Articles by Andrea Fiorini

2022 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Scansioni dinamiche in archeologia dell’architettura: test e valutazioni metriche del sensore LiDAR di Apple

Andrea Fiorini


Cutting-edge mobile phones and tablets marketed by Apple, equipped with a LiDAR sensor, are able to measure the three-dimensional position of objects and reconstruct their surface. At present, specific publications illustrating the potential of this sensor in the field of archaeology are not known. The first part of the article explains its functioning; the second deals with its limitations; the third describes its use in an architectural survey of two buildings; the fourth proves its usefulness in the architectural field, particularly in the study of archaeological standing buildings (archaeology of architecture). In light of the tests performed, it can be stated that the LiDAR offers centimetre-level accuracy and is therefore of great interest in the field of archaeology, also considering its relatively low cost, its ease of manoeuvring and fast acquisition of data, compared to other scanning systems. The LiDAR may become a common tool in the field of archaeology in the future if investments in this technology continue, producing sensors capable of measuring more accurately (the current maximum coverage is 5 m) and software (apps) that can produce flawless textures and more uniform sampling of space. In its current state of development, the sensor is not suitable for precise modelling of small-size objects, while it is useful for the archaeological documentation of masonry, architectural elements and walls. In addition, it is the ideal tool for obtaining floor maps and three-dimensional models of small-sized environments.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2022, 33.1, 35-54; doi: 10.19282/ac.33.1.2022.03

2018 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Il metodo fotografico RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) per la documentazione delle superfici archeologiche. L’applicazione ai materiali di età protostorica

Andrea Fiorini


RTI is a photographic method that allows to enhance any unevenness on the surface ofan object. In archaeology, the RTI method is used for various purposes, for instance, to study superficial markings on ceramic artefacts and to understand their possible causes (natural unevenness of the materials, manufacturing techniques, intended use). This article describes a research that has been conducted thanks to the RTI method on some ceramic artefacts dating back to the Bronze Age, from the village located in Via Ordiere, in Solarolo (RA). The research aims to test the limits of use of this instrument and its actual potential to give information on certain aspects of the production process of a ceramic artefact, such as the tools used to refine the surface (smoothing or polishing). Moreover, the RTI images have been tested as auxiliary tool for archaeological design of lithic artefacts from the same sites (arrowheads). The first part of the article is dedicated to the methodological aspects of the research: the processing chain, the tools and the time needed to complete each phase of the work. In the second part, the results of the research and the possible developments are discussed. The points of strength and the limits of this method are both summarised in the last section of the article.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2018, 29, 241-258; doi: 10.19282/ac.29.2018.20

2015 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Archeologia dell’architettura in Romagna: la banca dati territoriale

Andrea Fiorini


This article describes the methods used within the Archaeology of Architecture in Romagna research project and in particular the structure and principles of the database. The results obtained in the following fields are illustrated: transformation of the architecture of churches and castles, medieval building technologies, ancient measuring standards, and clients. We selected 47 sites, including 7 ecclesiastical and 40 defensive buildings (castles). In the urban landscape the research focused on one of the most significant ecclesiastical buildings in Ravenna: the church of Santa Croce. Expanding into the field of monumental landscaping, a new project focused on a census of moulds and the forms of ancient building materials (campioni mensori) in northern Italy. In medieval Italian communes craftsmen and traders had to follow many rules to ensure the honesty and integrity of trades. All the members within the same administrative district had to use same systems of linear measurements and weights. Samples of these were exhibited on the walls of public buildings. Our methodological approach for the study of a monument uses the ancient measurements in order to understand the identity of clients, the origin of the workers and the chronology of architectures. The last part of the article suggests future goals of the research project.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2015, 26, 275-288; doi: 10.19282/ac.26.2015.32

2013 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Nuove possibilità della fotogrammetria. La documentazione archeologica del nuraghe di Tanca Manna (Nuoro)

Andrea Fiorini


With this contribution we want to show how acquisition, management and analysis of the three-dimensional component of archaeological data can improve the understanding of the formation of different contexts and, in particular, the construction history of a historic building. The introduction of a new generation of lighter and cheaper 3D laser scanners and the dissemination of web service, open source and low-cost software for digital photogrammetry have triggered a debate about their proper use in archaeology. Previous research has left a number of problems open and the proposed solutions cannot be considered yet fully satisfactory. In the first part of the article we will outline the limits of the current standards of archaeological documentation and describe the possibility of integration of these new tools into the operational practices, with particular emphasis on photogrammetry. In the second part we will propose an example of archaeological analysis of the Nuraghe of Tanca Manna (Nuoro) using unconventional methods and tools: a system of shooting on telescopic pole (featuring remote control of the camera to the ground and preview frame); the combined use of free cloud computing and commercial software for automatic modeling of architectural surfaces; a dedicated electronic procedure to document the wall stratigraphy and the shape of the structural elements on the 3D model; data management in a GIS environment; the use of PDF3D as standard format for the exchange and use of three-dimensional content. In conclusion, we will attempt to demonstrate the added value of this workflow compared to the normal operating procedure, emphasizing the versatility, speed of execution and the improved information content of final papers.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2013, 24, 341-354; doi: 10.19282/ac.24.2013.18

2012 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Tablet PC, fotogrammetria e PDF 3D: strumenti per documentare l’archeologia

Andrea Fiorini


The purpose of this paper is to describe methods of documentation of different archaeological contexts. The first part illustrates some solutions for the integration of tablet PC within the current standards of archaeological documentation. The second part describes several techniques of photogrammetric survey for the documentation of burials, wall stratigraphy and structural elements. With the support of photo-modelling and stereophotogrammetry it is possible to record perimeter and surface of each Stratigraphic Unit in a three-dimensional space also obtaining isomorphic reproductions of the detected object. In conclusion, the last part of the article discusses the first results of an experiment which is still in progress: the 3D PDF for publication of the archaeological record.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2012, 23, 213-228; doi: 10.19282/ac.23.2012.13

2011 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Fotomodellazione e stereofotogrammetria per la creazione di modelli stratigrafici in archeologia dell’architettura

Andrea Fiorini, Valentina Archetti


Architectural structures are 3D volumes and their features, which are recognized in the field through archaeological investigation (stratigraphic, metric and formal data), are distributed within the three-dimensions. Stratigraphic wall analysis normally needs front elevations or photo-mosaic images to draw the boundaries between each Stratigraphic Unit (SU). The Stratigraphic 3D component is not recorded because it is not taken into account by these supporting documents. With the support of photo-modelling and stereophotogrammetry, instead, it is possible to record the perimeter and volume of each SU in 3D space and also obtain isomorphic reproductions of the detected object. These copies are high quality photo-textured models that provide a complete overview of architectural volumes and the close dimensional framework (length, depth and width) of mouldings and decorative architectural elements. Moreover, the coordinates of any point can be extracted from these models in order to obtain traditional charts (maps, sections, elevations and axonometric views, useful to understand the process of installation of building elements). The purpose of this paper is to describe different techniques capable of acquiring 3D data of wall stratigraphy in order to define new methods of documentation based on the use of photo-modelling and stereophotogrammetry. The data used for this research refer to excavated sites or high-preserved fabrics of different ages and functions such as the late medieval bell-tower of the basilica of San Severo (Classe, Ravenna), the modern tower of Monte Erno (FC) and the church of San Bartolomeo in Tipano (FC). Starting with these cases, in this article we explore some of the technical aspects of data processing like speed, measurement accuracy, information content and equipment cost.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2011, 22, 199-216; doi: 10.19282/ac.22.2011.09

2004 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Topologia: identificazione, significato e valenza nella ricerca archeologica

Maurizio Cattani, Andrea Fiorini


Topology is the science to manage and identify spatial relationships between geometrical features. Application of topology in archaeology means the possibility of analysing the logic of space as it was in the mind of ancient communities or as it has been fixed in stratigraphical contexts by post-depositional effects. Qualitative definition of proximity, continuity, connection and of many other spatial properties, included since the earlier registration on the field for each archaeological feature, broaden the capability to find out spatial relationships and formal representation of logical expression of space. The intent of this paper is to deal with the apparently difficult aspect of topology, starting from recent applications in architecture or, only partially, in archaeology. It suggests to find out methods of approach through a new form of stratigraphical unit and through representations of system theories and graphs. A case study of architectural protohistorical complex is presented for application of these principles and facilitate the comprehension of the use of topology. The development of GIS is always more directed to record and ensure spatial topological data and it appears to be the best way for future applications in archaeology.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2004, 15, 317-340; doi: 10.19282/ac.15.2004.20