Articles by Lorenza-Ilia Manfredi
Integrated multi scale archaeological analysis in Béni Mellal-Khenifra District (Morocco). The case of the fortress of Ighram Aousser
Lorenza-Ilia Manfredi, Pasquale Merola, Chiara Cecalupo, Abdelillah Dekayir, Brahim Ouchaou, Yosef Bokbot, Mabrouk Seghir, Silvia Festuccia, Leopoldo Repola, Marilena Cozzolino, Vincenzo Gentile, Hassan Bounajma
The fortress of Ighram Aousser is located in Morocco, 10 km W of M’rirt and 120 km S of Meknés, on the so-called mines route. The lack of an organic and complete documentation and a concrete need to acquire new data about unexplored areas have required a multi-methodological research including the analysis of historical sources, archaeological surveys, topographic investigations, laser scanner modelling and geophysical prospections. All data were stored in a Geographic Information System, which allowed spatial analyses and the creation of thematic maps. The integrated geoarchaeological approach has led to a new archaeological map providing an updated view of the rich archaeological heritage in that territory. The article also offers a complete account of the valorization processes, the international promotion of the site and its long-lasting mining tradition.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2020, 31.1, 97-120; doi: 10.19282/ac.31.1.2020.05
Le monete fenicie e puniche in Internet: appunti per un sistema integrato di informatizzazione
The ever increasing presence of websites dedicated to antique numismatics and in particular to auctions of coins has raised the question of how this kind of material should be handled and the need to create highly specialised websites on a scientific level capable of monitoring, examining and organising the bulk of material circulating on the Internet. As far as Phoenician and Punic coinage is concerned, ISCIMA is in the process of setting up on-line a complete and thorough computerised database which is also part of its advanced studies program related to the early Italic civilisation of the Mediterranean basin. This streamlined database will group together all the websites dealing with Phoenician and Punic coins and provide a scientific bibliography of all the material concerning this subject.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2005, 16, 41-57; doi: 10.19282/ac.16.2005.02
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