Articles by Giuliano Volpe

2010 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

The Cultural Heritage Map of Apulia Project

Angela Barbanente, Giuliano Volpe, Caterina Annese, Antonietta Buglione, Annalisa Di Zanni, Roberto Goffredo, Angelo Valentino Romano


The Cultural Heritage Map of Apulia, started in September 2007, is a mapping project carried out by the Regional Department of Land Management (Apulia, Italy) in collaboration with the Regional Department for Cultural Heritage, the four Regional Universities of Apulia and the Regional Central Department for Cultural and Environmental Heritage. The project aim is to create a thematic cartography in order to archive, map and describe in detail the Cultural Heritage of the territory of Apulia, superseding the traditional method of cataloguing based on a concept of Cultural Heritage as spots on a map. The other main purpose of the project is to analyze and describe the stratified historical landscapes of the regional countryside, from prehistory up to now, as long-term evidence of the identity of people and places. These aims have been achieved combining different disciplines and methodologies and a geo-database which is part of the Apulia Region GIS organized in different themes and informative layers. This is intended to be an innovative and dynamic instrument for Cultural Heritage preservation and it is expected that conformity with the Cultural Heritage Map of Apulia will be the necessary requirement for the approval of every land-planning activity in order to preserve the local Cultural Heritage.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2010, 21, 75-92; doi: 10.19282/ac.21.2010.04

2009 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Un sistema web-based per la gestione, la classificazione ed il recupero efficiente della documentazione di scavo

Giuliano De Felice, Maria Giuseppina Sibilano, Giuliano Volpe, Eugenio Di Sciascio, Roberto Mirizzi, Giacomo Piscitelli, Eufemia Tinelli, Michelantonio Trizio


The use of databases in archaeology is based mainly on the need for a kind of data storage that can both optimize techniques and times for the management of excavation documentation and allow integrated access to all the information collected. In this paper we have described the modelling and development of a web-based system allowing cataloguing, storage and retrieval of different information types. Specifically the system employs PostgreSQL 8.1 as open source Database Management System (DBMS) for repository deploying and managing and Web 2.0 technologies (AJAX, XHTML, etc.) for development of a graphical interface strongly oriented to improve effective user/system interaction.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2009, Supplemento 2, 251-257

2008 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Ripensare la documentazione archeologica: nuovi percorsi per la ricerca e la comunicazione

Giuliano De Felice, Maria Giuseppina Sibilano, Giuliano Volpe


While the application of computer technology to archaeology has been characterized by numerous experiments, there has been no specific attempt to standardize processes. Archaeologists operating in the field seem to privilege “ad hoc” solutions in which the computer has been more or less actively featured. Without any pretence of presenting a model, this paper describes a series of field experiments conducted by the archaeology team of the University of Foggia, and reflections based on the growing use of computers in the various phases of our research. Beyond this, we hope to show the necessity and importance of reaching some kind of consensus regarding methodology and technological innovation. Computer technology has allowed us to rethink the process of documentation by introducing important innovations in all phases of research, from recovery of data to analysis, interpretation and reconstruction right through to the dissemination of results.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2008, 19, 271-291; doi: 10.19282/ac.19.2008.22