Articles by Giuliano De Felice

2022 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

I bronzi di Punta del Serrone (BR): dalla ricerca archeologica alla comunicazione multimediale

Giuliano De Felice, Katia Mannino


On July 19, 1992, in the waters of Punta del Serrone (Brindisi, Italy), over 200 fragments of bronze statues of exceptional manufacture were found. This paper traces the history of the exceptional discovery and fate of the finds. The first part deals with the recovery, conservation and exhibition and the main phases of the analytical study that led to their identification and the reconstruction of the events that caused their abandonment on the seabed. The second part is dedicated to the digital acquisition and processing of the statues through laser scanning and to the virtual restoration and creative modeling of some of them, carried out on the occasion of ‘Nel mare dell’intimità/In the sea of intimacy’, an exhibition set up at the Brindisi airport between July 2019 and January 2021. The third and last part discusses the making of the computer animation video ‘Rottami preziosi. Una ballata del mare profondo/Precious scrap. A ballad from the deep sea’, created for the exhibition, and dedicated to telling the story of the bronzes, retracing the different phases of the creative process and the solutions developed to combine all the available data in a functional narrative.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2022, 33.2, 279-298; doi: 10.19282/ac.33.2.2022.15

2021 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Archeologia virtuale del passato contemporaneo. Dal rilievo alla ricostruzione digitale del campo PG 65 di Altamura (BA)

Giuliano De Felice, Adriana Camerino, Remo Pavone


In the last decades, archaeologists have learnt to overcome the chronological limits, arriving to conceive the application of archaeological methods to contemporary objects and sites. But what happens when we try to apply the rules and methods of virtual archaeology to a context of the contemporary past? While the same tools can be used, some very important differences warn us to be careful: sometimes the contemporary archaeological heritage cannot be reconstructed in the usual way, despite the huge amount of data and sources available. The example of the virtual reconstruction of POW no. 65 in Central Apulia gives some elements to envisage possible applications of computer graphics techniques to very recent cultural heritage assets, moving a step forward towards a new paradigm of digital presentation of archaeological heritage.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2021, 32.1, 195-212; doi: 10.19282/ac.32.1.2021.11

2015 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Comunicare la conoscenza archeologica. Alcuni esempi di divulgazione fra creatività e tecnologie

Giuliano De Felice


In this paper two experimental projects conducted in recent years by the Digital Archaeology Laboratory at Foggia University are described. The projects are oriented to examine possible solutions for the use of ICT in the communication of archaeology that imply specific attention towards technologies, languages and creativity. The first project described is TimeMachine, a virtual reality application realized with real-time animation technologies that allows the user to move freely inside reconstruction, hypotheses and documentation of an archaeological stratigraphic excavation. The latter is Heritouch, a multimedia system for digital storytelling regarding the huge collection of Greek pottery of the Fondazione Sicilia at Palermo. Albeit regarding very different aspects of archaeology, the common aim of the two projects was to achieve an innovative methodology for the production of digital content that, on one hand provides the use of innovative technologies for the creation and fruition of cultural resources and, on the other, tries to engage the competences of the professionals and the characteristics of the knowledge domain.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2015, Supplemento 7, 227-231

2013 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Il nuovo allestimento della collezione archeologica della Fondazione Sicilia fra tecnologie e creatività

Giuliano De Felice


In May 2012 in the historic center of Palermo, Sicily, thanks to the Fondazione Sicilia the Palazzo Branciforte was opened to the public after a long and costly restoration based on a project by the Italian architect Gae Aulenti ( For the creation of this innovative cultural center, the University of Foggia was responsible for the execution of the archaeological museum project and the multimedia system, which is presented in this paper. The activities were conducted by a group of young experts from different fields with the assistance of researchers and technicians from the Laboratory of Digital Archaeology. The paper describes the production process of the multimedia system and the method used to create digital content for the cultural heritage that effectively uses a wide spectrum of normally underused skills and proposes an innovative approach to technologies, creativity and knowledge.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2013, 24, 249-263; doi: 10.19282/ac.24.2013.12

2013 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Il progetto ArcheO3D per una gestione tridimensionale dei dati archeologici. Una prospettiva open

Giuliano De Felice, Andrea Fratta, Cristiano Moscaritolo


The ArcheO3D Project is an experiment of a methodology driven approach for the creation of 3D models of objects and archaeological finds. It allows the use of the models through simple and immediate means of online publishing and sharing. So far the project, which aims to develop digitization and publication of various classes of materials, has produced the first results for the management of architectural stratigraphies and metallic objects.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2013, Supplemento 4, 194-201

2009 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Un sistema web-based per la gestione, la classificazione ed il recupero efficiente della documentazione di scavo

Giuliano De Felice, Maria Giuseppina Sibilano, Giuliano Volpe, Eugenio Di Sciascio, Roberto Mirizzi, Giacomo Piscitelli, Eufemia Tinelli, Michelantonio Trizio


The use of databases in archaeology is based mainly on the need for a kind of data storage that can both optimize techniques and times for the management of excavation documentation and allow integrated access to all the information collected. In this paper we have described the modelling and development of a web-based system allowing cataloguing, storage and retrieval of different information types. Specifically the system employs PostgreSQL 8.1 as open source Database Management System (DBMS) for repository deploying and managing and Web 2.0 technologies (AJAX, XHTML, etc.) for development of a graphical interface strongly oriented to improve effective user/system interaction.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2009, Supplemento 2, 251-257

2008 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Ripensare la documentazione archeologica: nuovi percorsi per la ricerca e la comunicazione

Giuliano De Felice, Maria Giuseppina Sibilano, Giuliano Volpe


While the application of computer technology to archaeology has been characterized by numerous experiments, there has been no specific attempt to standardize processes. Archaeologists operating in the field seem to privilege “ad hoc” solutions in which the computer has been more or less actively featured. Without any pretence of presenting a model, this paper describes a series of field experiments conducted by the archaeology team of the University of Foggia, and reflections based on the growing use of computers in the various phases of our research. Beyond this, we hope to show the necessity and importance of reaching some kind of consensus regarding methodology and technological innovation. Computer technology has allowed us to rethink the process of documentation by introducing important innovations in all phases of research, from recovery of data to analysis, interpretation and reconstruction right through to the dissemination of results.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2008, 19, 271-291; doi: 10.19282/ac.19.2008.22