Articles by Frédéric Pouget
Le webmapping: outil de travail des archéologues. Exemple du projet Marais de Brouage
Under the PCR (Collective Research Project) entitled “The Charentais marshes from the Middle Ages to the modern era: population, environment and economy” a webmapping platform was implemented. The goal is to reconstruct the context and the lifestyle of the inhabitants of these coastal areas over a period from the Early Middle Ages to modern times. This requires multidisciplinary research work, which involves a process of gathering information from multiple sources in that territory. The webmapping site allows the integration of geographic data, nature, provenance and various dates, and makes them accessible in a simple manner to all members of the project. Researchers can then easily cross-check all this information, which supports different thoughts, assumptions and conduct analyses. The tool also allows users to acquire new information, for example from new discoveries or simply from maps, documentation or existing databases. The webmapping site quickly took a central place in the project. The various examples presented in this article illustrate the interest of such a solution which suggests a rapid development of the use of this kind of platform in the field of archeology.
François Djindjian, Hélène Noizet, Laurent Costa, Frédéric Pouget
ALPAGE: towards the setting-up of a collaborative work tool
Hélène Noizet, Alain Dallo, Georges-Xavier Blary, Laurent Costa, Frédéric Pouget
Alpage program, based on a collaboration between historians, geographers and computer researchers, aims to build a historical GIS of Paris. First, we reconstructed the pre-Haussmannian plan of Paris by georeferencing and vectorizing the survey of the cadastre made by P. Vasserot (1810-1836). Then, on these fundamental layers, historical information layers, like medieval and modern ones, will be built by different researchers according to their specific interests (churches, town walls, fiefs, parishes, etc.). Since this tool is technologically complex and since it is intended to be a reference work for further historical studies about Paris, we must immediately take into consideration the organization of further collaborative work. Accessing the GIS data, both to share them with different types of users and to edit new data in it, is an essential question, although it is often considered a trivial one. The issue of the use of a tool by the researchers seems nevertheless to be decisive and intrinsically linked to the success of a GIS. Meeting the needs and expectations of the users, webmapping might be a good solution for editing the geometric and attribute data in a GIS. But today, setting up this kind of platform for collaborative work is still difficult and time consuming. That is why, for Alpage, a temporary solution was found, revealing what organization theorists call a “community of practice”: it combines a centralized management of the references and object identifiers via the web and an independent edition of the objects by thematicians on their own computers. For this reason the DBMS ALPAGE-References has been adapted and posted on the website of the LAMOP.
«Archeologia e Calcolatori» 2008, 19, 87-102; doi: 10.19282/ac.19.2008.08
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