate per la valorizzazione della conoscenza nel settore archeologico

Tommaso Federici


The IS discussed here deals with the issues of collecting, organizing and sharing all the information about a find, whether a mobile one or a site, as soon as it is discovered. This kind of information is often considered as individual knowledge or totally unmanaged. The choice of OS platforms enables us to disseminate the solution.

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Modelli raster di uso del suolo nella lunga durata in ambiente montano con GRASS

Silvia Polla


In order to create a diachronic model of the exploitation of resources and mobility at a micro-regional scale, the data concerning a test-area in an alpine environment have been imported in GRASS and analyzed using raster modules and running bash-shell scripts for iterating processes.

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Un software CMS per l’archiviazione e la documentazione di materiale archeologico

Giuseppe Maino, Silvia Massari


In this paper we describe the design, implementation and validation of a multimedia open source database for archiving information about diagnostics, conservation and restoration of archaeological documents and artifacts. The software architecture is based on a Content Management System (CMS) and allows the development of a dynamic website. Three main applications have been implemented, all of them characteristic of a wide range of cultural assets, ranging from (i) archival documents to (ii) archaeological and artistic objects, including (iii) diagnostic analyses.

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VIRO: un sistema per la navigazione assistita in ambienti virtuali

Bruno Fanini


Navigation in virtual environments and web-based Virtual Reality applications plays an important role in user interaction, quality and level of content comprehension. ViRo system has been developed as part of the Virtual Rome Project, with focus on usability providing customizable aided navigation, adaptable to various 3D scenarios.

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Un’esperienza di didattica e lavoro con software libero in ambiente universitario: il caso di Montegrotto Terme (Padova)

Piergiovanna Grossi, Alessandro Asta, Simone Deola, Simone Pedron


A new didactic approach in open-source software was applied during the latest archaeological excavations managed by the University of Padua at the site of Montegrotto Terme (Padova). A team of archaeologists and students conducted the surveying activities and obtained good results.

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Cloud Manager v1.0: un’applicazione open source per la gestione delle nuvole di punti

Andrea Pozzi, Paolo Salonia


Cloud Manager v1.0 is a web ASP application for basic manipulation of point clouds with or without RGB information embedded. It is intended as an easy tool for editing and attaching different point clouds to obtain a final unified 3D model through a reversible step by step semi-automatic process. Editing steps are manual, whereas attachment is semi-automatic.

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Archeologia virtuale in blended learning. Esperienze, metodologie e strumenti all’Università “Federico II” di Napoli

Francesca Cantone, Angelo Chianese, Vincenzo Moscato


Virtual Archaeology in Blended Learning. Experiments, methodologies and tools at the “Federico II” University of Naples. The rapid transformation of knowledge systems has changed methodologies and educational processes in a fast, continuous and substantial way. Among the various solutions, methodologies and technologies referred to by the term “e-learning”, this article focuses on experiments in “Blended Learning” in which lessons are integrated by online interaction. In particular, our experiment involved the preparation of a SCORM course of “Information Technology and Archaeology”, created using the IDEA (Instructional Designer Applications) software for Learning Objects, written, and implemented through the “Federico II” Campus platform, according to the paradigms of Computer Supported Collaborative Learn¬ing. Restructuring Virtual Archaeology didactical topics as Learning Objects led us to reflect deeply on the contents to convey and on their new organization, which had to be modular, combinable and granular in order to ensure the best re-usability in various educational contexts and the possibility to be customized according to the characteristics of students. The test covered different levels of classes (three-year degree, two-year degree, laboratory) for three academic years (2005/6-2007/2008). The number of students was limited to between ten and twenty per class in order to improve and control interaction and active participation by students. This paper describes and offers for discussion the main results of the experiment that was conducted, results of which were very encouraging in terms of: educational performance, construction of thematic e-communities, methodological innovation, preparation of re-mixable and re-usable didactical contents, testing of software/methodology IDEA available for free downloading and able to encourage and support dissemination of new teaching methods in archaeology, supporting and facilitating authors in the multimedia production workflow.

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Analisi geospaziali OS per cambiamenti di uso del suolo in indagini archeologiche

Agata Lo Tauro


The use and diffusion of Geodatabases for land use analysis in archaeological investiga¬tion cannot neglect innovative educational programmes. Furthermore, the principal problem of the use of Geodatabases is the cost of Geospatial analysis. In order to solve this problem, research provides methodologies for the elaboration of 2D and 3D thematic cartography and listing technologies using open source Geospatial analysis. As part of Project MONITOR (www.monitorproject.com/) of the Galileo Joint, the Innovative Educational and Research Programmes may involve experiments on GNSS real time positioning and innovative telecommunication applications by using various kind of almost wearable or PDA, TV - PCs and Smartphones as well GPS/PL/INS technologies. The Educational Programmes are structured in different phases: the analysis of the GIS project, the territorial sources and the case-study with the support of the ESA’s global land cover map (www.esa.int) and thermographic imaging (www.fIirthermography.com/). The data sources, challenges and possible improvements in the GIS project can serve not only as guidelines for future GIS research for environmental conservation and management plans for UNESCO Sites, but also point to rewarding research avenues for visualization of land vulnerability with the support of different technologies (Remote Sensing, Laser Scanning, Virtual Reference Stations, etc.).

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Augusto Palombini


Final remarks to the Supplement 2, 2009.


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