Articles by Leopoldo Repola

2020 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

Integrated multi scale archaeological analysis in Béni Mellal-Khenifra District (Morocco). The case of the fortress of Ighram Aousser

Lorenza-Ilia Manfredi, Pasquale Merola, Chiara Cecalupo, Abdelillah Dekayir, Brahim Ouchaou, Yosef Bokbot, Mabrouk Seghir, Silvia Festuccia, Leopoldo Repola, Marilena Cozzolino, Vincenzo Gentile, Hassan Bounajma


The fortress of Ighram Aousser is located in Morocco, 10 km W of M’rirt and 120 km S of Meknés, on the so-called mines route. The lack of an organic and complete documentation and a concrete need to acquire new data about unexplored areas have required a multi-methodological research including the analysis of historical sources, archaeological surveys, topographic investigations, laser scanner modelling and geophysical prospections. All data were stored in a Geographic Information System, which allowed spatial analyses and the creation of thematic maps. The integrated geoarchaeological approach has led to a new archaeological map providing an updated view of the rich archaeological heritage in that territory. The article also offers a complete account of the valorization processes, the international promotion of the site and its long-lasting mining tradition.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2020, 31.1, 97-120; doi: 10.19282/ac.31.1.2020.05

2020 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

La Grotta paleolitica di Roccia San Sebastiano (Mondragone, CE). Una metodologia per l’analisi dei dati in spazi simbolici

Leopoldo Repola, Carmine Collina, Marcello Piperno


The Prehistory of the Mondragone area, in the province of Caserta, emerged in its importance thanks to the results of systematic surveys carried out since 1994 by the University of Naples “Federico II” and the Museum Biagio Greco together with the Archeological Superintendence of Naples and Caserta. Since 2001, the Museum has accomplished regular excavation campaigns of the very important Upper and Middle Palaeolithic deposit in the large cave opening in the site of Roccia di San Sebastiano, which represents the only evidence of Palaeolithic frequentation systematically and stratigraphically studied in the territory included between the Northern Campania coast and the Southern Latium coast. On the basis of such evidences, the authors illustrate a project aimed to produce a detailed territorial study to understand the dynamics of the frequentation and settlement of the area during Palaeolithic (Musterian, Uluzzian, Aurignazian and Gravettian) and the cultural behaviours of last Neanderthals and first Homo sapiens groups. The latest excavation campaigns allowed to unearth Uluzzian layers in two sectors of the cave and to investigate the Mousterian levels, from which a deciduous molar of a Neanderthal child comes. Moreover they permitted to consolidate the study of symbolic activities in the cave. Digital and tridimensional documentation techniques have been adopted for the description of the excavation surfaces and to understand the symbolic activities consisting in both parietal and mobiliary art evidences. The storage and elaboration of data is realized in a 3D application in order to elaborate detailed intra-site analysis in a predictive pattern of activities. This model allows the management of digital data in a single spatial system of representation, in which the digital copies of places, excavations areas and objects coincide with the relational matrices between the archaeological data and the possible events recorded in the physical layers.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2020, 31.1, 167-187; doi: 10.19282/ac.31.1.2020.08

2018 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

L’eco delle pietre: history, modeling, and GPR as tools in reconstructing the choir screen at Sta. Chiara in Naples

Caroline Bruzelius, Andrea Giordano, Lucas Giles, Leopoldo Repola, Emanuela De Feo, Andrea Basso, Elisa Castagna


This essay describes the use of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) to establish the location and dimensions of the destroyed choir screen at the church of Sta. Chiara in Naples. On the basis of this new evidence, inserted within a laser scan of the church that provides its exact dimensions, the authors have been able to reconstruct a hypothetical model of the screen’s original appearance. The model, if correct, suggests that the choir screen not only contained altars to Saints Francis and Claire (now present in the flanking side chapels), but also that it supported an upper gallery that connected the wide tribunes on either side of the nave. It is hoped that this hypothetical model will stimulate new research on the décor, liturgy, and ceremonial functions of this important Neapolitan church.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2018, Supplemento 10, 81-103; doi: 10.19282/ACS.10.2018.06

2018 Open Access Article Download PDF BibTeX

De CLAUSTRA a PAISAJES ESPIRITUALES: proyectos de Digital Humanities sobre el espacio monástico medieval (siglos XI-XV)

Blanca Garí, Gemma T. Colesanti, Maria Soler-Sala, Leopoldo Repola


This paper aims to present two projects carried out within the Digital Humanities field and related to the study of medieval feminine spirituality: the Atlas CLAUSTRA and the SPIRITUAL LANDSCAPES project. Both headed by the University of Barcelona, in collaboration with researchers at a large number of internationally renowned universities and research centres, they aim to study the medieval spiritual landscapes. The first does so through the creation of an Atlas and Catalogue of female spirituality spaces in Mediterranean Europe between the 11th and 16th centuries, and the second, through the study of the territorial impact of the foundation of monasteries on rural and urban landscapes during the Middle Ages. All this is based on the design, implementation and development of two powerful digital platforms that constitute a shared work space, scientific study tool, and instrument for the dissemination of the knowledge gained through the research.

«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2018, Supplemento 10, 155-171; doi: 10.19282/ACS.10.2018.10