Volumes / Journal / 24

Archeologia e Calcolatori 24 - 2013

22 articles

Journal articles

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Jean-Claude Gardin (Parigi 1925-2013). Dalla meccanografica all'informatica archeologica

Paola Moscati


The article attempts to retrace some of the early years of the scientific activity of Jean-Claude Gardin, throughout a particularly fertile period of about five years that certainly affected all of his subsequent scientific endeavours. Starting in the mid 1950s, Gardin carefully followed the international evolution of documentation systems and tirelessly promoted the innovative methods of investigation that will eventually make him one of the undisputed pioneers of archaeological computing. At the same time, he founded and led highly specialised laboratories that have acted as a breeding ground for the formalisation of archaeological research associated with the process of data representation and classification, as well as the construction of scientific knowledge.

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An R script to facilitate Correspondence Analysis. A guide to the use and the interpretation of results from an archaeological perspective

Gianmarco Alberti


Over the years Correspondence Analysis has become a valuable tool for archaeologists because it enables them to explore patterns of associations in large contingency tables. While commercial statistical programs provide the facility to perform Correspondence Analysis, a number of packages are available for the free R statistical environment. Nonetheless, its command-line structure may be intimidating for users and prevent them from considering the technique. This article describes an R script, written by the author, which aims to free the R user from manually entering long pieces of code. By discussing two worked examples, it shows how the script can provide the user with a body of graphical and textual outputs relevant to the interpretation of data structure. It is hoped that the script will allow the user to concentrate more on the analysis results rather than the syntax of the R environment.

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Solone: una banca dati delle norme per il patrimonio culturale. Roma e la Tarda Antichità

Anna Anguissola, Denise La Monica, Stefano Cresci


The Athenian statesman, lawmaker and poet Solon has given his name to a database related to the European legislation on art and cultural heritage. The database Solone, which is currently in progress and will be published on the Internet (http://solone.sns.it/), was designed and implemented by the LARTTE Laboratory (Interdisciplinary Centre for the Research, Planning, and Management of Cultural Heritage) of the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa. The database includes a selection of laws from the Roman period and Late Antiquity (from the 1st century B.C.E. to the 5th century C.E.), as well as from several countries that belong today to the European Community (Italy, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Greece), from the 19th century to 2006. In this database data on the individual norms and related institutions have been inserted. Bibliographic information was collected and the relationships between various laws, and the authorities and institutions that issued them have been considered. The database provides the full text of each law, often with one or more translations into Italian or English and a set of details regarding typologies, historical background, validity and jurisdiction, object, and sources. The database makes it possible to conduct research according to typologies, geographical areas or historical sections and institutions. In the present paper, Solone is presented from the perspective of one case study: the digital archive for the legislation on works of art, public and private buildings, roads and aqueducts enacted from the Roman Republic to the fourth Novel of Majorianus on public buildings issued in Ravenna in 459 C.E.

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Dalla cartografia archeologica digitale al restauro virtuale: recenti casi di studio a Hierapolis di Frigia

Massimo Limoncelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi


The paper concerns the recent research conducted at Hierapolis in Phrygia for the creation of the digital archaeological map of the city and surrounding necropolises, which is linked to a GIS. These activities have focused on updating the map with new data from systematic archaeological and topographical surveys, geophysical prospecting, aerial and satellite remote sensing, and from studies regarding the hydrogeology, geomorphology and seismic and tectonic characteristics of the site. In some cases, 3D reconstructions and virtual restorations of monuments are based on the data from this inter/multidisciplinary research on the ancient city. In fact, for several years now a project called Virtual Hierapolis has been in progress and has resulted in the production of 3D models of many monuments in the city, using data from stratigraphic excavations, archaeological and geophysical surveys, and art-historical studies. An example in this regard is the recent reconstructive study of the so-called South Bridge, a monumental viaduct/aqueduct-bridge, probably built in the first century AD, the remains of which are in a deep gorge to the South of the archaeological site. The survey and mapping of the monument, using differential GPS and robotic and motorized total station, have made it possible to obtain a detailed study and the production of 2D and 3D reconstructions.

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SICAC: an information system for the Conjunto arqueológico de Carmona (Carmona Archaeological Ensemble) (Seville, Spain)

Ignacio Rodríguez Temiño, Daniel González Acuña, José Ildefonso Ruiz Cecilia, Alejandro Jiménez Hernández, José Manuel López Sánchez


The Roman necropolis and amphitheater of Carmona (Seville, Spain) were excavated and opened to the public at the end of the Nineteenth century. Because of this long continuity, the Carmona Archaeological Ensemble boasts a special trait: a broad archaeological documentary archive. Efficient management of this store of information that is updated and added to on a daily basis required a computer application that could gather, integrate, conserve and facilitate the use of this volume of data from different sources. At the same time, it was considered necessary for researchers to have online access to the core substance of the information. Our information system for CAC was developed over the course of five years and is called SICAC. All of the graphic and alphanumerical data is organized in the same environment, thereby guaranteeing their integration, availability, quality and accessibility. SICAC has three platforms: desktop, online and mobile.

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Magna Sila: la tecnologia GIS nello studio e ricostruzione del paesaggio archeologico

Dimitar Uzunov, Franca Caterina Papparella, Pietro Brandmayr, Carmen Gangale, Salvatore Larosa, Antonio Mazzei


This study belongs to the branch of research dedicated to the interpretation of the archaeological landscape using innovative models for the information analysis, managing and fruition of the land. To this aim, a preliminary analysis was carried out in order to identify the characteristic elements of the area being studied which are fundamental for landscape description. The study of material evidence is directly related, in this sense, to environmental resources in a diachronic key. The territory of Sila (Calabria) was considered as a case study and the work was divided into different essential steps, respectively concerning fact-finding elaboration, description and evaluation of data in the historical, environmental, settlement, functional and relational system of this territory. Using matrixes represented by descriptive elements of the landscape, it is possible to relate the natural, environmental, historical and archaeological features of places. The main point in this kind of approach is not territorial analysis but the development of synthesis models that make it possible to interpret the complexity of human-environment interaction. The Geographic Information System is one of the techniques for landscape analysis based on qualitative and quantitative environmental data with a great capacity for spatial interpretation of the structural properties of the landscape according to different natural and human gradients. GIS was designed to compare spatial data to temporal ones and this feature made it possible for us to elaborate interpretative approaches for understanding the way in which ancient populations made use of natural resources over the centuries.

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Tecnologie digitali integrate per lo studio del sito archeologico di Adulis (Eritrea)

Giulio Bigliardi, Sara Cappelli, Enzo Cocca


The Adulis Project started in 2011, directed by the Ce.RDO in collaboration with the Centre for GeoTechnologies of the University of Siena and the National Museum of Eritrea. The project aims to investigate and promote the cultural heritage of the ancient port site of Adulis, one of the most important archaeological sites in Eritrea and East Africa. The paper presents the results of the first two campaigns. First of all, we analyzed the satellite imagery to identify traces of buried archaeological elements. Then, three excavation areas were opened to unearth some of the structures already identified in the excavations of the last century, as well as to investigate the stratigraphy of the site in areas where archaeological excavations have never been conducted. In conclusion, a GPS survey was conducted on the whole area to elaborate a detailed map of the site, to create a DEM and to position all the archaeological structures that are visible on the surface. All the stratigraphic, topographic and cartographic data were managed in an open source GIS, based on the combination of the desktop mapping software Quantum GIS and the plugin pyArchInit.

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Valutazione delle potenzialità archeologiche della Laguna di Venezia: la frangia lagunare sud in età post antica

Elisa Corrò


This study shows how the analyses conducted using different kinds of disciplines (geo¬morphology, archaeology, history) can be an excellent way to focus on the origin of settlements and their attributes. The relational database is based on a ranking of archaeological, geological and historical data, followed by a single form of recording, such as excavation documentation (mapping and topography of settlements), or historical and hydrographical details. The use of a standard lexicon simplifies the implementation of data, according to a SQL language, while the data entry appears as a single window with direct access to all of the system. The GIS platform can be used for the analysis of geological (morphological and geological studies, coring), histori¬cal (cartographical sources) and archaeological data (survey, study of known materials). As a result, this approach led us to create different kinds of thematical maps, like morphological and hydrographical reconstructions of the past, by studying the underground and georeferencing historical charts. Subsequently, through a subdivision of layers, archaeological evidence was classified also by chronological and typological levels. This study allowed us to obtain a cross analysis between the concentration of archaeological material and environmental conditions at different levels of visibility. These results made it possible to evaluate the archaeological potential and the units, which were calculated by the relation between the density of evidence, the presence of alluvial deposits, the urbanization level and the water-bearing stratum, gave us an overview of the landscape evaluation.

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Discovering Chan Chan: modern technologies for urban and architectural analysis

Francesca Colosi, Roberto Gabrielli, Roberto Orazi, Eva Savina Malinverni


Since 2002, the Italian Mission of CNR-ITABC has been operating in the archaeological complex of Chan Chan (Peru), which is the largest pre-Columbian settlement entirely built with adobe. In 1989 Chan Chan was placed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The main purpose of the work is aimed at the conservation, documentation and use of the site and of the territory that is related to Chan Chan from a historical and cultural point of view. The urban structure of Chan Chan, which is spread over a surface of 14 km2, has a number of buildings which characterizes the town at both an architectural (ciudadelas, huacas, huachaques) and decorative level (bas-reliefs, geometrical motifs). In order to achieve our research goals, we had to arrange for the combined use of various analysis techniques that would provide both urban and architectural information about the town. The data we obtained allowed us to make a more up-to-date interpretation of the urban fabric and revealed intriguing details regarding the construction phases of one of its palaces which will be helpful both for the planning of the Archaeological Park and the restoration project of the Palacio Rivero.

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Laser Scanner 3D per lo studio e la catalogazione dell'archeologia medievale: la chiesa di Santa Croce in Bergamo

Alessio Cardaci, Dario Gallina, Antonella Versaci


The improvement of new active optical sensors has revolutionized the methods for documenting cultural heritage. The conservation and appreciation of our cultural legacy re¬quire an extensive documentation both in terms of shape, color and geometry as well as the more traditional art-historical features. The incessant development of scientific research today provides new possibilities and tools which are essential to know and use in a responsible and scientific way. In the field of archaeology, the automatic 3D survey is now recognized as an added value compared to traditional practices and the active contribution that this technology can provide to the interpretative phase, cataloguing and promotion of archaeological assets, even through the web, is becoming increasingly clear. On the other hand, even considering the speed of the procedure and the accuracy of measurement, there have been calls for reflection on the role that laser scanning can play in the field of archaeology; this role needs to be clarified and consolidated by conducting new studies and experiments, such as the one presented here that concerns the Church of Santa Croce in Bergamo, a small octagonal Romanesque chapel built in the first half of the 11th century.

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Natural interaction in VR environments for cultural heritage: the virtual reconstruction of the Regolini-Galassi tomb in Cerveteri (with an Appendix by M. Sannibale and D. Pletinckx)

Eva Pietroni


Etruscanning is a European project (Culture 2007) whose aim is to re-create and restore the original context of Etruscan graves. The main objectives are: digital acquisition, digital restoration, 3D representation and implementation of innovative VR environments related to Etruscan tombs and collections in European and Italian Museums. We focused on the Regolini-Galassi tomb in the Sorbo necropolis in Cerveteri, one of the most remarkable Etruscan graves. It was discovered still intact in 1836 and is famous not only for its rich contents but also for the objects showing the Orientalising influence. The finds from this tomb are kept in the Gregorian Etruscan Museum in the Vatican Museums and the empty grave at the site is not always open to public. By making 3D reconstructions of the tomb and the objects we can re-create the archaeological context of this Etruscan tomb. As the process of virtual reconstruction of the Regolini-Galassi tomb tries to visualize it at the moment it was closed, we needed to recompose the original placement of the objects and their ancient appearance. This was not easy as we had to reconsider some contradictory historical plans and iconographies (Grifi, Canina, etc.) and to answer some dif??cult questions. The Regolini-Galassi tomb was implemented in a VR environment and a permanent instal¬lation was presented in the Vatican Museums in April 2013. A key aspect is the development of natural interaction interfaces: visitors use body movements to explore the 3D space and to access contents without the need for any traditional interface. This solution not only makes the experience more engaging but also allows people of every level of skill to enjoy and learn. This embodiment constitutes a new frontier in the communication and learning processes and we believe that it represents a crucial element in museums.

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Il nuovo allestimento della collezione archeologica della Fondazione Sicilia fra tecnologie e creatività

Giuliano De Felice


In May 2012 in the historic center of Palermo, Sicily, thanks to the Fondazione Sicilia the Palazzo Branciforte was opened to the public after a long and costly restoration based on a project by the Italian architect Gae Aulenti (http://www.palazzobranciforte.it/). For the creation of this innovative cultural center, the University of Foggia was responsible for the execution of the archaeological museum project and the multimedia system, which is presented in this paper. The activities were conducted by a group of young experts from different fields with the assistance of researchers and technicians from the Laboratory of Digital Archaeology. The paper describes the production process of the multimedia system and the method used to create digital content for the cultural heritage that effectively uses a wide spectrum of normally underused skills and proposes an innovative approach to technologies, creativity and knowledge.

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SimulPast: un laboratorio virtual para el análisis de las dinámicas históricas

Jorge Caro Saiz, Débora Zurro, Bernardo Rondelli, Andrea Balbo, Xavier Rubio Campillo, Joan A. Barceló, Ivan Briz i Godino, Joaquim Fort, Marco Madella


The use of Computer Simulation for the study of Physics or Biology has its roots in the 1940s. The Social Sciences and Humanities have recently become aware of the heuristic potential computational models have for the study of social dynamics, generating the new field of Social Simulation. Specifically, from the first applications of Computer Simulation to Archaeology, their complementary nature has been proved. Computer Simulation provides an ideal context as a virtual laboratory in which to experiment with dynamic processes and Archaeology provides the possibility of generating information about past social processes, both short and long-term. However, we need to make a profound epistemological and methodological reflection about the nature of this tool and the implications of using it in Archaeology. On this basis, SimulPast aims to develop a theoretical and methodological research platform, which is both innovative and trans-disciplinary. The Project aspires to improve the study of historical, social and ecological dynamics of human societies as well as to stimulate the debate on the scientific research process at large.

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ARCHEOSEMA. Sistemi artificiali adattivi per un'archeologia analitica e cognitiva dei fenomeni complessi

Marco Ramazzotti


ARCHEOSEMA is the name of a metadisciplinary theoretical, analytical and experi¬mental research project which has recently been awarded a grant by the Sapienza University of Rome. The purpose of the research is to create a logical model based on the interaction between Geographical Information Systems and Artificial Adaptive Systems. The model is conceived as an epistemological and methodological instrument: epistemological because it requires an interdisciplinary dialogue that involves archaeology, physics, geography, linguistics and statistics, and methodological because it is intended to analyze solutions for problems of classification, seriation and organization of alpha-numerical data; to implement the dynamic simulation of the variables which compose organic and/or cultural systems; to identify new rules for spatial, economic and political organization and, moreover, to analyze physical, aes¬thetic and linguistic phenomena of the self-organization, entropy, learning and translation. This epistemological and methodological instrument which is technically programmed like a GIS combines the most advanced instruments of physics, mathematics, algebra and geometry and the first simulations made on three different databases (territorial, aesthetic, and linguistics), already show a series of preliminary results that open new possibilities for territorial archeology, cognitive archeology and computational linguistics.

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Virtual models for archaeology

Laura Bocchi, Mahmud Hoger, Katharina Rebay-Salisbury, Emilio Tuosto


Archaeological excavations are complex activities, fostering the collaboration of a number of different institutions, organizations and individuals. The seamless organization of an excavation may benefit from the use of a virtual model, which can be adjusted to the specific needs of the project. Defining a model of such activities may help to anticipate the appropriate steps necessary, in order to avoid problems and delays and, more importantly, can be reused and adjusted for further projects. In this paper we attempt to promote the use of virtual breeding environments and virtual organizations as a modelling framework for the managerial aspects of archaeological excavations and we illustrate the flexibility of the framework by applying it to different scenarios. Our analysis also shows that the standard notion of virtual organizations needs to be extended in order to cope with specific aspects of archaeological excavations.

Documentare l'archeologia 3.0, Atti del Workshop (Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, 23 aprile 2013)

Edited by Antonio Curci, Andrea Fiorini

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Antonio Curci, Andrea Fiorini


Introducion to the Workshop.

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Dal rilievo fotogrammetrico all'analisi dei dati. Il Progetto Shawbak

Pierre Drap, Djamal Merad, Julien Seinturier, Jean-Marc Boï, Daniela Peloso, Guido Vannini, Michele Nucciotti, Elisa Pruno


In this paper we present an interdisciplinary project which is a work in progress towards a 3D Geographical Information System with a specific focus application on the Castle of Shawbak. The Shawbak archaeological project is a specific and integrated project between medieval archaeological research and computer vision done thanks a long-term cooperation between University of Florence and LSIS/CNRS Marseille. Focusing mainly on stratigraphical analysis of upstanding structures we conducted a survey using photogrammetry, both in a traditional way and using the most advanced techniques to obtain a dense map, and then a tool for statistical analysis. The photogrammetric survey is driven directly by archaeological data which is formalized by ontologies as a link between all the archaeological concepts which are surveyed. The 3D GIS is the last step of this chain and aims at the automatic production of 3D models through archaeological database queries: these 3D models are, in fact, a graphic image of the database and at the same time the interface through which the user is able to modify it and produce different kinds of analysis.

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Nuove possibilità della fotogrammetria. La documentazione archeologica del nuraghe di Tanca Manna (Nuoro)

Andrea Fiorini


With this contribution we want to show how acquisition, management and analysis of the three-dimensional component of archaeological data can improve the understanding of the formation of different contexts and, in particular, the construction history of a historic building. The introduction of a new generation of lighter and cheaper 3D laser scanners and the dissemination of web service, open source and low-cost software for digital photogrammetry have triggered a debate about their proper use in archaeology. Previous research has left a number of problems open and the proposed solutions cannot be considered yet fully satisfactory. In the first part of the article we will outline the limits of the current standards of archaeological documentation and describe the possibility of integration of these new tools into the operational practices, with particular emphasis on photogrammetry. In the second part we will propose an example of archaeological analysis of the Nuraghe of Tanca Manna (Nuoro) using unconventional methods and tools: a system of shooting on telescopic pole (featuring remote control of the camera to the ground and preview frame); the combined use of free cloud computing and commercial software for automatic modeling of architectural surfaces; a dedicated electronic procedure to document the wall stratigraphy and the shape of the structural elements on the 3D model; data management in a GIS environment; the use of PDF3D as standard format for the exchange and use of three-dimensional content. In conclusion, we will attempt to demonstrate the added value of this workflow compared to the normal operating procedure, emphasizing the versatility, speed of execution and the improved information content of final papers.

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Il rilievo delle superfici tramite fotogrammetria 3D: dal microscavo dei complessi tombali agli scavi in open area

Cristiano Putzolu, David Vicenzutto


The need for a quick methodology of 3D surface recording, sensitive to the timing of fieldwork, low cost, and suitable for both micro- and meso-contexts, has induced the writers to develop a standard procedure. It is now possible to obtain a dense x, y, z point cloud starting from the photographic coverage of a surface, respecting precise parameters of overlapping for the different photos picturing the scene, and calibrating the camera. The software used to generate the point cloud is PhotoModeler Scanner, chosen firstly for its internal module of camera calibration and correction algorithm of radial distortion, and secondly for its capacity to verify the position of the different frames and point clouds roto-translating in a known reference system. The key point of the procedure is the importing of the point cloud in a GIS environment, where a DEM is created with an interpolation algorithm. The resulting surface is in the same GIS environment of vector and raster themes documenting the excavation. The procedure was tested in two different case studies: a micro-context corresponding to Tomb 112, a cremation tomb in the Iron Age necropolis of Piovego (Padua, Italy), and a meso-context corresponding to the Late Bronze Age settlement of Gradiscje (Codroipo, Italy). In both cases, meaningful because different in scale stratigraphy and survey issues, it is clear how 3D survey and the subsequent modeling of the point cloud has been fundamental for the understanding of the archaeological record.

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Cloud computing e fotomodellazione come integrazione della modellazione 3D per l’architettura storica. La chiesa di San Giovanni Evangelista in Ravenna

Simone Zambruno, Antonino Vazzana, Laura Buti, Marco Orlandi


Historical architecture often features very detailed elements that are frequently characterized by complex ornamentation, such as capitals, vaulted arches, portals, mouldings etc. Modeling such highly detailed surfaces with traditional software packages can be a very difficult and time-consuming task, which often requires considerable skills and does not always ensure a strict adherence to the original object. This article discusses the combined use of two software applications to integrate traditional three-dimensional reconstructions of historical architecture and 3D models generated by semi-automatic photo-modeling. The case study is represented by a virtual reconstruction of the main structural changes undergone by the church of San Giovanni Evangelista in Ravenna, built by the Empress Galla Placidia in the 5th century AD. The aim of the study was to document the modifications made to this church over the centuries by means of a three-dimensional reconstruction that was chiefly created with the combined use of two open source software programs. Blender was used to recreate the main structures such as walls, apses, roofs and windows, and Autodesk 123D Catch was chosen to generate 3D textured models of the most detailed parts: capitals, portals, decorated columns. The success of this technique demonstrates that the use of a hybrid workflow can simplify the generation of complex shapes, increase the level of detail, and speed up the whole modeling process.

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Laser scanning e photo scanning. Tecniche di rilevamento per la documentazione 3D di beni architettonici ed archeologici

Andrea Angelini, Roberto Gabrielli


Laser scanner and digital photogrammetric systems (photo scanning) must be considered at present two of the main techniques used for archaeological and architectural surveying. The integration of both 3D scanning systems allowed us to improve the scientific knowledge, the management, the use and the safeguarding of Cultural Heritage. The aim of this article is to identify analogies and differences between the two surveying techniques applied to different archaeological contexts. Starting from a general introduction to the concept of measurement and the management of the data acquired from different techniques of surveying, the article focuses on the laser scanner applications with particular attention on the intrinsic properties of the instrument, the problems of measurement and the methodology used during the survey. The second part is focused on the digital photogrammetry applied on a particular archaeological context. Digital photogrammetry was developed and experimented in order to acquire territorial data quickly. The optimization of the working speed, while maintaining accuracy of data, means cost savings and an optimal use of funds. Our workgroup decided to transfer that methodology to the archaeological excavations of Rome Metro Line C in collaboration with some public institutions and private companies. The final results have produced 2D and 3D graphic documentations of all the archaeological area up to highly-accurate ortho-recti ??ed images. Point clouds allowed us to simultaneously view a general 3D model of all open archaeological areas, providing an opportunity for observation and an analysis not possible by other means. Each area can be studied together with the others in a global view of the excavation. Every stratigraphic unit can be displayed in the same area and switched on in the same way as a layer.


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