Articles by Massimo Limoncelli

2013 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Dalla cartografia archeologica digitale al restauro virtuale: recenti casi di studio a Hierapolis di Frigia

Massimo Limoncelli, Giuseppe Scardozzi


The paper concerns the recent research conducted at Hierapolis in Phrygia for the creation of the digital archaeological map of the city and surrounding necropolises, which is linked to a GIS. These activities have focused on updating the map with new data from systematic archaeological and topographical surveys, geophysical prospecting, aerial and satellite remote sensing, and from studies regarding the hydrogeology, geomorphology and seismic and tectonic characteristics of the site. In some cases, 3D reconstructions and virtual restorations of monuments are based on the data from this inter/multidisciplinary research on the ancient city. In fact, for several years now a project called Virtual Hierapolis has been in progress and has resulted in the production of 3D models of many monuments in the city, using data from stratigraphic excavations, archaeological and geophysical surveys, and art-historical studies. An example in this regard is the recent reconstructive study of the so-called South Bridge, a monumental viaduct/aqueduct-bridge, probably built in the first century AD, the remains of which are in a deep gorge to the South of the archaeological site. The survey and mapping of the monument, using differential GPS and robotic and motorized total station, have made it possible to obtain a detailed study and the production of 2D and 3D reconstructions.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2013, 24, 75-99; doi: 10.19282/ac.24.2013.04